The Dreams Of A Valdemar

Such a long wait...
I sit idly by watching as the men scurry from position to position just wishing they had a chance to kill, one.
Just a single one.
They know not the troubles of the kill nor will they understand that within the last moments of man he sees everything.
And everything is what they become,
Too take a life as such as I one must come to find that death is merely a milestone and I am the guide that which transports you to your destination,
But I must apologies to you, my enemy.
For in my haste I cared not to find if you had daughter or wife or lover at all
In my assault I thought not too think if your ashes would be breathed by your friends
In my path of destruction I thought not of the home that was created, now turned to ashes from the embers of my axes and of my own men's' blades.
I thought not.
I only did and do as I have always done, I slay the enemy of commanders who would see me executed for sitting silently and keeping to myself, to be shot when showing no fear.
I am trapped upon this island when all I wish to do is return to one.
Is this what the Gods had set in place for me
Is this what I have allowed my world to become
There is no order,
nor is there any chaos,
It is an organized ruffle of feathers upon the Ravens skin and I am left to kill the parasites upon it and clean and primp it till it is presentable
Will we ever win?
And if we win will we be in a better place than we were before?

Eirik would awake now from his slumber upon the floor of an outdoor tent in Dressau, he would yawn and do his daily meditation before exiting the momentary escape from the cold and look out over the mountain side.

Maybe there is something worth fighting for out there...but should I fight so valiantly to find it, or create it here?