Mother Lisa lay in bed next to her newborn twins, tired from the long night before, rain beating down on her windows heavily. She had just decided their names, Cora and Gabriel, when she heard the battles and uproar nearby, in the streets of the Azure Keep, grabbing up her children and wrapping them, and herself up, they waddled closer to where the sound had been coming from outside in the terrible rain. There they stood...those Inquisition fellows, outside the Azure Keep, fighting with all the aberrations that had been locked up and had freed themselves, and grabbing up any Azure people they could as well.

Lisa, quickly trying to remain hidden, only lay around the corner, allowing them to fight it out, then sprinting back home through the terrible storm passing over them. She knew what was going to happen now, the Azure were dying and those Crimsons were returning. If they caught her and her fellow followers they were doomed. Hastily she unlocked the door to her home, and ran in, locking it behind her before any Crimsons could spot her running around in the dark. She began backing up away from the door before she slipped and tumbled to the floor, slipping over the water left behind from the drench outside that had dripped down onto it, passing into unconsciousness after hitting her head against it, but her newborns remaining safe by landing on her body. She lay there, tossing and turning as her dreams begun to flood into her mind...slowly becoming more and more vivid as she lay there.

She awoke by the fire in the woodlands which turned her into Mother Lisa originally, seeing her fellow Dragon Worshippers dead by her feet, and the father of her children, a fellow worshipper, laying dead too, yet there was no blood coating their corpses. They had all shot with arrows looking like pure light, glowing with a mystical energy, and after examining them closely, they had smiles on their faces, as if finally being released. Quickly examining herself she also noted she was in her Mother Lisa attire, with her mask and all. Quickly drawing her sword she moved forth to the cliff face were a man sat upon a rock. He wore green robes and in his hands was a bow of pure light, arrows of a similar persuasion in the quiver on his back as well. The same man whom had killed her fellow brethren. She growled approaching him and pointing her sword his way. "Who are you?" she barked angrily, ready to cut him down before he turned to her, smiling and repeating the same words "Who are you?". That familiar, so vivid, so real, but it couldn't be real...right? She approached him closer, lowering his hood and seeing a face she knew all too well, toppling backwards to the grassy floor and dropping her trusty sword with her, tears welling up behind that copper mask of hers, and pushing out from the holes in the mask.

It was her Step-Father Ellion...long dead now. She remembered burying him that day he died in her chamber where she first awoke from her slumber as a Circci. His smile remained broad and loving as he looked at her, beginning to pat the room on the rock which he sat upon, and Lisa obeyed, slowly crawling to her feet, and sitting. He gestured out to the shimmering waves, and the bright moon overhead "Look at that. Open seas, unclouded by the storm which rages in your mind, my daughter. My little Lisa...though you have used that name for a different purpose now. Or is it Rikkira that has done that?". As soon as he had mentioned that name there it flew, the giant beast Rikkira, singing its song loudly over them. Lisa frowned, confused and frightened by the sight of her mistress looming over them, Lisa lifting her arm as well in some defensive attempt, but as Rikkira blasted them with her fires, light surrounded them. Moonlight brought from Ellion's own heart which protected them. Ellion chuckled heartily as Rikkira was crashed into by the Emperor's Dragon Aspect and they battled in the skies, going higher and higher into the clouds, only shadows and bursts of flame exiting them. "Look at them both. One seeks to save you, release your soul, and the other binds it, changes you from the beautiful, and smart soul you once were, into the cruel Mother Lisa" Ellion, running his hand down her metal mask. As he did so her clothing melted away and she became a child Circci again. She was the same as when she first left her pod and he looked as he did then too, even that warm smile was the same. She was bewildered, looking at her hands, tears still rolling down her face, but a smile creeping onto her face as she sniffed away her drooling nose.

His smile broadened further at the sight of this "I remember when you were like this, my little one. So brave, even as you were alone in the shadows of that cavern". Suddenly another hand was placed upon her other shoulder, and as she turned another Maraya was sitting on the other end, the same apparel and equipment as Ellion. He looked just like her, and he smiled as kindly as Ellion did...he even looked like how she did now. It was her birth father...the one she barely remembered "And you were never alone, even before that my daughter. I remember you, and could envision you as you should be, and were before then. I know you don't remember me, the Pod did that, but know I love you with all my heart." with her form then, again, shifting into her current self, still as confused and teary eyed as before. "We both know how you should be, and want whats best for you, and for your life. So let her chains break...let us save you from that monster Rikkira. Let yourself be free, and leave this dream as Lyal'amna, as Lisa...not as Mother Lisa." they said in unison, both standing quickly and moving behind the rock, drawing the starlight arrows from their quiver and notching them into their starlight bows. "I...I would but then the dream would end. I-I don't want to lose you both...I don't want the dream to end. I-I wouldn't be able to cope." she sobbed, grasping her face, tears running through the cracks in her fingers. They crouched, placing her hands on her shoulders again "You never lost us Lyal'amna...we were always with you but its time for you to awaken, and Mother Lisa to die. Even if that means you can't see us for a while longer." they said, smiling to her, both hugging her. She reciprocated that hug, tears still rolling down her face and sinking into their robes as they brought her close "I will miss you both, so much" she muttered, to which they replied "You'll see us again, just you wait and see." winking to her, breaking from the hug, and aiming into the clouds, loosing their arrows into Rikkira, with her roaring as they sunk into her chest, a light beating through the clouds and engulfing everything in blinding light.

Lyal awoke in the Clinic, blinking quickly. "You had a nasty fall Ms Mo'liria, your children are safe, and luckily so are you." the nurse said as she noticed she had awoken. Lyal just sighed, a tear rolling down her face as she muttered "'I'm... fine", which the nurse smiled to, moving off and downstairs, allowing her to dress herself and collect her children, holding them both close to her. Lyal moved to the window, looking to the moon in the empty sky, stars surrounding it, and for a moment...she swore she saw both of her fathers, there, in its face, smiling down at her. And she couldn't help but smile like they did.
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