Moved Thread <3


Nov 21, 2016
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ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴡʟᴇsᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡɪɴs ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛ..
ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴠᴇ's sᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴀʀʏ
"Nature meant me A wife, a silly, harmless, household dove, Fond without art, and kind without deceit; But Fortune, that has made a mistress of me, Has thrust me out to the wide world, unfurnished Of falsehood to be happy."
-John Dryden


An escape, a sanctuary, a place to break away from your everyday life. Come relax in our lounge and have a cup of tea in our candlelit and sweet aroma filled de-stress area. If this doesn't suit your taste may you come and relax in our warm baths with flowers and soaps added to the water to make it relaxing and to put your mind at ease. We also offer hair and nail care appointments as to make you look your best for any occasion. If you haven't the time to come enjoy our home of relaxation or simply would like something to remember your visit by, why not visit our front counter to purchase sweet smelling soaps and perfumes for yourself or the misses.



The Lounge

Welcome to the Lounge, have a seat and relax. Ask a humble employee for a cup of tea or our treat of the day, these treats are bought outside of the shop and usually consists of some sort of cake or pastry dish that tends to run out very quickly. Everyday there's a different treat being served alongside tea for a small amount of regals, it never hurts to ask a employee what tasty dish is being served that day. The lounge is open to anyone to come sit and relax with friends and family, we ask that our guests keep their volume to a general speaking tone as to not disturb any guest
trying to relax.



The Baths and Spa

Enter the bath and spa area, our waters are treated with herbs and other ingredients to suit the customers taste and wishes. These baths are kept warm and peaceful for the customer's enjoyment, we'll even add flowers and other things into the water on request. Our most popular bath is a mixture of milk, honey, and other herbs into the water to give your skin a natural and beautiful glow which makes the skin feel soft and delicate. Besides our relaxing baths are spa workers who can provide numerous beauty services, such as hair, nail care, messages for the stressed and tense, and even makeup for those preparing for a special occasion.



The Beauty and Care Shop.

The very front of the shop where each customer is greeted wholesomely before their stay also doubles as a shop to buy not the usual services but beauty and self-care supplies for those who want to take a piece of The Dove home with them. This shop side of the Sanctuary has a wide variety of selections to choose from, from soaps to perfumes, to makeup and tea bags.



The Salon and Makeover Counter

In a side room besides our lovely bathes doesn't only hold a section for massages and the likes, but also a small area where employees will help customers prepare for a future outing or simply just to change their look up a bit. We provide hair styling and cuts as well as makeovers, applying only the best makeup materials over the customers face to have their looks sharp.



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Current Staff
Phaden Howlester (Owner)
Caoihme Howlester @Dreamaxia (Owner)
Mordric Naesax @GhostAlexis111 (Shop Clerk)
Julienne Peirgarten @KingBrooke (Shop Clerk/Spa Specialist)
Kizkitza Larey @Rubar_ (Spa Specialist, Perfumer/Makeup Blender.)
Niav @Wolfiecat940 (Perfumer/Makeup Blender / Spa Specialist )
Esther Eroth @Ynzy (Clerk)
Ollie Buaot @GrimDeValhalla (Spa Specialist)
Elliot Cooke @MincBxrnes (Spa Specialist)
Matias Peron @DominicMorgen (Craftsman)
Ata'Merr @Maranbella (Spa Specialist)

Dianna Ulia Vain @ladyofart (Performer)
Rokmaan Storntr @LegendWolfie120 (Spa Specialist)
Hendrik Karstan @Vivamente (Stylist)

Howlester Servants
Personal servants to the Howlester family that the Twins have dragged into constantly servicing them at the Dove.

Xia Myung @Ghostting (Phaden's Personal Tailor)
Joseph Soryn-Grimm @12wolfen15_ (House guard)


Shop Clerk (No Points Needed)

Spa Specialist (Bodycare points)

Perfumer / Makeup Blender (Alchemy points?)

Craftsman (Clockwork engineering)

Performer (Any sort of Music, dance, or stage performance points.)

Stylist and Makeup applier (Bodycare Points)

Application Thread

Character App:
Activity 0/10:
IC Letter:
Tag: Either myself or Dreamaxia
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IGN: TheGeekyNerd1
Character App:
Activity 9/10: Depends on what is going on in real life
Position: Spa Specialist
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: None
Tag: @Milkqy
IC Letter:

Dear Phaden Howlester,
It has come to my attention that you're looking for a spa specialist. I may not know a whole lot about running a spa, but I do know a lot about body care. I am able to help keep people fit and/or relaxed, but I don't want it as a full time job. I work with your family as a House Guard and I might join the Vigilant Shield soon.

Spirit Bless
Signed, Benjamin Syldove
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Seeing how you work well with Guarding I would hope that a simple Spa job won't be too much for you to handle, Syldove.
I have decided to accept your request to work within my shop once it is to open. May this letter find you in good health, Spirit Bless.

Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester


IGN: brookethegorl (might change it back to brooketheloser)
Character App:
Position: Shop Clerk, Spa specialist
Activity 0/10: Summer is a 8/10, though when school comes around it'll be about 6/10 or 7/10.
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nadda.
IC Letter:

To whichever staff member may find themselves reading this,
My name is Julienne Peirgarten. I specialize in the medical field, and even simple counter work. I've not much to say, but if you accept me, I will do my best. I promise I am not a woman of little words.
Spirit Guide,


@Milkqy z-zaddy

Dear, Miss Peirgarten

If you so wish to roll your sleeves up and take the time to devote yourself in such a business I will gladly accept you into our shop once it opens in the soon future.

Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

Good day to you too, as much as I am annoyed by you assuming I was female I have decided to take you under for a short trial period once the shop opens. This trial period will be used to prove your worth ethic and trust, if you can manage that you shall be taken in full time.

Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

You've been put on a trial period to see how active you can be! DM me your discord info if you have it.
IGN: Wolfiecat940
Character App: None for now
Position: Perfumer/Makeup Blender and/or Spa Specialist
Activity 0/10: 8
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nope
IC Letter:
Dear Howlesters,
I wish to join your establishment.


Tag: @Dreamaxia @Milkqy
IGN: Septanone
Character App:
Position: Anything yo.
Activity 0/10: 7
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nope.
IC Letter:
I wish to become a member of your fine establishment. I ensure that there will be continued progress and increased quality of service from me in my attempts to better a certain individual.

Daniyah Fadil.

@Septanone @Wolfiecat940

Miss or Sir, Niav
Seeing how you didn't put any effort in your letter I shall put zero effort into my own, consider yourself accepted on thin ice once The Sanctuary opens.
Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

Miss Fadil
I have put a lot of thinking into accepting you, may your words in this letter be kiss assery or the solid truth I will see for myself. Consider your self accepted once we open.
Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester​

IGN: Goldifish
Character App: Here.
Position: Spaaaaaa things.
Activity 0/10: too much
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: No
IC Letter:

Dove's Sanctuary,
I wish for a job. I have the skills required in the field of massage, and the tutelage of a master known around the tribe for healing many with his massages. While I may not be a master, I have certainly descended from them. Please consider me.
Hie'jja de Catlonia
Tag: @Milkqy @Dreamaxia
Dearest Hie'jja de Catlonia,
We gleefully accept you into our organization with open arms. I look forward to seeing these skills in action and meeting you. We await our opening in the coming days, I hope to see you there.
Caoimhe Elair Howlester.

Benjamin Syldove has been removed from future staff.
IGN: Ynzy
Character App: Currently do not have one for the character in question.
Position: Clerk
Activity 0/10: 7
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: None
IC Letter:
Dear Howlester Twins,
First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to look over my letter. After some careful thought I thought it would be a good idea to write you with interest in becoming a clerk for your up and coming relaxation lounge/spa. While I do not have the strongest skills when it comes to the other positions you are asking for, I have strong skills as a secretary. I am also very confident in my ability to learn quickly, should I be given the chance I am more than willing and capable of completing any task put in front of me. I do hope to hear back from you shortly with either good or poor news.

Warm regards,
Esther Eroth
Tag: @Milkqy @Dreamaxia
Dearest , Miss Eroth.

Your letter has stuck great interest with me, I welcome you with open arms with this application without any worries. Don't let me regret this decision of course, It'd be such a shame to disappoint after making yourself seem so perfect fitting for the job. I hope to see you at our opening tomorrow evening.

Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

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IGN: GrimDeValhalla
Character App: Not yet
Position: Spa specialist
Activity: Strong 6
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nope
IC Letter:

Dear Howlester

I write to you today as I wish to join the business, as I have a interest working as a spy specialist, I do have skill in the field and I feel I would be of good use to you.

Yours sincerly

Ollie Buaot
Mr Buaot

I assume you mean /spa/specialist, don't screw up during tomorrows opening event like you did with this letter and you've got the job.

Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

IGN: MincBxrnes.
Character App: Still a WIP.
Position: Spa specialist.
Activity 0/10: 6/10, though I'm trying to be more active.
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nooope.
IC Letter: Doves Sanctuary,
I am writing this letter to apply for the role of spa specialist. I have always taken an interest in bodycare, specifically hair and nail care. If you would consider me, I would be honoured to join this staff and meet you all in person. Have a nice day,
-- Elliot Cooke.

Tag: @Milkqy @Dreamaxia
Elliot Cooke,
As long as you can prove your worth outside of simple wording then I welcome you to our shop. Be sure to drop by tomorrow during our opening event, you are to be at your best behavior and work at your full potential. Take this event as a trial to show your worth to our shop.
Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

Application Thread

Character App:


Activity 0/10:


IC Letter​
Dove sanctuary,
I am currently looking to apply for the position of a clerk, I believe that I could use my abilities to benefit the sanctuary. I am always open to critique to better my preference while working here If you consider me I'd be happy to join your staff, and get to know all of you better.

Sincerely, Ata'Merr

Dearest Ata'Merr,
Greetings again. It is my pleasure to accept you into our establishment for the position of a clerk. This entails tending to the counter, selling our products, of course, assisting those who need the help and being the face of our company. I do hope you don't make us regret this decision.
Caoimhe Elair Howlester.

The Dove's Sanctuary is proud to announce our new found partnership with Gilded Rose Cosmetics. We can't wait to work with them in the near future~.
-Phaden Deuciel Howlester
IGN: Nidakk
Character App: No, but I have +40 Points in Body Care when I do write it
Position: Spa Specialist
Activity 0/10: 6-7
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nope
IC Letter:​

Please write an IC letter so I can decide to accept or decline you ICLy!
A certain Anglian's brows furrowed,
"A copy of two business' placed into one. Congratulations."

Introducing The Salon! And a few more things!

The Dove's Sanctuary is happy to announce our newest addition to our main street shop, that being makeup and hair services, not only do we sell products for you yourself to take home but we now apply them for you for a small cost. Have an upcoming date? Stop by The Dove to look your best!

OOC Additions
+Added The Stylist Position
+Added a Salon Section
+Added the Craftsmen Position
IGN: Vivamente
Character App: Hendrik Karstan.
Position: Stylist & Makeup Applier.
Activity: 7/10

The letter retained a rather decorative trim, hosting a display of purple and gold around the edges.

""To the dear Caoimhe Howlester, I noticed that Cooke doesn't get much work done and thought you could use a helping hand. I've got plenty of training with a cut-throat that I might trim beards, I can cut hair and even with your expert guidance I may be able to apply makeup to some of your customers.

With love,
With kind regards,



Tag: @Dreamaxia
Dearest Hendrik Karstan,
You should know by know the answer, you needn't write for confirmation. You, of course, are welcomed aboard our staff. I look forward to seeing your skills upon customers. I suppose I shall see you soon enough.
Caoimhe Elair Howlester

IGN: Lucinda Salaekyn
Character App: She has character app, but ever since character points were introduced I haven't finished it yet. I will post it once its finished.
Position: Shop Clerk
Activity 8/10:
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nope
IC Letter:

Dear Phaden Howlester,
I believe we have already spoken of this, but I would like to formally apply for the role of Store Clerk, like I had mentioned I have /some/ experience in the hair care area but I would prefer to practice before assisting a patient.
Sincerely, Lucinda.

Tag: @Milkqy
Dearest Lucinda Salaekyn,
Seeing as my brother has already spoken to you, I trust he believes you to be a good employee. Welcome to the team, I shall see you in the shop bright and early.
Caoimhe Elair Howlester.

IGN: StrawberryMayo
Character App: Going to start one once I get to know my character himself, you know?
Position: Spa Specialist
Activity 0/10: 9/10 before school (two-one hrs) after school alot of hours and weekends are all day from 9am-12am.
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nope
IC Letter: To whomever this may concern,
I, Rokmaan Storntr, would enjoy becoming apart of the Spa, I enjoy making people's lives better whether it's making them more agile and confident within themselves and or confident in others eyes. I have a pair of steady and soft hands matched with a smart mind waiting to invite customers for a time of relaxation. I also know how to have small talk and comfortable silence. If you're willing to consider me a place in the Spa business reply,
Rokmaan Storntr (Skilled with hands)

Tag: @Dreamaxia
Dearest Rokmaan Storntr,
Greetings sir! We're more than happy to welcome you with open arms into our establishment. I quite respect someone with confidence in their abilities, I may only help it is well deserved. Hopefully, you shall make us proud. I hope to see you in our shop on time, not a second late.
Caoimhe Elair Howlester.
--In other news, let it be known that Lucidina Salaekyn has been removed from staff. As proud Unionists of the Holy city, we simply could not allow this behavior in our establishment. We follow the city- and the Synods- laws, as such, we do not tolerate lawbreaking and poor conduct such as; public indecency, attempts at fornication and overly public affection with customers and other employees, drinking on the job, giving away our products without pay to strangers (not counting free samples) and various other misdeeds. Frankly, we will keep closer of an eye on who we hire before and after they have been employed. This will not be happening again.--
This has been a public notice written by the Howlester twins for those who wish to apply in the future.
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Application Thread
IGN: Snugglykittens
Character App: [Dink]
Position: Performer
Activity 0/10: ATM 10/10
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nay
IC Letter:
"To the dear Phaden Howlester,
I do believe I have told you that one of my pastimes is playing the violin however, I lack a location and reason to play.

Perhaps, since I spend already so much time within your shop, you would welcome me for another reason? I would be honored if you found use for my musical playing abilities within your business.

Spirit guide you,
Eleanore Abigail d'Vaud

Tag: @Milkqy
Application Thread
: Snugglykittens
Character App: [Dink]
Position: Performer
Activity 0/10: ATM 10/10
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: Nay
IC Letter:
"To the dear Phaden Howlester,
I do believe I have told you that one of my pastimes is playing the violin however, I lack a location and reason to play.

Perhaps, since I spend already so much time within your shop, you would welcome me for another reason? I would be honored if you found use for my musical playing abilities within your business.

Spirit guide you,
Eleanore Abigail d'Vaud

Tag: @Milkqy

Dearest, Eleanore​
It joys me greatly to have you apply for our business, with open arms I welcome you into our safe haven.​
Sincerely, Phaden Deuciel Howlester

A public notice has been posted!
Hendrik Karstan has been removed from the Dove's Staff list for harassment of nobility, those who wish to apply should keep in mind that The Dove does not tolerate such acts!

IGN: elfbash
Character App: Just joined recently, so I'll make one in a little bit.
Position: Shop Clerk
Activity 0/10: 7/10
Mutes/Bans/Jails?: None
Hark, and good tidings. I had received your company earlier when inquiring about open positions within the Dove's Sanctuary. Although I am no expert in beauty, I am a diligent worker more than willing to earn his fair share of pay. I know that you would also find my skills as a cook useful to the Sanctuary. I hope that I can be given the opportunity to fulfill and supersede your expectations.

Tag: @Dreamaxia