The Dotreian Doctrine- Extending Worlds' Lives.


JMD's Bitch
Mar 8, 2013
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As many of you may know, Caerdia, an old and griefed world, is being deleted. The world is full of half built objects, floating bases, 1 block towers, lazy bridges, destroyed buildings, and defocation on the terrain. With the deletion of the world, it would take away the monstrosity of Caerdia, but will also take away many people's old homes, and their memories and history, to be forever lost.

To prevent the deletion of any worlds, or to at least delay it, I decided that Dotre will lead this movement, starting with Ithania. This movement will encourage other factions to follow in our path and make each and every world a better place. There are 3 problems that may make the world come into deletion:
1. Over crowded worlds, no new people could find sufficient land to build on.
2. Ugly griefed buildings/floating things/large cobblestone squares and houses.
3. Damage done to the terrain such as 1 block towers, and 1 block bridges across water.

To counter these problems, 5 actions could be taken in place:
Any of these actions will be done in inactive areas, so we wouldn't be messing with others' creations in a griefing manner, the purpose is to make each an every world look better.
1. Destroy ugly additions to terrain.
1 block towers and random crosses often litter the terrain. Our job would be to clean those up and repair the damage done.
2. Destroy ugly/simple/small buildings.
We would get rid of INACTIVE buildings that seem to be... just plain ugly.
Examples would be cobblestone square houses, dirt houses, or plain wooden houses.
3. Repair memorable buildings that are griefed.
Some buildings may be nice and fancy, but also might be a victim of grief, so we would simply repair it so it still looks nice.
4. Relocation of new factions.
We would encourage new factions to settle in inactive bases, so there won't always be new, small cities sprouting up in random places. This would also protect those previously built bases that are nice. Of course, this encouragement would be completely peaceful, nothing will be done by force.
5. Repairing of damages to terrain.
There are always trees being cut down and other materials being collected in a mass amount. We could replant trees and terraform areas where it is extremely uneven. If there are large amounts of uneven water in rivers/ocean, that could be fixed too.

Of course, the world looking nicer won't be the only reward, the people would be more familiar with the world they live in. People could make more friends with those around them and other around their world and the next. So, please support our movement by maybe cleaning up around your place, or joining our cause.
Sounds good, I like the idea. One problem: 80%-ish of factions in overcrowded places are active and just far away from each other as not to get removed, so there's no way to get rid of things like that. Maybe if a faction is inactive without putting a notice in plain sight, they could be given 200S and their faction disbanded?
Sounds good, I like the idea. One problem: 80%-ish of factions in overcrowded places are active and just far away from each other as not to get removed, so there's no way to get rid of things like that. Maybe if a faction is inactive without putting a notice in plain sight, they could be given 200S and their faction disbanded?
If a faction is completely inactive, it will automatically be disbanded, and the chests inside will be unlocked, which should mean we should be able to remove it, even if the circumstances are not often