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The Dishonor Of Herr Braunschweiger


unenlightened centrist
Jan 22, 2021
Reaction score
Müt fur alle; Wort gegen die Ungerechtigkeit.

((In Calem: Courage for the face of Unionism; To take pity on the poor, the helpless, the wounded, the impaired, the destitute, and the sickly.))

Magic is a corruption on Aloria. Mages who misuse their power to damage the Empire need to be brought in check. All Vampires and Cahal must be rounded up and cured. Demons must be scorned and mistrusted. Traitors to the Empire must be charged, evaluated by authorities and executed if necessary.

But children who tell white lies need not be executed for their deception. So, too, it stands to reason merely practicing magic or being born a Silven does not warrant one's death, brutalization or harassment.

It would seem most Occult individuals in the city have a story about being victimized by, or knows the story of someone who has been victimized by, Erwin Braunschweiger.

The Hero-Primae Yvrize Clair-vous-blanc taught knights the concept of chivalry: That those with the money and skill to purchase and use a horse and weaponry, should use those means in defense of those without. So too should the wielder of the Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker, Sangria, use what powers are conferred by the sword to benefit the people of the Empire, rather than terrorize them:
  • Erwin Braunschweiger attacked Evintarian Unionists on the basis of their faith throughout the Bralla-Bronn invasion. Unionists should stand united, and should not devolve into sectarian violence, especially when there are atheists who want to kill our Divine Beings upon our doorstep.
  • For weeks, Erwin Braunschweiger harassed employees of the 'Arcane Affinity' in an effort to get them to close down the shop. He kidnapped a Silven employee, dragged them from the shop in Arena Court to Crookback, and held Sangria to their throat and told them he would 'put them down' if they did not close down the store. Setting aside the crime of kidnapping, intimidation with death to shut down a store is far from appropriate, honorable recourse to commerce one disagrees with.
  • Erwin Braunschweiger told the aforementioned Silven he wishes to purge the city of all Occult.
  • After Magister Anathema of the Hexenblood Circle failed to capture a Cahal for Mister Braunschweiger to cure, he turned on his previous ally and cleaved them in half. This would have killed any were they not infested with magic capable of regenerating their flesh. One should demonstrate greater loyalty and transparency to their allies, and should not seize upon their failure as an excuse to turn on them. Also, it is not to the prerogative of the off-duty rank-and-file Tenpenny Soldier to execute commoners in the streets, in Crookback or elsewhere.
  • Erwin Braunschweiger used Sangria to carve Regalian State Law into the flesh of a traitor. All prisoners should be treated with a baseline of dignity and respect—even traitors. And what punishment they are given should be carried out by the State Metropolitan. Erwin Braunschweiger is not judge, a panel of peers and executioner in one.
  • One person believes they saw Mister Braunschweiger holding Sangria out for Haqet to examine. Letting Haqet analyze Sangria jeopardizes the blade's integrity. Consorting with the enemy who is responsible for the deaths of 7,000-12,000 Tenpenny Soldiers is a stark betrayal of principle and value.
  • Erwin Braunschweiger has assaulted commoners who refused to give him the names of infected vampires because they fear he will kill, and not cure, them. Using violence, or the threat of violence, to extract information from innocent bystanders is dishonorable abuse of the innocent.
  • Erwin Braunschweiger is also believed to have committed other extrajudicial killings in the streets in the past several months, although these claims, far in retrospect, cannot be corroborated.
  • Countless other leads and claims that could not be followed up on.
This unfettered cruelty betrays the Emperor's loving nature and years of compromise to bring the magic community toward meaningful contribution to the Empire.

We must live out that compassion displayed by our most infallible—we must give a good face to Unionism in the streets and extend the Emperor's love to all, to bring them closer to the Emperor in faithful service.

The Occult, made Occult by choice or by birth, must be shown mercy and the redeeming light of Unionism—not scared away by a prominent Unionist dishonorably wielding a God-Emperor's weapon in the name of a personal campaign of terror.

It is why I challenge Erwin Braunschweiger to confront his dishonorable conduct in a duel, which I dedicate to His Holiness, Alexander I, the Mentor of Compromise, and with nod to God-Empress Ness, Lady of Forgiveness.

I seek the immediate removal of the Blessed Blade of the Glory-Seeker from Mister Braunschweiger's possession so that no further injustice may be done with it, and for Mister Braunschweiger to immediately cease his abusive pattern of behavior.

And to those Unionists who dwell in silent disagreement to Erwin Braunschweiger's conduct, or those who scare from Unionism because of his actions, be discouraged not of his sin nor think for a moment you are alone:

The Emperor, wherever He is, loves you.

Count-Elector Heinrich von Schwarzkrau zu Moritzburg
Viridian Knight
((TLDR: Magic is bad but mages don't deserve to die for it. Sangria should be used honorably. We have to kill Homelander. David sizes up Goliath. The Emperor loves you. He really does. He single-handedly paved the streets in Crookback!))

@BeetrootSalad @OkaDoka
"For the Empire," a Silven vengefully roars as the criers bring the Gloryseeker's sins to light.

"For the Empire, and for his Holiness Allestrain, I will reclaim the Blessed Blade and see it's majesty redeemed!"
Miguel looks upon the notice and pauses, at the first charge fire began to form along his hands. By second charge, it had begun to encase his arms, but by the fifth and six charge his body was a inferno. As the paper burned to ash he drew a blade from the necklace bearing Kithemon's sigil.

"Such brutuish filth, disgraces the Everwatcher, the Emperor, and the Evintarian faith let us follow the tenent of WROTH and recover the blade from this fallen Soldier. For my brother, sisters, and siblings in faith we must recover Allestos' sword from this blasphemous fanatic!"

As he lifted the blade aloft in prayer, "As Kithemon calls all rulers to Compassion, Creativity, and Justice so to shall we enact that Justice in defense of the faith."
The aging laypriest felt the boat rocking back and forth as he ate his meager breakfast, relieved that the Crown Isle was only a couple days away now. He noticed a Klokktech newspaper dispensary nearby, and he got up to see its latest edition. Taking a paper and sitting back down, he found a notice written by Count-Elector von Schwarzkrau and briefly lit up at seeing Erwin's name upon first glance, beginning to read. That excitement quickly turned to confusion, and then befuddled disbelief - surely there had been some mistake. But he read on, reaching the end as dread welled up in his stomach.

Baldewin Braunschweiger would need time to think, but he knew that once he reached the Holy City, his nephew had some explaining to do.
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"What theatre. All of them acting surprised as if this weren't known for months," Laerilas sneered down into his copy of the notice he'd received. He scoffed and continued, "I've been saying he's a monster for... well, I suppose not too terribly long." The Fin'ullen paused in thought, then nodded his head once and bitterly commented to his sister.

"But I was right. Naturally."

Dr. Therese Braunschweiger makes no comment on her brother's actions. Her project was partly born out of a desperate bid to slow the swing of his blade, after all.

She does, however, make the following statement in regards to Howland's claims of Erwin fouling the Emperor's name:

"The state has stood behind Erwin Braunschweiger for the duration of each of your bullet points, and longer.

"His every action has been in the name of the Crown and Everwatcher, and he has been rewarded and praised for what have all been concluded to be accomplishments, whether you agree as a Count or not.

"You may stand against him, you may publish second-hand rumors beginning with 'he said, she said,' but you may not act as if the Holy Empire is on only your side."
Gwenfrewi paused her reading by the window as her loyal familiar (Cot the Cat), brought her a copy of the notice. Perhaps the animal had noticed the two's old friend's name: Erwin.

She lifted the paper, already disinterested before she noted the content that it held... and despite herself, a laugh escaped her, audible to anyone that might be passing the residence.

"...He is only publishing this because Mister Braunschweiger's use ran out for him. Unfortunate. We'll see how fetching Sangria goes after months of failure from the local fanatics."

The notice was discarded with a flick of her wrist, drifting behind her and incinerating before it ever touched the floor.
Erwin Braunschweiger attacked Evintarian Unionists on the basis of their faith throughout the Bralla-Bronn invasion. Unionists should stand united, and should not devolve into sectarian violence, especially when there are atheists who want to kill our Divine Beings upon our doorstep.
  • This was in self-defense.
For weeks, Erwin Braunschweiger harassed employees of the 'Arcane Affinity' in an effort to get them to close down the shop. He kidnapped a Silven employee, dragged them from the shop in Arena Court to Crookback, and held Sangria to their throat and told them he would 'put them down' if they did not close down the store. Setting aside the crime of kidnapping, intimidation with death to shut down a store is far from appropriate, honorable recourse to commerce one disagrees with.
  • This is falsely told. Furthermore, the person is no longer an employee, assaulted other employees, threatened the owner and is possessed by a demon.
Erwin Braunschweiger told the aforementioned Silven he wishes to purge the city of all Occult.
  • This was clarified to you in a way that you should agree with; if you do not wish to see Vampires cured, then that is a seperate issue.
After Magister Anathema of the Hexenblood Circle failed to capture a Cahal for Mister Braunschweiger to cure, he turned on his previous ally and cleaved them in half. This would have killed any were they not infested with magic capable of regenerating their flesh. One should demonstrate greater loyalty and transparency to their allies, and should not seize upon their failure as an excuse to turn on them. Also, it is not to the prerogative of the off-duty rank-and-file Tenpenny Soldier to execute commoners in the streets, in Crookback or elsewhere.
  • This was offered to me by the Mage in question. I do not strike people in the back.
Erwin Braunschweiger used Sangria to carve Regalian State Law into the flesh of a traitor. All prisoners should be treated with a baseline of dignity and respect—even traitors. And what punishment they are given should be carried out by the State Metropolitan. Erwin Braunschweiger is not judge, a panel of peers and executioner in one.
  • This was intiated due to self-defense.
One person believes they saw Mister Braunschweiger holding Sangria out for Haqet to examine. Letting Haqet analyze Sangria jeopardizes the blade's integrity. Consorting with the enemy who is responsible for the deaths of 7,000-12,000 Tenpenny Soldiers is a stark betrayal of principle and value.
  • This caused them to explode.
Erwin Braunschweiger has assaulted commoners who refused to give him the names of infected vampires because they fear he will kill, and not cure, them. Using violence, or the threat of violence, to extract information from innocent bystanders is dishonorable abuse of the innocent.
  • Who.
Erwin Braunschweiger is also believed to have committed other extrajudicial killings in the streets in the past several months, although these claims, far in retrospect, cannot be corroborated.
  • Who.
Countless other leads and claims that could not be followed up on.
  • Which.
When you challenged me to this duel, I accepted; however, you only brought up three of these said points. I would clarified the rest of them to you if you had asked. We will be seeing each other.

Everwatcher Bless You.

((We have to kill Homelander.))
"Fucking moron," an Undead curses, after reading Erwin's contribution. "No one carves the words of Regalian law into someone out of 'self defense'. Control yourself and do not act like a deranged fucking animal only capable of Dogmatic puritanism. There is more to life, and forgiveness is a virtue."
The Countess Blàrach studied both these papers respectively. Mutterings of her native tongue slipping past on certain points. Finishing up such, she looked over to her Wolf Familiar - Merrida.

"What a fucking dipshit."

The wolf simply nodded in reply.
Wulf looked at Erwin's response in disbelief, before writing his own
"Mister Braunschweiger. You came to pub I was tending. You had many options that day. You could have not entered. You could have simply bought drink like normal person. But you instead came in with Sangria threatening me with vigilantism. I thus took my weapons and reatreated on staircase, where my shorter weapons would have advantage. Nothing forced you to go upstairs. And once I was deafeated after being thrown out of window and losing conciousness due to bloodloss, there was no way I could threaten you, yet you engraved those laws