The Difference Between Leadership And Dictatorship.

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Older than Mario...
Mar 29, 2015
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Someone told me something a long time ago that has stuck with me all my life: "Anyone can be a dictator if you give them enough power. Not everyone can be a leader." You guys really have a dictatorial culture among staff. Maybe it's the result of the struggle inherent in managing a server populated by teenagers. Maybe it's a lack of real leadership qualities in the staff. Most likely it's a combination of both.

Google defines tyranny as follows, and you should actually read the definition:

  1. exercising power in a cruel or ARBITRARY way. (emphasis mine)
    "her father was portrayed as tyrannical and unloving"
    synonyms: dictatorial, despotic, autocratic, oppressive, repressive, totalitarian,undemocratic, illiberal; More
    • characteristic of tyranny; oppressive and controlling.
      "a momentary quieting of her tyrannical appetite"

Go back and read over those synonyms again.

It's hardly a secret that I've had some contentious episodes with staff in the past. But since I came back and got active, I've actually tried to make it a point to avoid situations like that. But within the first 2 days I think I was warned 4 times for what seemed to me to be pointless reasons to warn someone's account. Now I'm muted, without warning, for posting , in response to Mecharic's idea that PVPers need something more creative than knock, knock, a quote from Boondock Saints 2, in which I personally edited out the profanity, without relying on the chat filter. "Inappropriate comments in general chat." The fact that I did that without relying on the chat filter shows that I was at least making an attempt to be sensitive to the context of the chat. I can't even get whoever muted me from behind anonymity to talk to me about it. Further, I can't find the rule I violated anywhere on the website or forums. I've certainly seen far, far worse posted in general and it bring nothing more than a , "Come on guys, this is getting out of hand."

This kind of arbitrary enforcement of some rules that exist somewhere no one can find them, at least not readily, is why many players are increasingly frustrated with staff. Massivecraft is a wonderful server, despite what complainers may say. I wouldn't rather play anywhere else. But you people need a serious paradigm shift in the way you manage the community. For example, I didn't think what I did was wrong. I was stunned to see a mute. If someone had messaged me and said, "Hey, don't hint at curse words in general." I'd have been like, "Yeah, Ok. I can see that." But hiding behind anonymity and arbitrarily assigning punishments to people who don't even think they are doing anything deserving of punishment is a prime example of passive aggression, and is the most toxic form of communication. While it's within your right to run your server however you want, it is not right in a moral sense to treat people that way.

And before you remove this post, remember that one of the primary characteristics of any dictatorship is the elimination of dissent. But dissent is the first step toward dialogue. I have no desire to be toxic. I have every desire to see the morale of the people I play with on here, and their general attitude toward staff change. While that may be a challenge, I assure you that the ball is soundly in your court.
If it works, it works. You can generally get what you want through bribes, blackmail, and threats.
Note: Please don't try this at home, or anywhere else for that matter.
Someone told me something a long time ago that has stuck with me all my life: "Anyone can be a dictator if you give them enough power. Not everyone can be a leader." You guys really have a dictatorial culture among staff. Maybe it's the result of the struggle inherent in managing a server populated by teenagers. Maybe it's a lack of real leadership qualities in the staff. Most likely it's a combination of both.

Google defines tyranny as follows, and you should actually read the definition:

  1. exercising power in a cruel or ARBITRARY way. (emphasis mine)
    "her father was portrayed as tyrannical and unloving"
    synonyms: dictatorial, despotic, autocratic, oppressive, repressive, totalitarian,undemocratic, illiberal; More
    • characteristic of tyranny; oppressive and controlling.
      "a momentary quieting of her tyrannical appetite"

Go back and read over those synonyms again.

It's hardly a secret that I've had some contentious episodes with staff in the past. But since I came back and got active, I've actually tried to make it a point to avoid situations like that. But within the first 2 days I think I was warned 4 times for what seemed to me to be pointless reasons to warn someone's account. Now I'm muted, without warning, for posting , in response to Mecharic's idea that PVPers need something more creative than knock, knock, a quote from Boondock Saints 2, in which I personally edited out the profanity, without relying on the chat filter. "Inappropriate comments in general chat." The fact that I did that without relying on the chat filter shows that I was at least making an attempt to be sensitive to the context of the chat. I can't even get whoever muted me from behind anonymity to talk to me about it. Further, I can't find the rule I violated anywhere on the website or forums. I've certainly seen far, far worse posted in general and it bring nothing more than a , "Come on guys, this is getting out of hand."

This kind of arbitrary enforcement of some rules that exist somewhere no one can find them, at least not readily, is why many players are increasingly frustrated with staff. Massivecraft is a wonderful server, despite what complainers may say. I wouldn't rather play anywhere else. But you people need a serious paradigm shift in the way you manage the community. For example, I didn't think what I did was wrong. I was stunned to see a mute. If someone had messaged me and said, "Hey, don't hint at curse words in general." I'd have been like, "Yeah, Ok. I can see that." But hiding behind anonymity and arbitrarily assigning punishments to people who don't even think they are doing anything deserving of punishment is a prime example of passive aggression, and is the most toxic form of communication. While it's within your right to run your server however you want, it is not right in a moral sense to treat people that way.

And before you remove this post, remember that one of the primary characteristics of any dictatorship is the elimination of dissent. But dissent is the first step toward dialogue. I have no desire to be toxic. I have every desire to see the morale of the people I play with on here, and their general attitude toward staff change. While that may be a challenge, I assure you that the ball is soundly in your court.

I think this is a very constructive thread and the staff should take away something positive. I find it refreshing when someone brings up the situation in a calm and good intended way. Yes, the staff should not need to constantly remind you if the basic rules of Massive with warnings. However, I feel that in many situations rules are stretched by certain staff members to purposely oppose ideas or suggestions brought upon by the community. While Massivecraft is a good server, there is much room for improvement. Threads like this one should be given more attention rather than a "player is butthurt over punishment". Hell, lots of the people I talk to say things like, "Don't bother, they're not going to listen." The common "make a ticket" is rarely helpful to many people. And most of the rules are not posted on the main website where all newcomers will think to look. Rather, the specific rules in detail are on the wiki. I'm not going to lie, I think the main reason most of the PVP community hasn't bid this server farewell after numerous accounts of staff abuse/unfair treatment is the community. And I think it's the strong bond of the server veterans that keeps it going. Just my take, I guess. I'm tired, so sorry if its just a bunch of junk crushed together.
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If it works, it works. You can generally get what you want through bribes, blackmail, and threats.
Note: Please don't try this at home, or anywhere else for that matter.
This is why its anonymous. Generally speaking when the staff warn/mute/jail/ban somebody... its for a good reason. But regardless on how right they are, the punished players would take it upon themselves to threaten the staff.
This is why its anonymous. Generally speaking when the staff warn/mute/jail/ban somebody... its for a good reason. But regardless on how right they are, the punished players would take it upon themselves to threaten the staff.

To say, with certainty, that when staff warn/mute/jail/ban someone it's for a good reason would actually require you to have near absolute knowledge of the exact circumstances behind every such occurence. The fact that you don't makes this an assumption. Further, threatening staff is actually a rule that can be found on the website.
To say, with certainty, that when staff warn/mute/jail/ban someone it's for a good reason would actually require you to have near absolute knowledge of the exact circumstances behind every such occurence. The fact that you don't makes this an assumption. Further, threatening staff is actually a rule that can be found on the website.
i know it was an assumption. im not staff. and i dont read the logs to see each specific situation. I also said "Generally speaking" so not each and every time. I know sometimes it hits grey area.
require you to have near absolute knowledge of the exact circumstances behind every such occurence.

Doesn't the same sort of apply to you? You're supporting your entire conclusion on your personal experience. This experience cannot be verified by anyone but staff at this point.

You're applying a whole variety of personal reasons to label something that is greater than forty entities, running a community with over 22,000 players. That's like me running into a dirty alleyway and then labeling my entire country a filthy nation, despite the fact that I personally chose to run into that alley in which I know the services hardly ever clean because the cleaning truck can't get in there. There's some background reality there that applies to you as well. Syrians who are denied the ability to vote on their president are oppressed. Tibetans who are shot for expressing nationalistic sentiment are oppressed. North Koreans who speak out about the regime and have their entire family murdered are oppressed.

A player on a Minecraft server that gets warned or muted for repeatedly using obscene language and family unfriendly content in public channels it not oppressed.
Doesn't the same sort of apply to you? You're supporting your entire conclusion on your personal experience. This experience cannot be verified by anyone but staff at this point.

You're applying a whole variety of personal reasons to label something that is greater than forty entities, running a community with over 22,000 players. That's like me running into a dirty alleyway and then labeling my entire country a filthy nation, despite the fact that I personally chose to run into that alley in which I know the services hardly ever clean because the cleaning truck can't get in there. There's some background reality there that applies to you as well. Syrians who are denied the ability to vote on their president are oppressed. Tibetans who are shot for expressing nationalistic sentiment are oppressed. North Koreans who speak out about the regime and have their entire family murdered are oppressed.

A player on a Minecraft server that gets warned or muted for repeatedly using obscene language and family unfriendly content in public channels it not oppressed.

Nice try, but no. I am supporting my entire conclusion on the experiences of myself as well those of whom I have talked to on here since I started. Your following straw man arguments also do nothing to soundly rebut a single thing I said. I am not claiming "oppression". I am claiming that the culture of community management here is tryannical, dictatorial, and unjust. Also, I was not muted/warned/etc for "repeatedly using obscene language..." In fact, I didn't use it at all. It was hinted at, to be fair. But there's certainly nothing extraordinary about that, as it is the general flow of chat.
I am not claiming "oppression".
I am claiming that the culture of community management here is tryannical, dictatorial, and unjust.


I am supporting my entire conclusion on the experiences of myself as well those of whom I have talked to on here since I started.
Most, if not all of these people are likely spiteful about their experiences, where they were more than likely punished accordingly for their wrongdoings.
This begs the question, as the premise implies wrongdoings in all cases. This also a logical fallacy, and hints at your own cognitive biases.

Most, if not all of these people are likely spiteful about their experiences, where they were more than likely punished accordingly for their wrongdoings.

"wrongdoing" is an extremely, extremely, extremely relative term. I don't think Wolfrain actually broke any specific rule that said, "Do not insinuate inappropriate language in public channels." But I may be wrong..
Nice try, but no. I am supporting my entire conclusion on the experiences of myself as well those of whom I have talked to on here since I started. Your following straw man arguments also do nothing to soundly rebut a single thing I said. I am not claiming "oppression". I am claiming that the culture of community management here is tryannical, dictatorial, and unjust. Also, I was not muted/warned/etc for "repeatedly using obscene language..." In fact, I didn't use it at all. It was hinted at, to be fair. But there's certainly nothing extraordinary about that, as it is the general flow of chat.
I'm sorry but I'm not really rebutting anything. At this point I'm content to believe nobody will really subscribe to your conspiracy theory, and those that do are already preaching to the choir. If you don't like the way this server is run, why not simply go to a different server?

On a closing note, there is the correct way of starting a dialogue with the staff, and a public attempt at shaming them or insulting them is not one of them. This is actually against the forum regulations, as such I will now lock this thread.
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