• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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The Devout Clowns.

A few notices could be pinned around the slums and the park district.

The Devout Clowns.

'The Devout Few' just another gang within the borders of the Regalian slums who makes themselves out to be bigger than they actually are, which isn't uncommon. My specific problem with this possy is they make themselves out to have morals and restraint when in actuality they have none. The fact that they have a mental leader is even worse, making himself out to be some higher being than everyone else almost proves the lunacy that this gang denies it has. As the member of this gang, named Adriaan announced 'they seek to rid corruption from Regalia'. If this is correct, they need to start with the government or the Black Hand that let these people go for no consequence, their crime being murdering a Duke and capturing a Consul. Seems these armored dopes aren't the only mindless walking around Regalia. The Devout Few are nothing more than any other gang - and don't stand with their mental ideas either. Also if you see this Adriaan fellow, feel free to throw shit at him.

@Halivenne <3

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Null found the poster, looking it over before giving a faked laugh. If only he could read...
"A gang, which murdered and kidnapped two of the most powerful nobles of the empire isn't a big issue?! For spirit's sake, Regalia. They are a big threat and we should see them as such, not just shrug off the crimes they committed and say they aren't a big deal! We must kill the snakes, not laught at them and wait to be bitten!"
After saying those words, General Vladislav walks away, enraged by what he saw.
"Pahah! Throw shite at 'im? They 'ave ta' be kiddin'. Callin' us clowns when they're tha' apes throwin' feces! And since when did we wear bells around our ankles 'n' paint on our chops? 'Onestly... "
- Sophie Perrot responded with such a comment before spitting directly into the center of the parchment; balling it all into one to throw it into a nearby lake.
A certain Jacobinist poet came across the poster, tapping their masked cheek before saying, "I would be friends with this person." Before carrying on to write their own propaganda.
A youthful man wearing a scarlett coat grasps onto one of the flyers.
Reading through it with a grin
"Darn right I'll throw shit and them."