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The Departure Of The Haavens


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds


Monday 17th September 306AC.

A Personal Announcement
✦ From Nadina and Zaan Haaven ✦

As the leaves of the great oaks morph colors from bright kelly greens to burnt umbers, nature tells that the winds of change are upon us. After almost five centuries of dedicated service, it is with heavy heart that I, Nadina Haaven, must announce my husband and I's departure from the Crown Isle, and our return to the Haaven's birthplace in Suryá-Cëllio, Daendroc.

Take heed that this decision has not come lightly. For many years now, Regalia has been our honest home; a place where countless friendships have been forged, and where unforgettable memories have been permanently etched into our hearts and minds. But in the midst of the wars that plague Regalia inside and out, the call to return to our loved ones--never forgotten--rings louder than ever. We feel that we have given all that we can offer to the Crown City of Regalia, and it is now that we must move on, to bring our services where they may be more needed.

In our absence, leadership of the Haaven Family is to be passed down to our eldest son: Rowan Halcyona Haaven. Born and raised in the heart of Regalia, we feel there is no better individual to lead the family to prosperity, and to keep the family trade alive and well.

To all the friends that we have made along the way: we will forever carry a piece of you with us. I wish you only the best in your continued adventures.
✦ With dearest wishes,
Madame Nadina Haaven
& Doctor Zaan Haaven.


✦ OOC ✦
  • I am officially shelving Nadina Haaven. I had so much fun playing her for the past 5 years, but the time has come to move on I feel. I have accomplished all that I could hope to with her and more, but I don't believe I can reach any further than I have done already.
  • At his request, Caelamus will also be shelving Zaan Haaven and moving on to play Rowan Haaven full-time, making him the new leader of the family. This also makes Caelamus the new OOC head of the family as well, though I will still be around to lend a hand.
  • ICly, Nadina and Zaan Haaven have left Regalia to return to their family in Daendroc.
  • The Haaven Family itself will continue to exist and run actively for as long as the members wish to play in it, but will be taking much more of a backseat in regards to politics and messy things.
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Was listening to the most depressing part of the Avatar/K**ra soundtrack when I read this, and I cried inside.
Alexa play wonderwall+
This comment about made me piss myself, excellent comment.

On a serious note, I have very fond memories of roleplay with you as Nadina. You brought something to the character and by extent those she interacted with that made roleplay all the more enjoyable. Thank you for all the effort you put into her, the Haavens, and everything else you have and continue to orchestrate.
You're going to make me cry with all these responses. I've had this character for 5 damn years.....
Do keep in mind the forum rules though, try not to spam or use gif/meme responses without main post-matter! IC reactions are just as welcome.
Elizabeth's brows furrowed as she read over the notice. Her pale blue gaze sparked with confliction and upset as she poured over every word. Her lips twisted into a grim frown. Leaned heavily against the desk of the Almshouse, which creaked loudly in protest. Elizabeth's hands trailed upwards to fiddle with stray locks of hair. Lingered on one phrase in particular, which dampered the already inwardly miserable woman's spirit, "Where your services are more needed?" Elizabeth echoed the phrase aloud and her expression warped to an even more bewildered state. A child scampered into the office, leaving another letter wordlessly atop the desk before darting off through the chapel in their own dismissal. Elizabeth's heart sank as she remarked, "What another loss the common people of Regalia have faced. I will have to work twice as hard now, more than ever." Sighed heavily as she set the flier aside, her gaze darkening as she added in a hushed tone, "Perhaps one of the worst losses is that I never did get to thank them over tea. A pity." let the comment sink in the heavy air, her fingers trailing different spines of various Unionist novels as though some divine power would help her find the answers she needed.

@Eccetra @Caelamus
OOCly: Thank you for all you've done! While your characters Zaan and Nadina are wonderful I am very excited to see what you put out next! Rock on.
"Oh.." Sophia spoke as the maid informed her of the news. "Truly a pity. Do help me for a moment would you?" She asked the maid, as she pulled back a chair for sophia to sit down at her desk.

Dear Madame et Monsieur Haaven,

It is with great sadness that I hear the news of your departure from the city. With all your combined work that you have done for so many years, represented your family, culture and race in the best possible way.

I believe we first met over a discussion of a possible flower arrangement, yet my memory may be wrong. What I do know, is how dedicated the both of you always have been to your work and the empire. Stood up against tyrants yet helped every member of our society whenever they were in need. Your capabilties outshined any of your collegues and will be remembered and talked about through the comming years.

Although our opinions haven't always aligned, I admire you both for how great of a job you both do, and I am not afraid to admit that I look up to you in a way. Your son will have big shoes to fill, yet he learned from the best.

Dear Madame et Monsieur, for years you have taken care of us, but now it is time to take care of others in our realm. I wish you both the very best and wish to thank you a final time for the great work and legacy you leave within this city. They will not be forgotten for generations to come.

With humble greetings,

Sophia du Polignac de Letoirneau

[There is a small box attached to the letter, a silver broche designed after the sigil of Regalia. The inscription looks fresh and new: For those who protected us.]

((AAAAAAHHHH! Goodluck with your new charrrrrr!!!!)))
Winifred felt empty, she never got the chance to become best friends with Nadina D:

Like she did with Jocelyn

Best friend von Duerr

Amelina furrowed her brows, reading over the announcement as she let out a sigh, shaking her head. "The Haavens have saved my life more than once and have dedicated their lives to serving this Empire more than others can say." her words echoing through the living room as she passed the announcement to the others of the Peirgarten estate, letting them take in the news on their own terms.

OOC: On the real though, the Haavens' were the first large RP group that allowed be to join, waaay back with the Nenyarina and the two of your characters were more the accepting to little Blume when I first started 2 years ago. I'm gonna miss them, but I'm excited to see what the two of you continue to do!
Zzalangua's feathered mohawk slightly drooped once the news had relayed to him.

"I hope you zee zomething you like, director."

see you in space cowboy
Otto sat in contemplation of the news then spoke aloud, "Wait, isn't Nadina the plant that tried to enter the Noble Assembly?"
Nouveau thought silently on the news, legs crossed and arms folded as she sat perched on the arm of her living room couch. She glanced to the pocket watch she'd rested on the coffee table, then back to the ceiling, brows knitting together. The Kathar pondered aloud a blank sentence- Perhaps one that went beyond what her expectations should be, but nonetheless, her words were sincere, despite being for her ears only.
"Perhaps, one day, I can become one of the good ones too. A shame I never got to ask them how they became so successfully respected in this city, I could have used the advice."
"Mmph." The Reverend uttered. "They were certainly better then most of the lessers out there. I wish them good luck with their next venture." The Reverend placed the notice neatly on his desk, before taking a sip of his tea.

Sad to see these characters go! While I never fully met them, the roleplays I had were certainly wonderful. I wish you both good luck with the next characters you bring to Massivecraft!
Lazarus would read through the announcement one morning; "Certainly beats the alternative f'r most these days.." a soft smile coming to his face.

"Safe travels.."
"Less children of blight to burn."
Uttered the words of a spiteful Wolond
It's always a shame to see such beloved characters fade from the scenes, though I'm more than excited to see what more thrilling RP you both bring with future characters!