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The Denounce Of Bastien Celyreos




It comes with great tragedy that I, Adeline of the House Celyreos, have to resort to an action of such guilt and disdain for one own's kin that it sickens me to even have to write these words. Bastien Celyreos, now Bastien the Bastard of Gray, has been cast from House Celyreos after discovery of his treasonous intentions. Declared a 'persona non grata' amongst his own family, House Celyreos is eager to make amends for Bastien's actions by working closely with Regalian Law Enforcement to bring to him the Emperor's Justice. Furthermore, House Celyreos will be making fundamental changes to its structure and integrity, following House Kade's example and establishing its own code of conduct and tossing aside its former name and defective leadership. Until such a time, we urge the Crown Isle cast out Bastien the Bastard, offer him no shelter and show him no mercy.

For pity for the guilty is in itself, treason to the innocent.


-A few of these Pamphlets travelled around to get word of the news, opinions differing from person to person.-
@GodRoleplayer @RandomTheChosen @NathanPlayzMC_14
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One does not simply ignore the cookie on the table.
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Silver tells herself not to peer to that evil board of notice as she stalks past, muttering to herself as she continues to stressfully push her fingers through her bangs and wild curls. Yet, her curiosity is too nagging as she gives it a quick glance, eyes darting over each notice until it falls on the one donning a viper. She nearly bursts into wicked laughter as she smacks her hand over her forehead. "HAH! The alliance of terrible news continues! What luck, what luck!". Her string of uneasy laughter slowly fades as she shakes her head, tutting to herself before continuing on her way. Her fingers nervously run through her hair more much more frequently whilst her evening of thought progresses.
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Aldrick Reinard would stare at one of the pamphlets that he had torn down after a crazy looking woman had a cackle at it, for him to read whilst relaxed in the tavern. Taking a sip of his whiskey, his eyes begun to dance over the words that the pamphlet read. A large grin tugged over his lips as he had taken in all of the information. "Such a shame... I had so much on him... Atleast it keeps my name clear in a sense..."
"Do it once, and you've made a mistake. Do it twice, and you're misguided. This family will have no excuse for the third time, though."

Audrey commented reading the pamphlet while Bitty the Bird was undergoing a leg surgery.

@SimplyRose @ContestedSnow @Jennefish @Mr_Ortonnaise
Adeline I am sorry about your brother, I pray to the Spirit that he may re find the path of the Spirit.
"I knew something was wrong with him! I knew it from the moment he said I plotted- who uses the word plot but a plotter?!" Ranted a certain Ithanian Wodenstaff.
"Oh I could have told you before that, I knew there was something wrong with him Julie. Now he's going to get what's coming to him."Raina stated to her cousin before putting the pamphlet back.
Enzo Celyreos would watch as the pamphlets left the estate that morning.. He had many tears left to consume him, he was to lose his brother. His idol.. But, he unfortunately knew it was what was right for the family to progress.
"The muchachos I got into a firefight with belonged to this man, yet followed a different Chica." The Avanthar spoke nearly to himself, his chalkboard rough voice not the most pleasant for anyone listening. The ranger corrected his school clasp holding his cloak together, growling a quiet "Viper territory" as he let himself become consumed by the passerbys in the tavern courtyard.
@flareskies @Gartono
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Rosalia Heinrich. Glancing down at the slightly creased pamphlet in her hands, her brows furrowing as she shook her head in disappointment " I knew there was something going on there. Didn't fool anyone" She soon then folded the pamphlet and tucked it into the fold of her cloak to inform the rest of her family.
Avynn held the pamphlet really close to her face and then further away "Who?" was all she offered, before sliding the pamphlet onto her table with a shrug.
Darcie rubbed her forehead slightly as she entered the kitchen. The woman glanced idly towards the other occupant and then the pamphlet. She scooped it up, reading it over once and then twice, before softly stating, "I didn't trust him to get the beast, and frankly, I'm not surprised. I'm off for a walk, my sweet." She murmured, setting the informative paper down and turned, scurrying out the door.
Alec passed the noticeboard. "I still want an apology. Don't hold the families actions too one bad cat. They shouldn't consider all apples rotten if only one is.. I wish you luck house Celyreos as for Bastien I wish death apon I don't see the spirit having mercy on him." Clanked off an unusual amount of dialouge.
Benjamin journey glared at the pamphlet, he liked Bastien- but after what had occurred during the event of the 'Slum Gate Massacre'- he knew Bastien was a dangerous man in a dangerous place.
"Alas- Rebels, dragons, demon mages, now this? It seems the scale which separates our city and those that wish to see the emperor fall is becoming more and more unbalanced. And I'm afraid we are on the wrong side of the scale..."
Alec noticed Ben "Heal up friend you're a damn true warriro." He went to crutch walk off into the Tavern.
Velencia sighed upon hearing the news, after not having seen Bastien for quite the while."All good things must come to a rather.. crashing end it seems."