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The Den Of Wolves


Feb 19, 2023
Reaction score

I write to you all in both a grateful heart but also an enraged soul.

As rumors you may have heard from Wulf of my arrest? Yes, they are true.

However, the reason why was greatly exaggerated and falsified as Wulf often does when he speaks of me.

Yes, it is also true my friend Xavier was a Vampire and cured. However, I aimed to stop Wulf due to his breach in his deal. He had alerted the guard after he admitted himself he was FINE with the Vampire's presence during the duration of the duel.

He only claimed I was trying to aid an escape because I was trying to calm the situation that arose.

After all, I wanted my family safe, is that not more important?

So there never was a duel, only a den of lies he creates as always.

I now have a criminal record for his lies to you all and I apologize for anyone who hears his words or reads his ink.

His denunciation against future duels against me only proves my point so I will not challenge him again, I have respect, I have dignity, I have honor.

Something he does not have.

I pray you all have safe travels and a safe day or night wherever you may be.

Colla Vinmas,

Leader of The Dawn.
It seems the Suvial has had enough of reading posts about this ordeal.

"To the leader of Dawn.

Enough of these posts. You have proven time and time again, that you are a liar.

Not once did you mention this during your proceedings.

It is time to leave it alone."

Sergeant of the State Metropolitan.
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Tarlok was as he was, swirling a glass of brandy in his hand, before bringing it to his lips. He'd sift through the paperwork, and notices before falling onto this post… He leaned forward in his seat, squinting. The hulking Urlan took a sip of his brandy in interest before spitting it all onto the page, bursting with laughter.

"What a clown. Claiming they have honor… YOU GOT ARRESTED!"
Colla Vinmas,

Thank you for your report alerting us to the Occult Nature of Xavier. Without your tip - the man may still be a victim of the vampiric curse. Unfortunately, you continue to surround yourself with the afflicted - however, after they find out that you are ratting them out to the State... I'm sure that will change. Mister Grofsmid did not summon the guard, no... I came in response to your very own call to duel. So who got who arrested and cured?

Glory To The Empire,
Revna Hjortsund
"Her Soldi worsens, to claim honor after having to have a dueled called off because your father is afflicted and you allowed him to walk into the city. Its the height of irony she bitches about Wulf while she is the one who wrote all these notices and let it go to waste.

Because her father decided to be the best form of vampire, a foolish one and she defended him its rich," Caan huffs on her way home for the night passing the notice around to her fellow inn patrons.
Sihn-Baeldeth stopped in his walk- reading over the notice. He scoffed.

"Claiming to have honor, yet you defend a vampire. Complaining on a notice board when you get arrested for it. Yikes."

He comments to himself lowly, before shaking his head, and walking off.
Parchment was pinned to the notice board, at the bottom of which held the Darkwald seal. It read as follows:

"You are an Occult terrorist and sympathizer. You tried to intervene in a lawful arrest and curing by myself, Sera Ylvi vum Floss, and the Lady Protector Revna Hjortsund. You are spiteful, loud mouthed, and an apparent liar. Your dreams of a 'New Dawn' will choke before it takes its first breath. Do not intervene in the lawful and just actions of ordained knights lest a swift and painful punishment is brought unto you. This is your first and only warning."

Sera Ylvi vum Floss
Confidant Knight, Darkwald Chapter
of the Lothar Order