Combat Guild The Deathbane Militia


Aug 8, 2022
Reaction score

"To keep souls of the dead at rest, to punish those who disturb their sleep. That is our duty"




The First Mission:​

  • The Militia is anti-death cultist, opposed and unified despite the differences of ideology, against the various Ordial Cults and their followers. There can be nuances and degrees in being an opponent of Ordial Cultists, but it is highly recommended you be supportive of this, to be a main part of its missions. This does not mean that the militia is strictly anti-ordial in everything, Soothesayers, Songaskia, and specific ordial aligned individuals may join the Militia, as long as they are against undead, geists, hallows, and the like. Additionally, due to this mission, Asaredu faithful are especially welcomed in the militia.

The Second Mission:
"The militia must protect all who are vulnerable, and it must help those in need."

  • The Militia is a fighting force for the vulnerable, it opposes Death Cults not just because of religious or ideological beliefs, but because the militia believes the Death Cultists to be a main threat for the people, and it is in agreement from purist and occult leaning elements of the militia, that it must work to protect, heal, and defend the vulnerable, and to go out and stop individuals who threaten the lives of innocents. Both mundane and occult healers and defenders are welcomed to carry out this mission.
The Third Mission:
"It can forever corrupt a person's life, even their descendants. It is the harshest curse a person could ever receive."

  • The Militia are anti-extremist followers of different dimensions. Cahals, Sanguines, Shades, and destructive Marken are all enemies of the Militia, as these are entities who wish to corrupt the importance of life, and to manipulate the innocent into becoming monsters. While certain parts, and sometimes the Militia as a whole is willing to work with people of this kind, the militia, especially the purist leaning side, will always be wary of the potential danger they may cause. If you are an afflicted person who attempts to control and harm others, you are an enemy. Curers and hunters are welcome in the militia due to this.

The Fourth Mission.
"The militia must be death's bane, and life's guard."

  • The Militia now opposes all who threaten to control the lives of others with death or force. The Militia supports the livelihoods of all, and all those who threaten the freedoms and lives of others. Meaning that all extremists, including Purists, will be met with the arm of the Militia. The Militia is for now, anti-Lothar.


  • The Deathbane Militia at its core, all-encompassing. Mages, purists, and people of all faiths come together for a common goal, it does not matter whether you are an Archon or a mage, if you are willing to put up arms against cultists and the protection of the vulnerable, you are accepted into the militia. Though reactions on who may differ depending on leadership and the militiamen.

  • The Deathbane Militia, is also somewhat split, between the occult-leaning, and the purist-leaning sides of those involved. It is very complex, and while there are friendships and trust amongst its members despite the ideology, it will always be a debate on which members to allowed to be enter, and what direction the militia to head.

  • The direction of the Militia will change, though mostly being leaning, rather then dogmatic in occult vs purist politics, depending on who is the Commander. Currently, with Wilhelm Urssenbeck as its head, the militia is being converting to become an alternative for the occult, rather then siding with afflicted, to play an active part in keeping the streets of Regalia safe, and gaining the trust of skeptics, and to bridge the connection for a fight against a common enemy, especially due to his own Evintarian anti-Lothar beliefs.

    This aspect of the militia's nature will be edited to match the Commander's direction.



The Commander - Dr. Wilhelm Urssenbeck
Leads the militia, and overseers orders and its direction.

The Captain - [OPEN]
The Second in Command, assists with leading, but also can be independent in their direction.

The Champion - Wulf E. Grofsmid
The person with the most amount of duels won, constantly fought between various members of the position.

The Standard Bearer - [OPEN]
Raises the banner of the militia, also works as a moral officer. You are also probably the most attractive.

The Representative - [OPEN]
You represent the militia, dealing with its image and diplomacy.



  • The Militia as a whole is caught between being a middle ground between the current state of Regalian politics, with members leaving, protesting, and fighting due to this. It trusts neither Emile, nor Riftan. However currently, under the leadership of the current Commander, it is now anti-Inquisition.

  • The militia has recently abandoned its Lothar influence, and now works to protect the vulnerable both from the afflicted and extremist purists, adding a new strong stance on the fourth mission.

  • The militia is looking for both fighters and healers, to protect the vulnerable during these times, and to be ready to take a strong stance against both afflicted and the Lothar. It also wishes to regain members who have left.

  • The Militia is currently preparing for a mission regarding Ellador. It is unknown why to most outsiders. However, it seems to be driven in this quest, meaning it most likely has to do with its first mission.

  • (Character based plot hooks would be added as the Militia grows)
(Contact @That_One_Echo or @rimacutem for more information regarding joining and etc)​


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