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The Death Of Bastien Celyreos

A singular flyer was placed upon the main tree within the slums. No matter how far you looked, this was the only one. It was written in surprisingly neat handwriting, especially considering the subject matter. It was rather short, and the paper itself was cut off once the writing ended.

"The Breaking of the Iron One, Death of Bastien Celyreos"

"Bastien, the Iron-One, once Celyreos, is now dead. He was turned upon by those whom he trusted. Let this be a message to those who try to enforce rules in our home. More importantly, let this be a message to those who get in my way."

Written below was likely the signature of the man, a rather shoddy scribble. A readable version was jotted down under it.

Petrov Kuznetsov,

Killer of Bastien Celyreos.
After stumbling back through the slums gate, Emilia took one good look at the tree.

"Y'look different- Did y'get a haircut, ol'pal?"

It seems Emilia was entirely oblivious to the flyer. She gave the tree a good pat, and went to stagger home.
Merina lifted a brow at the message before giving a small laugh, though it wasn't exactly happy, shaking her head, "Oh lovely, our new ally already dead. What a shame. But this person acts as if they are someone great for killing a fool." The Claith turned with another small shake of her head, saying, "Speak like that when you've killed Ichabod or the Emperor," as she made off for home before she was seen out by her lover that would be more than annoyed that she was traveling about with a concussion (again).

The masked Nyth stood there for a moment as they looked over the small note. A noise of annoyance coming out of them before they spoken clear elvish, anyone around able to hear them."Funny I believe it was a group effort on killing him. Or at least some credit would be deserved on being a distraction." They would adjust the wrap and sling that their arm was in before slowly continuing along.
The rather small Cielo stumbled upon the flyer as she was making her way from the slums, being the genius she was. Sehaeri blinked as she read over the words, taking a moment to process, before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. "Zhat bastard... Serves 'im right! All it took was a little explosion to prove 'e wasn't as powerful as 'e tried to make 'imself out to be!" With that, the Cielothar moved to scamper on out of the slums in search for Ally.
Imanshi noticed the flapping of the flyer as she made her way to the slum's entrance, books in hand. Her eyes skidded over the words as her many books threatened to spill out of her arms. She scoffed, eyes rolling in their sockets as she moved away from the tree with short steps, even shorter legs trying to hustle away with the weight in her arms. "장난하냐. 바보." She was done with shit like this.
장난하냐. 바보. = Are you kidding me? Idiot.
A light hum rang out of the mutt's lips as he peered to the paper. He could make out near most of the words, a couple or so left him boggled. Once finished reading- taking some minutes to do so, Emerthas let out a scoff of disgust. He soon moved to rip Petrov's name and so called 'title' off the paper, and shoved it into his pocket. "Oh piss yerself, I sent tha' deathly blow into his neck." He soon muttered after a, before taking out his knife to carve his name-
-right into the tree. He then cut a arrow into the paper to point at the name. With a grin, he walked off.
Read the flyer, a look of relief and sadness washed the old bloodcasts face, he was bandaged up from a recent spar with Bastiens killer, "Looks like the lad wasn't lying, Bastien was once a close friend, but he died a fool." he'd walk away a slight limp on his step.
Petrov walked along, checking his pamphlet with a grin.
Which then faded.

Someone had defamed his paper! Oh, if only he could read what they said! How irresponsible! Why, his beautiful writing had been taken too. How rude. And so, the Half-Orc ripped down the remainder of the paper, leaving only the title for the world to see.
"If I don't get the recognition, no one does."

"The Breaking of the Iron One, Death of Bastien Celyreos"

Evalynn Bree stood before what remainded of the flyer, flapping on the tree. She wore a determined experession. "Bastien is dead, but not his legacy. Not while I'm still breathing." The Ailor tightened her fists and wandered off with the spark of hope and will still burning bright within her.
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Shane was strolling along towards Merina's home, smoking his pipe. He simply frowned and folded his arms upon seeing the injured Claith. He'd shake his head, and go to lead her away. He'd turn his head to her and ask along tue way, "Why're you always goin' off all headstrong like?"