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The Death Of An Outsider

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Ania Howlester, The Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield, gathers her men and women before the Bastion Castle. She holds a cane in hand to steady herself as she begins her message, speaking to all who appear and arrive to hear the news. This announcement would also be shared and posted upon the various notice boards around the City:

"Rena Sophia, a Drowdar who once performed humble work for this Empire, turned a blind eye to the necessities of this Holy City so she might serve herself. She was found confessing to conspiring with the Arken, Gabriel to satisfy her needs for revenge. Against a nobleman, no less! This is not the first time this Outsider has stepped beyond her bounds, but today was the last occurrence, that I swear. By violating the Fifth State Law, Rena Sophia was found guilty, going against all allegiance and oath she made to protect this Empire, and was dutifully punished through execution!

"The Holy City has no room for any sort of traitorous deeds. Those who are quick to turn their backs in our time of need are no friend to us. Glory to this Empire, and glory to His Imperial Holiness!"

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Reads the sign, smirking to himself as he walks away, hands in his pockets and as he said in a content, wise old voice. "Guess she really… got what was coming to her."

Walked off down the street, for his usual three hours of leaning against a wall at the Golden Willow.

All was well.
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"Oh, Rena.." The Isldar, Katrina, gave off a long and drawn out sigh. "I tried, I did.. Truly. Here's hoping the half-breed is not left in my care." With a low grumble, she'd move onward with her duties, patrolling the streets of Regalia in the hopes that she wouldn't catch anyone doing the same thing.
Rodderick Howlester noted the poster in passing, his lips tugging into a knowing smirk. "Heh" he exhaled, "The city will not weep, justice has been done". With that, the Duke plopped both of his hands into his pockets, chuckling to himself as he strode down Emperor's Road, disappearing into a dark corner of the tavern to smirk some more and mutter some dark and edgy quotes under his breath. This is a joke post
Darcie's fingers tapped out a steady beat as she sat at her desk. Her head still firmly wrapped in bandages and for once, she was dressed casually and not in the usual deep yellow and brown uniform of the Safeguard Rangers. A small and rather peculiar smile slid across her features as Patrick, her runner, spoke to her about the notice.
"She has reaped the bounty of conspiring with the Arken. Soon that creature which she spoke and attempted to work with, will meet it's own end."
An odd grunt seemed to punch past Jamie's lips, the sound carrying a tone of satisfaction. "Good. Her folly has finally been put to rest." The Rosendahl then moved onwards, his tongue tracing the back of his enamel as he mulled over the day's proceedings.
Va'al didn't smile, nor cry. She sat there, with enough time for introspection.

She remembered picking on the Drowdar when she was a cripple. Then, helping her. Then, downright harassing her. Va'al enjoyed the little moments she had with Rena, even though the Drow might've not enjoyed it back.

Rena wasn't there anymore, and she wasn't coming back.

Va'al slowly shook her head, "Man.. I sorta miss her."
Alexander Read the notice, raising a brow, before shrugging and walking off, he lightly tapped the inside of his trusty shield as he spoke in Daen to himself "Rena Sophia, truly dead? And she just helped me out the other day.. but there is no excuse for conspiring with those demons, she got what was coming to her I guess." And with that he disappeared down the main street, whistling a light tune to himself.
Juliette gave a scoffed as she read the notice, shaking her head a moment before finally stating in Alt-Anglian, "This is why you don't publicly conspire with them, you stupid Drow."
Vulmar Ravenstad would have frowned upon hearing the news, "Damn it. My ma beat me to it. I should've hung her then and there."
Nouveau, who'd been resting in the comfort of her home, blinked at the news earned from her son. Her brows furrowed, and she stared at the floor for a long momento before shaking her head. "Some people simple don't know how to control themselves. Perhaps she'll finally have learned her lesson in death," the Shendar muttered, shuddering as she curled up further.


Theodosia blinked at the news, cackling at the messenger which informed her, before shooting them a grin. "Ah— Hah- The rat got what was coming for her.. now then, I demand you inform the house staff and guard to find where her child is. Couldn't be far, honestly, she was only executed- Yesterday? And it's not like you can send a child out of Regalia in death!" She chirped, cackling into her glass as she drank, a smug grin plastered to her features.
The Kade sat in his home above the Emperor's Ember, at his desk as he read the proclamation. He said nothing, only glancing at a stack of papers on his desk. All written in Rena Sophia's pretty handwriting.

He kept those letters. They remained in his Office for a long while, and he read them every so often for many weeks, as he searched for new informants and new allies. He felt something was off every time he poured over her reports, so constant, so consistent. Some had saved his life, some had ensured he could do his job as well as he did. It was strange, he owed so much to someone he had let die. Had she deserved such a fate, such a life? She was an annoyance at times sure, but her work remained...

Ultimately, the Isldar stood and went to his wine cupboard. He sat back at his desk and sipped his drink, no mirth. No jubilation. He spent that evening re-reading her reports and muttering to himself. The small altar behind him shone with dawn-light when he finally spoke aloud, a few bottles of wine empty, the reports secured in his desk.

"Be at ease and rest, my... friend."

@flareskies @MantaRey
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Avynn placed down the notice on her kitchen counter. Her fingers curling around the glass is had just set down. Gone. Just like the drow she once called a friend. "If only..If only I had supported her more when she came to me...maybe she wouldn't be....wouldn't be gone." The Northerner swung out her hand knocking the glass with a shatter against the wall. "I should have listened."
Jinuep read over the notice once, twice. She needed to see it for herself, despite what she was told by Theodosia. Her lips drew into a thin line as she emitted a small grunt, head turning to look off towards the corner where she'd last spoken with the Drow. A single sigh slipped between her lips before striding off to go look for the woman's child, begrudgingly so that is, per request of the petite Wolfzahn.
As she did, she mumbled beneath her breath in Daen, "Rena, I understand you held a grudge and wanted revenge, but... The /Arken/, of all people to look to for aid? You told me you were engaged... You've thrown away your chance at a happy ending. I hope you didn't expect much sympathy from me in your final moments... Rest easy, friend."
@flareskies @SasuNaru2016
Leon/The Black king
Would lean on the gates of the Slums, He lets out a sad sight before talking towards himself. "Rena... I dont know if you can hear me, I wanted to tell you that i am sorry for being annoying time to time towards you. I may do stupid things, make stupid decisions because i felt it was right... Its funny really, Even if you and i dont see eye to eye at most, Losing you is just... too much i could say. Maybe you never considered me as a friend but i consider you as one of mine. Be at ease and rest in peace.. My friend. You maybe gone but never forgotten" He said towards Rena spiritually before he got up from leaning, heads out towards the City.
