• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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The Death Of A Hero.


Lord Brandt von Eisner
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
Missouri, U.S.A
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order, House von Eisner
I am writing this to inform you all of the Heroic deeds of my father, Terrowin Karhter. What he sacrificed in the name of the Spirit this night, was truly admirable. After downing multiple Dragon Fanatics during the storm on the Imperial Palace. He became outnumbered, and was killed during the battle. With his dying words, he glorified the spirit, for allowing him to fight in this historical battle; before he told me to take his sword, and continue fighting in his stead. Spirit's Blessings to my father, who has made one of the greatest sacrifices possible to make, all in the name of the Spirit. --Edmund Karhter,