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The Death Of A Deserter


resident astral asshole
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
wherever the wind takes me
i have no allegiances
The Death of a Deserter


An Announcement by the Azure Order.

As of this day, the 6th of March 305 AC, the Black Mage, and shunner know as Cael'ellia has been executed in private by the Azure Order. Her crimes are as follows:

Assault on members of the Peerage.
Disobeyed a checkpoint put in place by the Hightower Order.
Caused havoc in Ellon Form.
Shunned her collar.
Ignored re-education.

The death of this rogue mage should serve as an example to all other magi within Regalia: The Azure Order will give no freedoms to mages who do not comply with the wishes of the Order and of the Empire at large, and they will be dealt with the full force of the law. The Regalian Empire has been dealing with the magical menace for far too long, and thus, all magi who disobey the Empire will be given the same punishment as the shunner Cael'ellia: death. Death to all rogue mages. Death to all rogue aberrants.

Praise be to His Holiness!

Praise be to the Empire.