The Darkness Before Dawn

The bell chimed three times, signifying the start of the third hour of the morning. The soft snorting of the bloodhound taking up the long since absent side of the bed was the only other sound for Juliette to hear as she stared about the close darkness- only a single dying candle keeping the night alive as she kept watch for intruders. Her left hand shook briefly as she scanned the surrounds again- the letter opener clasped in her hand jittering a bit due to her nerves.

The darkness was unwelcoming, reminding her only of the pit of nothingness she'd faced when she had felt her life leaving her upon the basement floor. The Wodenstaff pressed her right arm closer to her side as if to guard the first set of stitches while the ones on her stomach were left uncovered save for by the fabric of her night dress. She wheezed briefly as she eyed the bottle Eric had given her. The name of the alchemic liquid had long since vanished from mind- but she remembered the effects. Sleepiness... pain relief. How tempting it all seemed in the present moment.

Until suddenly the door to her room creaked quietly open as the letter opening in hand shot from her hand towards the person at the entrance haphazardly- shooting by the chambermaid who released a startled cry and took two steps back from the room. Juliette gaped a bit and forced an apology, but was quietly shushed by the maid who simply asked for forgiveness for startling the court lady. Julie shook her head, but the servant would hear none of it and simply lifted the letter opener from the floor and set it by the far desk besides the door.

Safe and sound; and far from the hands of the tired and fretful Lady Juliette.

The Wodenstaff had a few more pleas of her letter opener being returned, but the maid refused and set a glass of water besides the bed, stating she - again- hadn't meant to bother besides setting water near her should she grow parched in the night. Once more the darkness enveloped Juliette save for the dimming candle light and she let out a soft and un-Juliette-like whimper of fear.

She was disarmed again just had she had been upon the floor when she was stabbed not once but twice and cursed by the demon. The stitches all over her torso burned slightly every movement she made and Arno the Bloodhound did nothing to sooth her troubles besides occasionally grunting and twisting about in his sleep. Tears pricked at Julie's eyes as the bell chimed four and in the moment of Winter morning- as Juliette prayed for the candle to last only two more hours- a draft and the wick coming to it's end suddenly murdered the frail flame keeping the room aglow.

The darkness took over fully and Juliette's legs curled up to her chest as her eyes grew wider than ever. She stared into the Void around her and a sob overtook the poor Wodenstaff. There in the darkness of a sleepless night, Juliette cried into her battered hands from days of doing nothing but attempting to defeat the mind controlled army that her best friend had apparently been made a leader of.

It wasn't until she wiped her tears away that she remembered the vial. She took it into her hand and uncorked the top quickly- downing it without a thought. Her memory and train of thought went off the tracks- floating off as the deafening silence pushed down on her. But she thought nothing on it, she only could focus on the dizzy wish for sleep that overcame her- and she fall back against the pillows. Once more turning to a dreamless darkness, though this time by means of alchemy and not an assailant's sword.
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The bell chimed three times, signifying the start of the third hour of the morning. The soft snorting of the bloodhound taking up the long since absent side of the bed was the only other sound for Juliette to hear as she stared about the close darkness- only a single dying candle keeping the night alive as she kept watch for intruders. Her left hand shook briefly as she scanned the surrounds again- the letter opener clasped in her hand jittering a bit due to her nerves.

The darkness was unwelcoming, reminding her only of the pit of nothingness she'd faced when she had felt her life leaving her upon the basement floor. The Wodenstaff pressed her right arm closer to her side as if to guard the first set of stitches while the ones on her stomach were left uncovered save for by the fabric of her night dress. She wheezed briefly as she eyed the bottle Eric had given her. The name of the alchemic liquid had long since vanished from mind- but she remembered the effects. Sleepiness... pain relief. How tempting it all seemed in the present moment.

Until suddenly the door to her room creaked quietly open as the letter opening in hand shot from her hand towards the person at the entrance haphazardly- shooting by the chambermaid who released a startled cry and took two steps back from the room. Juliette gaped a bit and forced an apology, but was quietly shushed by the maid who simply asked for forgiveness for startling the court lady. Julie shook her head, but the servant would hear none of it and simply lifted the letter opener from the floor and set it by the far desk besides the door.

Safe and sound; and far from the hands of the tired and fretful Lady Juliette.

The Wodenstaff had a few more pleas of her letter opener being returned, but the maid refused and set a glass of water besides the bed, stating she - again- hadn't meant to bother besides setting water near her should she grow parched in the night. Once more the darkness enveloped Juliette save for the dimming candle light and she let out a soft and un-Juliette-like whimper of fear.

She was disarmed again just had she had been upon the floor when she was stabbed not once but twice and cursed by the demon. The stitches all over her torso burned slightly every movement she made and Arno the Bloodhound did nothing to sooth her troubles besides occasionally grunting and twisting about in his sleep. Tears pricked at Julie's eyes as the bell chimed four and in the moment of Winter morning- as Juliette prayed for the candle to last only two more hours- a draft and the wick coming to it's end suddenly murdered the frail flame keeping the room aglow.

The darkness took over fully and Juliette's legs curled up to her chest as her eyes grew wider than ever. She stared into the Void around her and a sob overtook the poor Wodenstaff. There in the darkness of a sleepless night, Juliette cried into her battered hands from days of doing nothing but attempting to defeat the mind controlled army that her best friend had apparently been made a leader of.

It wasn't until she wiped her tears away that she remembered the vial. She took it into her hand and uncorked the top quickly- downing it without a thought. Her memory and train of thought went off the tracks- floating off as the deafening silence pushed down on her. But she thought nothing on it, she only could focus on the dizzy wish for sleep that overcame her- and she fall back against the pillows. Once more turning to a dreamless darkness, though this time by means of alchemy and not an assailant's sword.
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