The Dark Watch

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The Messiah
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
The Dark Order
What is The Dark Watch?
You're probably wondering what in the entire universe is The Dark Watch? The Dark Watch is a group of people who are against criminals, thieves, and murderers, and anyone breaking the law. However, this doesn't stop them from going into the sewers. Members of The Dark Watch go in the sewers due to the fact all the other cults/gangs are there. This is how they take down the enemy. The Dark Watch members work together to solve and defeat enemies, and any horrible villain/gang/cult. The Dark Order stops these Villians, gangs, and cults and takes down their enemy. They are no gang or cult. They are a guild.

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• Always listen according to plan, and do not attack or hurt anyone because they may not be the victim unless confirmed.
• If you are a spy, medic, or rescuer, and no one other than that, you will not tell the overseer, leader, and council what to do.
• When on a mission, you will act as your character unless told not to by the overseer or leader.
• We are not the villains! Do not be the villain, or make people think you are. This will make our situation worse.

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OOC Rules

Do not be rude to other members.
Follow Massive Craft rules at all times!
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Ign: (Minecraft Username)
Character name: (Full name including middle name if they have one)
Small Physical Description:
Small Mental Description: (Characters Attitude)
Characters Strengths:
Characters age:
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10:
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?:
How active are you on massive?:
What timezone do you live in?:

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Leader: Nano_Kay (Adam Patrova/Masked 'Devil)
Overseer: _NotHyper/HyperlazerJ (Hiro Reiss/Masked 'Ghoul')
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Ign: Waterstag
Character name: Burguk Honour-Heart
Small Physical Description: Heavily Muscled Orc, with green skin, and heavy violet armour, the colours have faded with time however.
Characters Strengths: Combat
Characters age: 30
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 8
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yes, I might need help in Combat RP though.
How active are you on massive?: I play often, especially now I am not in school.
What timezone do you live in?: GMT
Extra Information:
Ign: Waterstag
Character name: Burguk Honour-Heart
Small Physical Description: Heavily Muscled Orc, with green skin, and heavy violet armour, the colours have faded with time however.
Characters Strengths: Combat
Characters age: 30
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 8
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yes, I might need help in Combat RP though.
How active are you on massive?: I play often, especially now I am not in school.
What timezone do you live in?: GMT
Extra Information:
Ign: (Minecraft Username) Names HipsterGaming
Character name: (Full name including middle name if they have one) Scarlet Bordor
Small Physical Description: I have long white hair, blue eyes, 5,7ft and change outfits a lot, but mostly in black
Characters Strengths: My strengths... I am good at seduction, bribing people, fighting with and without weapons.
Characters age: 26
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 7 ( been playing for 1 year and 5months )
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yes I do, I read most of the lores
How active are you on massive?: Everyday, like 24/7 XD
What timezone do you live in?: GMT
Ign: (Minecraft Username) Names HipsterGaming
Character name: (Full name including middle name if they have one) Scarlet Bordor
Small Physical Description: I have long white hair, blue eyes, 5,7ft and change outfits a lot, but mostly in black
Characters Strengths: My strengths... I am good at seduction, bribing people, fighting with and without weapons.
Characters age: 26
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 7 ( been playing for 1 year and 5months )
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yes I do, I read most of the lores
How active are you on massive?: Everyday, like 24/7 XD
What timezone do you live in?: GMT
IGN: _NotHyper
Character Name: Hiro Reiss
Small Phys- Wait why am I doing this, Hiro's already in it..
I need sleep.
Ign: Papi__
Character name: Elora Amel Dajeor
Small Physical Description: Athletic Body build, Brown hair, green eyes, dark blue tattoos on face and shoulders, anndd large scar on forehead
Small Mental Description: Usually always gidy and happy but when needed she will be serious
Characters Strengths: Combat and agility
Characters age: 32
How well do you think you can roleplay? About 7 or 8
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yesss I do
How active are you on massive?: Like realllyyy realllyyy active
What timezone do you live in?: Pacific Time bby

Also, I would suggest making a post showing who all the current members already are
List of members will be uploaded later, me and nano will work in it as well as other things. This fourm page will include who, but nicknames, not real names. Such as how Hiro is called Ghoul.
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Ign: neonbeta101
Character name: Ivan Vrein Secri
Small Physical Description: Toned body build, lengthy, though it is covered by his cloak so it would be hard to tell what his build was just by looking at him.
Small Mental Description: Mostly just deadpan and monotone, tough he keeps a smirk. His personality usually comes off as sarcastic.
Character's strengths: Negotiation, combat, agility.
Character's age: 24
How well do you think you can roleplay?: About an eight, 7.5 at the most.
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yep, not exactly an expert though, so... yes.
How active are you on Massive?: Basically every single day, if I have time.
What timezone do you live in?: Pacific, just... yeah, just Pacific.
Ign: neonbeta101
Character name: Ivan Vrein Secri
Small Physical Description: Toned body build, lengthy, though it is covered by his cloak so it would be hard to tell what his build was just by looking at him.
Small Mental Description: Mostly just deadpan and monotone, tough he keeps a smirk. His personality usually comes off as sarcastic.
Character's strengths: Negotiation, combat, agility.
Character's age: 24
How well do you think you can roleplay?: About an eight, 7.5 at the most.
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yep, not exactly an expert though, so... yes.
How active are you on Massive?: Basically every single day, if I have time.
What timezone do you live in?: Pacific, just... yeah, just Pacific.
ACCEPTED (Message me while whenever your online and while I'm online, so we can speak.)
There's a certain sanguivorous little girl who would love to get her grubby hands on this group.

(in other words, Eunice wants a piece of these guys)
Ign: Papi__
Character name: Elora Amel Dajeor
Small Physical Description: Athletic Body build, Brown hair, green eyes, dark blue tattoos on face and shoulders, anndd large scar on forehead
Small Mental Description: Usually always gidy and happy but when needed she will be serious
Characters Strengths: Combat and agility
Characters age: 32
How well do you think you can roleplay? About 7 or 8
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yesss I do
How active are you on massive?: Like realllyyy realllyyy active
What timezone do you live in?: Pacific Time bby

I thought of signing up a shelved character I can make active. A medic called Zoey, but eh.. I'm not active on Zoey.
Ign: TheChaosSquidy
Character name: Zoey Olazthya Llaencia
Small Physical Description: (Character app)
Small Mental Description: (Character app)
Characters Strengths:(Character app)
Characters age:14
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 8 I can still improve.
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: I'm still learning lore, I've been able to learn it from the players around me and exploring the wiki.
How active are you on massive?: I'm online most of the time, I sometimes have things come up, if I do I'll come let you know.
What timezone do you live in?:EST
Ign: TheChaosSquidy
Character name: Zoey Olazthya Llaencia
Small Physical Description: (Character app)
Small Mental Description: (Character app)
Characters Strengths:(Character app)
Characters age:14
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 8 I can still improve.
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: I'm still learning lore, I've been able to learn it from the players around me and exploring the wiki.
How active are you on massive?: I'm online most of the time, I sometimes have things come up, if I do I'll come let you know.
What timezone do you live in?:EST

also why is the page covered in the imperial crest
Ign: Beetletoes
Character name: AY-6300
Small Physical Description:

Small Mental Description: Loyal
Characters Strengths: Disposable
Characters age: Yes
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 100
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: I can recite the entire tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise
How active are you on massive?: Yes
What timezone do you live in?: EST
Ign: Beetletoes
Character name: AY-6300
Small Physical Description:

Small Mental Description: Loyal
Characters Strengths: Disposable
Characters age: Yes
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: 100
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: I can recite the entire tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise
How active are you on massive?: Yes


(Just kidding, ;-;)
I like this thread, but I have no edgy characters.
" Yare yare. Now that I can see it up close, your watch looks like crap. But you don't have to worry about that. After all, I'm about to make it look even worse.
Your face, that is."
Ign: Ledilote
Character Application (Because it tells all the latter criteria. It's currently under re-review, so it's Needs Reviewer for now. Though it has been approved in the past.)
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: I'd say a solid 6-7
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yeup. Bit too much, wasted brain space on all this.
How active are you on massive?: Since it's summer...

What timezone do you live in?: PST
Ign: Ledilote
Character Application (Because it tells all the latter criteria. It's currently under re-review, so it's Needs Reviewer for now. Though it has been approved in the past.)
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10: I'd say a solid 6-7
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?: Yeup. Bit too much, wasted brain space on all this.
How active are you on massive?: Since it's summer...

What timezone do you live in?: PST
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