The Custard Buns

Seeing as everything seems to be so horrible right now in Regalia, I decided to write up a cute little story, based on an artwork Joy Drew of Darius and Breon as children Enjoy!

Winter in the Silevon residence, Larasviel was hard at work decorating the house, baking for the holidays and keeping everything in order. Breon and Darius, on the other hand, were doing the exact opposite. Breon had recently hit the age of Ten, and Darius was a few days away from turning Nine. The taller girl was quick to break rules, and the boy was quick to tell on her. They were a handful to deal with for their mother. It just so happened that this particular day, she had left the young in her brother Daniel's care. He seemed enthusiastic to do so, perhaps a bit too confident. Heck, if he can fight in wars, and be a master swordsman, he can watch over two children, no sweat.

They had decided to go on a walk amongst the shops and bakeries in Regalia. The usual sunday ordeal. Now, the children had stopped at the bakery, being particularly loud and irritating in their nagging. Daniel gave in, stepping inside the bakery to buy them a small treat each. The second he couldn't see them anymore, poof, they were gone. Along the rows of the bakery. Rustling and giggling could be heard from a row, before the light footsteps of children scurried outside. Daniel didn't think much of it. He payed for the two sweets, and stepped outside towards the two children.

The moment he saw Breon's face, he could sense that something was off. She had a devious grin stretched across her face, and… Where was little Darius? This question was answered the moment Darius emerged from his hiding place behind his sister's back. The boy held a piece of cloth, filled with steaming hot Custard buns. Custard buns they hadn't paid for. Darius grinned widely and innocently, his face had custard and crumbs spread all over, it seems like he had taken his fair share of the buns.

"We got you a gift, Uncle Danny, they are so good!" The boy said, still oblivious to the situation. His sister stood back, the sly smirk on her face seemed to widen more as she saw this hilarious mess.

"Breon told me we should do it, she said you would be very happy if we did so!" he continued. Breon's face dropped, moving to punch her brother's shoulder to shut him up. This resulted in the boy, yelling out, letting out a pouty huff.

Daniel just looked at them, before swiftly grabbing the buns. He kept his gaze down, as he'd sneak inside the store, discreetly return every single one of them. Darius tracking along right behind him in admiration, as Breon distracted the shopkeeper doing a few twirls in her brand

new dress.
When the buns were returned, Daniel lead the children home. He opened the door, meeting a smiling and flour covered Lara. The kids ran inside, as the two adult siblings exchanged a look. This look said more than any words could ever do, Daniel simply stepped up to his room, silently admitting defeat.

@JoyShake @TheVigilantWolf @WildRoze


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