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The Crown's Dog House


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Viva La Republic!
Ornate Divider.png

In light of the recent events, the following Charter Reforms and Announcements were made for the benefit of the Regalian commonfolk and nobility...

1. The Azure Order has been stripped of all rights, the Order is now defunct. All former members who stayed loyal to the Crown, arrested last night and taken to the Black Tower for screening, have been released and allowed to do as they please. The Crimson Inquisition will replace the failed Azure Order, with Charter Rights being announced in a few days.

2. A Public List of all Approved and Functioning charters will soon be available to the public, for an ease of availability and business for those willing. Ongoing investigations will simarily be listed on this page.

3. The 1st Imperial Reconnaissance Corps is stripped of all Charter Rights after a private investigation finding their overall usefulness and activity towards the Regalian Empire to not be worth supporting.

4. Lastly, the request for an exercise and training Charter known as "The Club" has been approved. Gerold Ravenstad is hereby publically given a very spacious Dog House, which currently sits in the shade of the Golden Willow Tavern, with his ownership stated for all to see. He may stretch and exercise as befits a dog. It is the wish of the Crown for him to act as a Dog at rest as he does in public, and so we graciously gift him this place for him to train.

All official acts of this proclamation are ... Official.
Reviewed and Officiated by the Office of Minister Luchs Kade and the Crown.
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Percy slipped away some notes and missives from Treppewitz as he got a knock on the door, seeing a servant pop his head in, asking if he wishes to see the State Minister's recent statements. The Ravenstad lifted his mug of vintage cinnamon kaffee to his lips, gesturing him with a welcoming wave of his hand before setting the mug back on down atop his desk. After the proclamation was laid in front of him, he couldn't help but notice the servant was trying to bite back a laugh, which elicited a curious grin from Percival, who questioned, "What? What's funny?" When the servant gestured to the paper, Percy did so, reading on through it. He didn't understand, it was all rather normal. What was the problem? By the time he had gotten to the very last of the notices, the grin on his expression grew, and the aging knight burst into a fit of deep, heart laughter, to which the servant followed suit.

"Oh my.--Spirit, oh that's well funny. Jared you madman."

He took out a separate parchment, laughing all the while as he scrawled out a letter to the Kade commenting about his appreciation of the humor.
Gerold was, as per his usual routine, awake before the birds had began their chirping. Having conducted his rigorous bodybuilding-style gym session for that morning he headed into the City for a well earned fried breakfast. The Ravenstad servant that had accompanied him went through the letters and notes for the day, finally and reluctantly informing Gerold of Jared's announcement.

A confused albeit intrigued Gerold took the early morning stroll as an opportunity to visit his new premises, a playful smirk adourning his mutton-clad features as he approached the Dog House. He stopped, placing his hands on his hips as he examined this newly awarded location apparently fit to train in.

"Get in then." He said, flicking a gesture toward the dog dog pen in an attempt to order the Ravenstad servant. The servant stared blanky at Gerold, gawping somewhat at what he assumed to be a request for him to crawl into the tiny kennel. "Sir, I..."

"Get in, you daft t***." Said Gerold, now turning to the servant with a furious look, who in return simply gulped, getting on his hands and knees. The servant crawled in, the dog house just big enough for the grown man's body to fit inside on all fours. It was not until he had turned around to look back up to Gerold that a swinging boot crunched him across the jaw. Gerold clasped at the roof as he kicked the servant repeatedly, sending his boot viciously into the man's head and torso.

As the struggling subsided, so did the kicking. Oncemore the street fell silent following the sounds of the desperate struggle of the servant. "Whilst you're at it, make sure you get a door for the place. Don't want Harhold moving his whole bleeding family in." The frustrated ginger stepped back, composing himself a moment, before heading back on his trip in search of that breakfast.