'Ivory towers make poor locales for a last stand.'
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To the residents of Crookback,
Many of you have seen my face. Most of you have heard my name, whispered or shouted in some way or another. It is true that I was not raised here, and it is true that I have not lived here long; however, in the short time that I have, I have found a home and a life unlike that which I believed I could ever live. Crookback has a short, angry story, and we are still writing it with bloodstained fingers upon soot-blackened pages, but it is my hope that as time wobbles ever forwards we will yet reach peace—an unsteady one, perhaps, but a peace nonetheless.
In my tenure as Magic Councilor, however long I may reign, I will be doing my level best to safeguard not only the people of Crookback but the very freedoms upon which it is built. All you Sorcerers, all you Mages, it is my job to hear your voices and keep you from undue harm, and to assist me in this endeavor I am hereby instating a new division of the Crookback Militia: The Crookback Conclave. With this division, I will handpick a team of magically-talented individuals and teach them to defend themselves and Crookback as a whole against disasters of Occult origin, in the hope that they will then go on to teach others. When Arken descend, when Dragons roar, when Death is undone—the Conclave will be there to douse the flames.
I have little else to say beyond this: I watched the smoke pour into the sky on that dreadful night with a petering torch held in my own left hand. I have seen great violence, enacted it myself, and felt its aftershocks. If I can do anything, it will be thoroughly ensuring that nothing so disastrous ever again befalls this place that I have come to call home.
And I need you to help me.

Magic Councilor of Crookback
White Sorcerer and Liege to the Lectors
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The Conclave
The Conclave has a simple hierarchy: The Councilor who leads it and the Conclave who embody its bulk. To join the Conclave, make an appointment with the Councilor who will determine your eligibility however they deem fit. The Conclave
The Councilor:
To command the Conclave and recruit its members, retaining full authority and responsibility over the Conclave's actions and initiatives.
Cecil Sireillan (@sonofthestars )
The Clademen:
To serve the Councilor and Crookback as an Occult specialist, warrior, and teacher, with expectation to remain responsible, sensible, and committed to their tasks.
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As of 1/7/22
As of 1/7/22
To defend Crookback from Occult-related dangers of any kinds.
To teach the various Occult individuals within Crookback how to utilize their skills in a defensive manner so that they may properly fend for themselves.
To research methods of more permanently safeguarding Crookback and the City of Regalia as a whole from Occult-related dangers, utilizing the myriad skills and expertise of the Crookback Occult population.