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The Cowardly Panther


House Bigge hereby denounces House Rosendahl for bending the knee to a false King. Their patriarch is nothing but a coward, too scared to stand with the Empire. Instead, House Rosendahl scoffs at Renly Kade's legitimacy and continues to shine the shoes of the twisted Red Raven. So indulged in his own self, the Rosendahl brushes aside the troubles of his lands, forgets about the Peirgartens and works against our Holy Empire.

I say no more. No more shall the Rosendahls hide behind the facade of the False King. No more shall they escape the justice that is owed to them. They are traitors of this Empire, willing to lie and cheat their way through life. Cowards.

The Ravenstad is no King of mine. The Rosendahls have submitted themselves to a mad leper, and in turn turned against our Emperor and his family. They will face the wrath of those who are loyal.

@Nudibronch @Muffins_
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"You gotta' train" - Nathaniel Bigge
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Bryn Rosendahl:
Anyone who knew the man knew he hates being lied to, he also hates his family name being called out for 'lying'. "If anyone knew the stress Jamie has been under, he only agreed to this to keep the people occupying the space there safe. Nothing more. It was a hard decision, and the people were in mind, Perhaps instead of pointing fingers, you should keep in mind that we are not traitors to the Emperor or his family: But instead loyal to our dying breathes. We do not hide, nor do we lie and cheat through life. Lying and cheating? Maybe be more observant in our family before you assume that we are something that we are not. Military geniuses and kind hearted people. No thought of betraying our Great Emperor has /ever/ crossed any of our minds. 'By patience thou will conquer.' Have patience, we will conquer."
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Lucien Rosendahl "Traitors to the Empire! Traitors to the emperor! We are anything but. This damn fool has no idea what in the void he's talking about. Does he not realise Jamie has a duty to the lands under his care, and the people in those lands! Renly Kade made no move to the title of King of Brissauds until after Jamie had been forced to make the choice. We are not traitors." The Rosendahl's mutters filled the room, as his hands clenched and unclenched by his sides. He slumps at his desk, frowning, and grabs a quill, dipping it gently into the ink, yet stabbing it so hard to the page the nib broke. With a muttered curse, he threw the quill into the bin, and the parchment he'd ruined. Grabbing another quill, he pulled out a fresh piece of parchment, beginning to write.


Oh sweet hell that is hideous Stark, where the heck did you find that?
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