On the 6th March 307AC, an alliance has been declared between houses Ravenstad and du Brierüst.
Considering the continued tensions across the archipelago and a necessity to remain strong in the face of a foreign threat, houses Ravenstad and Brierust agreed upon this alliance to ensure a unified Brissaud whilst promoting industrial progression across the region.
The terms determined by both houses are as followed:
- A defensive pact between the two houses, meaning the mobilisation of levies to quickly support the other house in the event of a homeland invasion.
- An agreement to share the coastlines owned by both houses for exporting trade and stationing naval vessels to defend against foreign naval forces.
- An agreement to refrain from partaking in a war on the opposite side to the other house to prevent future conflict.
- A distribution office for the other house's trade (Ravenstad Silks/Boutiques and Buck & Bramble Bottling Company, with all subsidiaries for both) in the main city for each house to promote the spread of business/industry in Brissaud.
- An agreement to export one another's products to each house's foreign holdings/colonies, with all goods imported from Brissaud being untaxed.
Erwald Ravenstad
Protector Duke of Brissaud
Constanze Katarina du Brierüst
Baroness of Brissaud
@FinlagganErwald Ravenstad
Protector Duke of Brissaud
Constanze Katarina du Brierüst
Baroness of Brissaud