The Cobalt Shield - Krupp House Guard


A Corgi Mom
Feb 19, 2017
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Greetings, House Krupp opens their doors to a fresh start and to willing fighters who are skilled to become House Guards. Wearing our colors means you swore the oath and agreed to the terms below:

Charter Rights

  • Rights to wear A cuirass/chest-plate of plate armor of any kind. (arms/neck/head may not be armored)

  • Rights to wear a chainmail skirt/hip-guard, no further armor. (legs/feet may not be armored)

  • The right to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade.

  • The right to defend any member of a Noble household from aggression.

  • The right to perform citizen arrests on attackers against said Nobles.

  • The right to transfer citizen arrests to City Guard Authorities.


  • House Guards may only be a member of one House Guard at a time.

  • House Guards may not simultaneously have employment in the City Guard.

  • House Guards may not simultaneously have employment in other Charters.

  • House Guards may never act as the aggressor and only defend during attacks.



Sentinel - You carry the banner with pride upon your shields. You may carry weapons of course and defend. Basically your typical guard.

Junior Officer - You help coordinate patrols around the palace while still guarding and doing your duty for House Krupp.

Senior Officer - You help the Head House Guard with training and palace patrols. However if called, you still guard.

Head House Guard - You help the Patriarch with recruitment, training, and palace patrols. You will be required to be punctual and still guard the members of the family while ensuring that the rules and rights are in check for all members of the guards.




Character Sheet:



IC Letter:

Character Sheet: Boop!

Race: Varran

Religion: Unionist

IC Letter:
Dear Lady Ida,
I've decided that I'd like to serve you, as you're the whole reason I originally became a guard. Thank you very much for letting me know I could be a part of this.

Character Sheet: Boop!

Race: Varran

Religion: Unionist

IC Letter:
Dear Lady Ida,
I've decided that I'd like to serve you, as you're the whole reason I originally became a guard. Thank you very much for letting me know I could be a part of this.
IGN: HashtagFlow

Character Sheet:

Race: Orc

Religion: Unionist.

IC Letter:
The handwriting was rather sloppy, big stupid green hands.
Dear Krupp house,
My name is O'Rourke Ulster, I've seen your advertising for the position of guard within your house and I see myself quite fit for the position. I'm big, strong, and ugly if you need that kind of thing. Anyways, I see myself as a protector and throughout my life I've witnessed good people being put down as the ones willing to defend them simply couldn't. Void, I've been in that position you see? I may not be the brightest orc you know but I damn well the one that you'll be smiling up to when the knife's in MY back.

Yours Sincerely,
IGN: HashtagFlow

Character Sheet:

Race: Orc

Religion: Unionist.

IC Letter:
The handwriting was rather sloppy, big stupid green hands.
Dear Krupp house,
My name is O'Rourke Ulster, I've seen your advertising for the position of guard within your house and I see myself quite fit for the position. I'm big, strong, and ugly if you need that kind of thing. Anyways, I see myself as a protector and throughout my life I've witnessed good people being put down as the ones willing to defend them simply couldn't. Void, I've been in that position you see? I may not be the brightest orc you know but I damn well the one that you'll be smiling up to when the knife's in MY back.

Yours Sincerely,
IGN: Eternal_Wrath

Character Sheet: Tah-Dah~

Race: Ailor with Northern Taint (3/4 Ailor, 1/4 Drowdar)

Religion: Unionism Spiritus Vult!

IC Letter:

Dear Countess Ida Krupp,

I humbly request entree into your Cobalt Shields. I have trained most of my life in the combative arts within the Bloodcast Order, serving in several wars and battles, a few with the now deceased Count, and have even furthered my education by attending a Calvary School in Calemburg. I believe I could be of great use to you and your personal guard.

Knight of the Bloodcast Order,
Keagan Norwood
IGN: Eternal_Wrath

Character Sheet: Tah-Dah~

Race: Ailor with Northern Taint (3/4 Ailor, 1/4 Drowdar)

Religion: Unionism Spiritus Vult!

IC Letter:

Dear Countess Ida Krupp,

I humbly request entree into your Cobalt Shields. I have trained most of my life in the combative arts within the Bloodcast Order, serving in several wars and battles, a few with the now deceased Count, and have even furthered my education by attending a Calvary School in Calemburg. I believe I could be of great use to you and your personal guard.

Knight of the Bloodcast Order,
Keagan Norwood