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The Citizens' Edit - Issue 6


The Everwatcher :powerful:
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness
The Citizens' Edit papers once again just kinda… show up around the city, with several copies being dropped off at the Nook. Looks like Maxwell rushed this one out.


Crimson Inquisition Declares An Inquisition but then their Leader- Oh I'm out of Title Space
The Crimson Inquisition under Karp Kippings declared an Inquisition against the Marienritter Order, a group of mercenaries backed by the Imperial Church of the Holy Divine, led by His High Holiness Julius 'the Redeemed' Peirgarten. Looks like this Marienritter Order likes to attack (and possibly murder, that's unclear) non-Ailor and yell really loudly and generally act more like what you'd expect the people named the "Inquisition" to be doing. They also worship/really like this Maria lady who is supposedly a Heron but I've never heard of her.
However, I think this big Inquisition might be on hold after the Inquisition's Commander, Karp Kippings, was found to have been hanging out with criminals and jacobins. I think those are the people they're supposed to be purging, but I'm not sure. Of course, there's also a rumor that part of this removal was because Kippings really likes the undead, but I imagine this is just some invention of one of his political rivals.

Crown Isle Wardens Disband
The Lord Chancellor disbanded the Crown Isle Wardens.

Recounting the Recent Clicker Attack
The Citizens' Edit reached out to many following the attack to get their perspective on the attack and some of them answered. Apparently, there were attacks all over the city, with clickers being reported at/in: Greygate, the Polorc Estates, the Sunflower Cafe, the Mercenary Keep, and the Altalar District.

Greygate: fell. The clickers finally figured out that Greygate is easy to attack as long as they use more than one clicker, since no one can use their magic powers in there. Those flying demons helped out too.
Polorc Estates: There were clickers there. That's all the info I have.

Sunflower Cafe: a bunch of vampires, werebeasts, and potentially some mages teamed up to mildly injure a clicker, at which point it left to call for reinforcements. They claimed they almost killed it, which is rather unlikely. I should point out that while injuring a clicker is possible, it tends to just make the thing angrier and more aggressive.

Mercenary Keep: Clicker tried to capture a Manathar and held hostages to try and get everyone to trade the Manathar for the hostages. Instead, the hostages attacked the clicker and were very much hurt while the Manathar ran away. The clicker then, I guess, got sad and left, because it never followed the Manathar.

Altalar District: lots of dead bodies and lots of fire.

A Witness Account of The Lich Lord's Crimes
This is… quite a unique article, to be sure. I, Maxwell, was recently approached by someone who claims to have seen the event that caused the state to issue a bounty for Xilthruum. Due to some past incident or perhaps some death threats against them, the witness feared for their life if they approached the guards. Instead, the witness came to me, knowing that I could publish their story for them. Their claim is simple: one of Xilthruum's coven members was recently captured and cured. However, after this, the former coven member was placed into some sort of holding area in Hangroad. At some point, this holding area was broken into and the guard watching over the coven member was killed. This, they say, is why Xilthruum has been targeted by the state.
However, my witness maintains that Xilthruum was not actually the one who ordered the attack and was not present at the scene. Instead, they say a shadowy man with a skull mask arrived with a group of masked individuals. One of them used some form of magic on the guard which killed them, although it was not clear what they did. The group then did something to the body before throwing it into some nearby water. Upon inspecting the body later, the witness saw that everything had been taken off the guard, including their weapon, armor, and even clothing.
Then, the masked figures and the shadowy one escaped with the coven member. The witness claimed that these masks and uniforms are not those of any sort of vampire organization, although refused to elaborate on why they thought that when pressed. The witness' point, it seems, is that while Xilthrumm is hardly innocent in the eyes of the law, in this particular instance, the guards did not collect the proper evidence and instead jumped to a conclusion based on the circumstances.

The witness has agreed, in return for me writing this article, that they will meet with a guard to provide further evidence, should the guards require it. A guard commander needs to simply write me a letter, and I will send the witness their way.

It is with a heavy heart that I write these stories about the flaws of various guard charters. No one can reasonably be expected to be perfect. But as our Lord Chancellor himself has shown with his recent actions, our guards must be accountable if we want them to be successful. Do not let these stories about a few bad guards distract you, dear reader, from the truly lovely guards that spend day and night keeping our fair city safe. It is disappointing to see a lack of trust in the guards, for the vast majority are noble, loyal, and kind men and women. Next time you see a guard, be sure to thank them for all they've done, especially in this time of crisis.

No other special title

(OOC Note: GIVE ME CONTENT OR GIVE ME DEATH. Tag me if you want a subscription.)