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The Citizens' Edit - Issue 5


The Everwatcher :powerful:
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness

They're back! More issues of The Citizens' Edit can be found pinned up on notice boards around the city.


The Clickers Return!

No doubt, dear citizen, you are already aware of the Clicker threat. That giant hole in the ground near the Cathedral with fleshy tendrils growing out of it is rather hard to miss. However I would advise you stay away from it, unless you'd like to die. Especially since there's a rumor that the pit grew following a few guards tampering with it for unknown reasons. A bad plan, considering the rift (which is what we're calling it now, I guess) seems to be some sort of Clicker nest where they all go when it turns to day. As you're probably aware, the Clickers are here looking for Manathar and under no circumstances should you tell them where the Manathar are. While I don't have the exact details, it would seem the Manathar are somehow creating some kind of magical barrier stopping or impeding the abilities of the Clickers. If you think they're scary now, you don't want to find out what they can do if they take all the Manathar away. Also, citizens are encouraged to stay either in their homes or relatively close to Greygate at sunset, since those are the safest places to be. There have been reports of the Clickers in the sewers, so don't think you'll automatically be safe by heading down into that pile of filth.

A reminder of everything we know about the Clickers: they are invisible, can talk, cut through wood, cause damage to stone, are very hard to harm, can perfectly mimic voices, climb on walls and upside down, and summon undead.

His Imperial Highness, Prince Marshal Cedric Kade, the Imperial Dragon Found Guilty of Desertion during Court-Martial

During the first public meeting of the Marshal Cabinet, a decision was made to try His Imperial Highness, Prince Marshal Cedric Kade, the Imperial Dragon with desertion in a Court-Martial. Oh, and they also decided to strip the Url Ser Deo dei Termini of his position on the cabinet. His Imperial Highness, Prince Marshal Cedric Kade, the Imperial Dragon said that while he was not required to submit himself to the judgement of the trial, he would. That is, until His Imperial Highness, Prince Marshal Cedric Kade, the Imperial Dragon was found guilty, at which point he protested his punishment, claiming it would break some sort of agreement with Rikkira, the Dread Dragon. An alternate punishment was agreed upon, wherein His Imperial Highness, Prince Marshal Cedric Kade, the Imperial Dragon would talk to His Imperial Holiness, Alexander I Kade, Emperor of the Regalian Empire and explain himself.

To all readers, please, remain safe in these trying times. I have little else to say.

No other special title​

(OOC Note: Heyo! Want to put a story or ad in the next issue? Pm me! Tag me in the comments if you want a subscription, I'll do my best to remember to tag everyone!)