• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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The Citizens' Edit - Issue 4


The Everwatcher :powerful:
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness

Piles of papers could be found all around highly frequented areas in the city. Subscribers got their copies delivered to their door, however. They sat there, just waiting to be read.


Did you think I was gone? Do not worry reader, for I, Maxwell, am back to report on the news once more. My apologies for the delay. Now, let's not waste any time with this preamble and jump right into things.

Nestled Nook Name Change
The beloved Nestled Nook has changed its name to The Nook and Cranny Inn. The re-branding serves to highlight the new menu of the establishment, which will soon feature more dishes from all different cultures. Any suggestions can be sent to Sylvi Valendal.

We interviewed a few citizens about the name change, and here were their comments:
"I can't wait to try out food from different cultures!"
"Why does this matter?"
"I like the new name."
"I don't care. Go away."

Hostesse's Festival of Roses
The small village of Hostesse is once again hosting another festival, this time, a festival of love. The goal is to collect the most ribbons as possible from events, then give them to your love as a sign of your devotion. Head on over to Hostesse today to learn more about the events or find one of those handy fliers that are around.

A Reminder: Clickers Still About
The Citizens' Edit would like to take this time to remind our readers that the clickers, though not spotted often, are still in or near Regalia. As a quick reminder, these creatures are invisible and are only detectable by the clicking sound they make as they travel. The creatures can replicate voices and tear through wood, so be alert. They also appear to be specifically focused on Manathar. They are most likely demonic in origin and some have theorized they have something to do with the Kathar.

The Parable of Five Brothers by Revered Wilhelm Godeffroy Hiberson
There were once five brothers. One day, they went to the market to get five seeds, one for each of them. When they had attained the seeds, the five brothers went to their own homes for the day.

When the first brother came home, he left his seed on the windowsill and went off to do his things. Eventually, the brother forgot and when the sun came up, the seed dried up and withered away.

When the second brother came home, he went out the back door and threw the seed into his garden. "There," he said, "got that taken care of. I'll just leave the seed here to grow on its own." Because the seed did not penetrate the soil, it, too, withered away when the hot sun came out.

When the third brother came home, he planted the seed in his garden. However, he neglected to take care of it. So when a drought came through his garden, the seed died from lack of nourishment.

When the fourth brother came home, he, too, planted the seed in his garden. He fertilized it, watered it, and weeded it. Days, then weeks, came by. The fourth brother let himself get caught up with the things of the world and neglected to take any further care for his seed, which was now a sprout. Though the sprout fared for a little while, in the end, the weeds grew out of control and choked the plant to death.

When the fifth brother came home, he eagerly planted the seed in the best part in his garden. He took great care of it by taking time to water it, fertilize it, and rid the area around it of weeds. Eventually, years after, the seed became a tree, which bore the sweetest fruit in all the land, and the fifth brother was always blessed by that tree. Till the end of his days the fifth brother took care of that tree and enjoyed its blessing.

This concludes this issue of the Citizens' Edit. Remember: if you want to have a write-up for your Unionist Sect or business, contact me, Maxwell, by posting your letter to the back of the Rose Court bulletin board. Thank you to all our subscribers and sponsors who make this paper possible. Finally, I apologize once again, dear reader, for the inactivity. Hopefully, going forward, I'll stick to my once-a-week schedule. Until then,

No other special title​

(OOC Note: Heyo! Want to put a story or ad in the next issue? Pm me! Tag me in the comments if you want a subscription, I'll do my best to remember to tag everyone!)