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The Citizens' Edit - Issue 1


The Everwatcher :powerful:
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness
Piles of papers could be found all around highly frequented areas in the city. There was no one handing out the papers. They just sat there.


Greetings to all, there is a new paper in town: The Citizens' Edit. (Yes, the apostrophe does go after the "s". It's a weird grammar rule, but while "citizen's" means belonging to one citizen, "citizens'" means belonging to multiple citizens.) We are not here to challenge or replace the lovely Rose Record, oh no, but we are here to cover different stories in different ways: stories about citizens, that affect citizens, by citizens. My name is Maxwell, and I am the editor-in-chief of this new paper. I look forward to delivering the news to you, and hearing your responses.

A Government in Debt

No doubt many of you have heard the news: government bureaucrats say the government has five weeks until all the money runs out. This comes after a large part of the Archipelago has now refused to pay taxes. Largely, the complaints appear to be directed at the Lord Chancellor and general corruption. So, are these claims justified, or are we witnessing some foul conspiracy to take down our government?

The Lord Chancellor has recently put out an announcement aout all the meetings she plans to hold, and the Synod has responded, apparently not too happy with how the Chancellor has been treating them, or something. I, personally, have taken to wondering, if our government is so corrupt, would we not have seen the Secretary of the Whip comment on it? You may recall that she came to power announcing the investigation of three different Ministers and demanding that each Ministry publish a public report on their activities from time to time. Now, when was the last time we heard from the Secretary of the Whip? It's been a while, right? Could it be that there simply is no corruption for the Secretary to investigate? Or is our dear Secretary too busy with other matters?

But do not worry about the debt just yet, dear reader, for we still have five weeks for the government to help those who do not pay their taxes see their error, so they may reverse course and continue to support our Empire and its perpetual war against the forces of evil. A lot can change in a day, and we have more than a day, why, we have more than a month. You may ask, dear reader, should I stock up on food? Should I prepare for a massive increase in prices? Perhaps, if you have no faith that the Spirit will deliver us from harm.

Strange Handprints on the Walls

Yes, it is that time of year again, no, not Wintertide, not yet, but the time of the year where some hooligans put handprints on the walls. This time, rather than just the normal red ones with text in some language I don't know, there are also black ones, with no message at all. That's right dear reader, it would appear someone got a little too drunk and started painting the walls again. Perhaps they're supposed to act as some sort of signal, but I've spoken to lots of people, and no one knows what they mean. Therefore, I conclude that the handprints are nothing to worry about, and that the perpetrators should turn themselves in for vandalism.

Well, that concludes this first issue of the Citizens' Edit. We hope to cover more interviews with citizens and business owners, to hear their stories. If you are the owner of a business that would like an advertisement in the paper, or wish to be interviewed for future issues, write a letter to me, Maxwell, and leave it…. Let's say on the back of the Rose Court bulletin board, so I may send someone out to collect it. Same thing goes if you want a subscription, just write a letter with your address on it for me. Oh, and remember, if you hear a suspicious clicking sound, report it to the Violet Order.

No other special title

(OOC Note: Heyo! Want to put a story or ad in the next issue? Pm me! Tag me in the comments if you want a subscription, I'll do my best to remember to tag everyone!)
A wandering elder Termini peered through the folders of daily reports from the City, his thumb finding its way to the corner of the above parchment, after squinting as he read over the details he would nod and place it in the, 'Might be Interesting stay tuned' Pile. Essentially placing it in his subscriptions box at this time.
Milena du Brierüst beams as she looks over the page. "Ooh, someone else is in town. I'm so glad," she hums, before penning in a subscription!

Aaliyah took a glance at the paper, smiling as she plucked one up. After a quick read she placed it back down on the table and wrote up a brief subscription letter.
Clinton Parlow gazed upon the words with old eyes, before letting the wind take it from his grasps.
"Bah, the red hands aren't our doing. And those whom remember shall keep quiet."
A frown was present on her scarred features as she stood there, the first edition of the new paper in her gauntlet. Shaking her head, she shoved the paper into a wandering recruits hand and moved off to lead the patrol. Seraphina could be heard muttering the words of, "Nothing to sniff out."

A subscription would be sent in later that day. @NebulaePrimo
The young Brood would pass by, stopping as she spotted the pile. She bend over to grab one of the papers, reading carefully. "Huh... So that's what that Rat person meant about the Black Hand... Hmm.."

At that, a subcription would be sent in later that day @NebulaePrimo