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The Circle Of Rescue Missions

From the desk of the Grand Commissioner of the Capital and Lord Commander of the Violet Order, Luchs Kade
Docks.png kade 2.png
On the evening of November the 25th, 305 AC, Carolyne Typhonus was found to be kidnapped by a lesser known gang operating within the Slums. Her location was somehow discovered by Erwald Ravenstad, who led a group of nobles and commoners into the Slums on a mob-esque mission to rescue the Typhonus. In the process, most of them got themselves captured by this Gang.

An hour later, members of the Vigilant Shield and Violet Order led a proper mission to rescue the above nobility and commoners. The mission was a success, yet the actions taken by this nobility in such an open act of Vigilantism and breakage of State Law will be met with the following punishments as seen appropriate by the judiciary.

1. Due to Erwarld Ravenstad's actions, The Ravenstad House Guard will be suspended for 10 days, during which a full investigation by the Violet Order and Vigilant Shield into their potential wrongdoings will take place. They will comply to whatever reformative measures are eventually placed upon them, and are hereby suspended of all House Guard Chapter rights until the date of December the 6th, 305 AC.

2. On behalf of the Proconsul Ulric Typhonus, Houses Ignaard and Piergarten will be required to issue public apologies for the actions of their kin in committing Vigiliantiasm and minor State Crime violations. In this they will remind the citizens of the Capital that House Guards and Nobility are never to pretend they can take the law into their own hands, and thank the Violet Order and Vigilant Shield for their timely rescue.

The Office of the Grand Commissioner would like to publically thank the Shield Member Valbrand Haagenvig, the Violet Humbert de Nodier, and the Sawbone Jocelyn Van Duerr for their assistance in this rescue mission.

@Battlebrawn @Jouster @CRASHIR @seoulmate
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"So it seems they went in without any assistance whatsoever? To think they wanted myself to tag along on such a foolish endeavor. It goes to show that you should leave these sorts of things to the professionals. Or just don't end up in a situation that requires rescuing in the first place.

Hopefully Bergmann doesn't get any heat from this endeavor. I should invite him for an afternoon drink of sorts..."

Otto Bergmann curiously was not present for the event. (aka I missed the whole damn thing :/ ) @FireFan96
"Wait. They talkin' 'bout us? Nah." Emilia replied, wearily making her way to the public tavern to nap.
Gerold halted on spotting the name Ravenstad once again on the noticeboard. He offered a prolonged growl from his throat, his mood spoiled by the news of the Crow's suspension.

"I leave them alone for one [insert excessive obscenity] day. One [insert excessive obscenity] day!"

@Tiber_ @Battlebrawn
Juliette paused to read the notice, cocking a brow at the mention of Hosue Ignaard but truly didn't show any change of emotion until she reached the personal thanks towards Valbrand. A grin managed its way across her features and she stared aloud in a proud tone to herself, as it was unlikely anyone would be listening, "And you didn't get yourself kidnapped this time, Val! How proud I am of you," she then added in a mutter, "Even if you're a num-skull sometimes."
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A certain mutant let out a violent hiss at those discussing the subject in the center of the tavern. "Wassss not just found, Er'ald good man fine plassse becasssue Tenshi helped. Bosss man making up liesss!" The small group would relocate, not wanting to be near the violent, aggressive creature as it switched to a more foreign tongue.