The Cavaal Court Of Plenty


Staff member
Dec 29, 2021
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there is no prefix because i don't know where a noble court would go
more like the cavaal court of few aesthetics amirite haha

The Cavaal Court of Plenty



Regarding Identity..
Surrounding the Cavaal Family is the Court of Plenty. A combination of a warrior-scholar's society and a unit of Household Staff; the Court of Plenty is a gathering focused upon the accrual of information, be that in martial prowess, intellectual dominance, or talent in artisanal fields. As such, each member of the Court of Plenty is tasked with bringing scholars and experts in their respective fields into the Court to share their knowledge, so that all may improve themselves.


Regarding Purpose..
The Court of Plenty is as much a Warrior-Scholar's guild as it is a Noble's Court, with duties focused on attending to the intellectual and physical needs of the House it serves, but also on developing and expanding the expertise of those who partake in its duties. Members of the Court are paid for their duty, but also to advance each other's knowledge, cooperation is greatly encouraged and favoured.

Beyond this basic level of cooperation, members of the court are encouraged to work under their respective Advisors to excel in their own regards, and to fulfil the specific tasks given to them by members of the House.


Regarding Positions..
Court Advisors

  • Court Warmaster
    • Leads houseguard, trains, dictates what bodyguards do and don't, advises in military affairs, hires houseguards and mercenaries if needed
  • Court Spymaster
    • Leads information handlers, spies, courtesans, keeps court up to date on city happenings, hires spies
  • Court Magister
    • Leads Arcane scholars and experts, Mages, keeps court up to date on magical happenings and brings notable magical events to the court's attention, hires Court Mages
  • Court Steward
    • Steward, master of the house, commands the servants and maids, and accompanies family members if they require an entourage, hires artisans
Court Defenders
  • House Guards
    • Defenders who are oathbound to the service of the family, afforded a place to rest and a place to train, and all other required comforts therein.
  • Mercenaries
    • Defenders who are oathbound to the service of the family's wallet, afforded an ample stipend arranged via contract.
Court Artisans
  • Smith
    • Blacksmithing talent, maintains all metallic aspects of household holdings as well as weapons and armor, tasked with finding smiths of various skills and cultures to bring to the court to share their knowledge
  • Tailor
    • Tailoring talent, maintains all cloth aspects of household holdings as well as clothing and style, tasked with finding tailors of various skills and cultures to bring to the court to share their knowledge.
  • Carpenter
    • Carpentry talent, maintains all wooden and structural aspects of household holdings as well as exterior maintenance, tasked with finding carpenters of various skills and cultures to bring to the court to share their knowledge.
  • Sculptor
    • Masonry talent, maintains all stone and structural aspects of household holdings as well as providing masonry work, sculpting, and physical art forms, tasked with finding stonemasons of various skills and cultures to bring to the court to share their knowledge.
  • Herbalist
    • Herbalism talents, maintains all greenery and wildlife aspects of household holdings as well as providing herbalist work, tasked with finding herbalists of various skills and cultures to bring to the court to share their knowledge.
  • Chef
    • Cooking talents, maintains all household kitchen and cooking apparatus, prepares meals for the family and their guests, and ensures that the family holdings and related businesses are stocked with the finest ingredients available.


Regarding History..
Established due to the recent inheritance of titleage of Meriya Cavaal on the 22nd of June, 311AC, the Court of Plenty lacks any notable history of its own, as the previous titleholder; Ilyathiel Cavaal Bel-Velincara, retained much of their personal Court, with none of the roles inherited by the new Countess Halvei. As such, this Court is a newly formed one, and will start piecing itself together as time goes on.


Regarding Application..
Recruitment is almost always open, but it's handled IC. Arrange a meeting with me via DMs (stellarrix), or with any of the respective Court Advisors if it's for a particular role.

Elsewise, drop your discord tag, character application, and desired role in this thread, and I'll contact you to save you the terror of DMing.