The Cat's Meow

What large animal should we sell??

  • A Two-Claw Raptor

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • A Dirty Man

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • A Frost Wyvern

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • A Serpent

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Nothing, cause most of these will kill people, idiots.

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters


Jun 3, 2016
Reaction score
your mom’s house
The Cats Meow
A standardized pet shop for all your pets needs and wants!
No longer shall you be alone, buy a pet of your choosing whether it be cute, witty, or outrageous all to your own preference!

The Cats Meow is a pet store that provides both companionship through various species and breeds and their needed supplies. Most animals up for adoption are well trained and have been cleared of sickness. The staff are able to give simple directions of how to understand and care for them further beyond our own maintenance.

•If you'd like to apply, we do have applications for staff but if you'd like to "order" a pet, you'd need to do so in character unless you write a letter to us about it since we have no "ordering app".
•Please do not walts in and bombard us with questions about "What exact mixes of breeds is this dog" or such. We may be a pet shop but we aren't really ready just yet for complex questions like that that go beyond what the wiki gives us. Maybe if we get this business going, we can get such answer.
•Besides that, please buy a pet or purchase supplies so we can be active and improve ourselves.

@Lommey - Ji-Yun

@Wolfiecat940 - Nisolla Glieta

@Hucydan - Kylian Lysanthir
@Lutsu - Rizana Sheikh
@Hutydan - Alura Lorafiel


Character name:
Character App/Proficiency Points:
Role applying for:
Ic Letter to Owner
@Lommey @Wolfiecat940

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A Letter to the Owners of the Cat's Meow:

Hello Owners of the Cat's Meow, I am Sir John Claudio or the Oakleaf Knight. I am in need of two Anglian Shepards to help me track down kidnapped residents of the city. You would be doing a great service and I am willing to pay. Respond with where I can get these animals and you can assure I will be there
Sir John Claudio, The Oakleaf Knight
The letter would arrive at the very noisy house, belonging to a certain old plant. Opening the letter and skimming through it before calling out to their companion, over the barks and whines of many of the other dogs. "A letter from a knighty boi! Come see!"
Later, a responding letter would be sent back to the viridian.

Dear John Claudio,

At your request, we do have two available Anglian Shepherds on our maintenance. The oldest, being around 11 years old, is trained well in tracking which is used mostly in hunting but can be converted into tracking of people.
On the other hand, the youngest at the age of 3 years is still in its peek of learning as it takes influence from the oldest. You can come to the following address, {Wharffront3}, and we will be awaiting you with your readied canines.

OOC - Catch ether @Lommey or Me on and we can get you, yo pups.
A letter smelling of firewood and strawberries would have been deposited on the counter of the Cat's Meow.

To the Owners of the Cat's Meow,
Hope this letter finds you both in decent conditions and not dealing with anything this blasted place throws at you. I'm in search of a cat, preferably an older one. A black cat that is. Don't care if it's male or female, just want a black cat. But if you don't have a black one, how about one that's kinda yellow and orange? Like the sun, you know? Anyway, pen me back if you have any of these. Gracias.
Sera A. Eroth

"My! Another letter? Ji-Ji, what have you done to promote this?!" Thankfully, the letter arrived intact on that creepy plants doorstep.

Dear Sera Eroth

We do have a wide range of felines in our care, some of them black and others of orangey-yellow pelts. We'd like you to come to our current residence for our animals, at {Wharffront3}, so we may give you the chance to pick out a cat to your own choosing. We will look forward to seeing you!

A thin envelope decorated with light golden swirls and the Peirgarten Crest would be dropped off on the counter. When opened and skimmed through, it read:
"Spirit's Greetings,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Madame Julienne A. Peirgarten, and I am here to request for a tamed white bird (preferably male). Phaden Howlester has ordered me to retrieve such, for this is going to be our adored mascot in the Dove's Sanctuary. If you do have such, I'll be the one picking up and handling it. Thank you!

.. Oh- and, just a small question, do you have a Calemberger Beagle? I'm not interested in getting a hound right now, but it will be a gift to a loved one soon enough.

May the Spirit Guide you onwards,
Julienne Audra Peirgarten"

(OOC NOTE: This bird is going to be the mascot for The Dove's Sanctuary! If we could get it as soon as possible, I'd be a very very happy woman! No need to rush though, I'm just glad this shop exists!)
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Username: Nidakk
Character name: Erraunstra Rheimel (Yanar, Lampar Oviate)
Character App/Proficiency Points:
Cultural (Age 120)
+40 Husbandry (+40 Points)
+40 Horticulture (+20 Points +20 Yanar boost)
+40 Vocal Music (+40 Points)
+20 Instrumental Music (+20 Points)
+40 Sneaking (+40 Points)
+40 Acrobatics (+40 Points)
+40 Syndicate Contacts (+40 Points)
Role applying for: Any available
Discord?: Yes
Ic Letter to Owner
To the Owners of the Cat's Meow;
Hello to the owners of the Cat's Meow! I am Erraunstra Rheimel, a Lampar oviate Yanar that has dedicated my life to beasts of all shapes and sizes. Some find my choice of oviate weird but sometimes it helps with the animals. I lived on Evokai Island before it was discovered by that one Ailor man, It was where my family hid away at after the Void Invasion, and I was born there. I hope that I can find good friends and animals alike here if I am hired! Thank you for reading this!
Erraunstra Rheimel
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Dear Hoot-ever receives this letter

Good day, anyone, anywho, some-paw-dy who reads over this letter. I am looking got a fur-ever pet within your shop, a feline friend at that. Nothing fur-ocious as an animal of bad habit would be paw-full to deal with. Fur-turnatley i'm paw-sitive that you'll have something calm and and purrrtttyy for me that doesn't hold quite the cattitude.

Your's truly, Richard Ewan Thornwell.