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[ -- The Carving Needle - Body Mod Shop --]

The Carving Needle
Body Modification Shop

"You're damn right it hurts."

What We Do: Our artists are readily familiar with many forms of body modification, though specialize in tattooing and piercings.
  • Tattooing
  • Piercings
  • Scarification
  • Branding
  • Gauging
  • Tongue Splitting
Pricing Conditions(IC Regals):
: Set by the artist after the tattooing has been completed, although an estimate is stated before the process begins. This estimate is dependent on the scale of the tattoo, complexity, and availability of the colors/inks in use. If the unlikely instance presents itself that the customer is unhappy with the design, a discount my be negotiated. No, you aren't leaving with a free tattoo.

Piercings: It is recommended that the client come in with their own jewelry, although this is not required. There are some in-house pieces, though most consist of wood or plain metals; these are sold cheaply. Base pricing depends on placement on the body.

Scarification/Branding/Tongue Splitting: The client must come in with a premeditated design in mind, whether it be negotiated with the artist or otherwise. Numbing agents may be administered, although management appreciates their clients going without. The numbing agent is free, and pricing depend on complexity and risk-factor. Estimates for pricing are stated first, with possible negotiation for discount afterward.

Joining Management
Although we are open to taking in employees of any skill level, it is best they have some experience. Trainees are not to tattoo, perform scarification, or brand anyone. Please contact Ascal or Siladis Heilen if you are interested.
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