The Carps


The Black Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
The Black Sea

Carp z Koska, "The Carps"

"Sounds like you've got a problem on your hands.. We'll take out the trash."

Sitting high upon piles of garbage there is a Carp, a being who acts out on the tasks of many around them no matter their loyalties and affiliations--whether it be slum or city. They work to clean up the messes of those who cannot do so themselves or merely do not want to get their hands dirty. These range from legal deeds to a few highly restricted illicit features but the general goal in mind is to work as an odd-job group of people.

We are a Union of skilled people who have teamed together in order to work to our maximized efficiency in this Benevolent City.


What are we?

The main directive of this organization is to drive quite a few niche role-play scenarios that may not have enough quality role-players to help with and also spice the scene. We are not a gang though may perform specialized tasks that could possibly bend the law if the customer wishes.

Jobs that we have done range from throwing away carpet, curing a vampire and bringing someone the spine of a cow. All around we are supposedly a very versatile group of people who will complete any obstacle, provided we receive payment. This may sound ominous due to the fact that we will primarily work on-the-spot and with whatever other characters bring to us. Expect improvisation and a lot of it. Some examples might be the following; someone believes they might be assassinated at a meeting so we have someone take their place, someone has passed away and there are no silent sisters, a pregnant woman does not want to give birth at the Alchemia, coming to diplomatic resolutions and if a Varghul rips someone in half we'll clean up the mess.

How will this work?

Due to our versatility we are going to be covering a lot of things that anyone who needs something done will come to us. Our only path is to get a job, finish it, and get paid. That is the simplest way I can put it. Typically this will happen In Character and when the opportunity presents itself, though once we receive a reputation with certain people and suppliers we can start reaching out to get jobs. We usually do jobs in person on the field with whatever has been portrayed in front of us or what we have been brought in to investigate, but there is a sophisticated system in which someone can declare a meeting with us and we will delve into much more specialized and delicate matters in a secure location.

We are an extension for you; the bridge to the end.


It should be known that this guilds members will focus on creating companionship amongst members along with camaraderie. We have a hierarchy but will pertain meetings amongst members to talk about one another with a single head to watch over.

Positions within the guild.

(Each of these positions have sub-sects based on trust level)

(People who do not have direct ties to the Carps but funnel jobs our way. You do not need to be a part of the organization in order to apply/receive this position IC. Simply if you wish to give us your jobs for us to do.)

(Skillful individuals who have committed themselves to our ranks but have not been proven trustworthy to the system.)

Further down not applicable but gained IC

(Someone who has been proven to utilize our organization well and will see a future in the system.)

(A Carp is someone who has advanced into this group and has proven their loyalty along with prudence. They are considered family.)


Contacting us

In order to contact us your character will need to In character acquire a fish and place it outside of the meeting place you wish to communicate with a member. A runner will be sent and a meeting will take place as soon as possible. If you have followed the first step you may PM any active member for a meeting at the specified place. But how would my character know to do this? Like an old folk tale there is a current rumor going around about mysterious individuals who will solve your problems if you follow that simple step--but will you seek out them or solve the problem yourself? Who knows what might show up.. Likely a stray cat.



There is an old man in the neutral district talking of a strange group of mystical people, he asks for you to write a letter and send it to a specific address if you wish to learn more about his crazy stories
(For those who want a reason to write a letter.)

Character applying:
Can you uphold a lore-compliant character:
Are you responsible OOC:
Do you have Discord:

(Optional) IC Letter to the Carps:

Carp gif.gif

Last edited:
Character applying: Valaitheldur Shaethsyr
Position/Role: Drifter
Can you uphold a lore-compliant character: To the best of my ability.
Are you responsible OOC: Yes
Do you have Discord: Yes