The Carnival - Criminal Organisation


Feb 25, 2019
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"Regalia's Leading Gang"
~Some Kathar Merchant
"Positively Insane"
~Some Vampire We Found

"I hate you."
~An Avanthar We Keep Bumping Into
Frigid buildings as those
That scrape the sky, climbing.
In a place that no-one knows,
Distant bells are chiming

To the shouts and screaming,
"Stop resisting!" A rise
In terror betraying
The brittle city's brittle lies.

And for a time we hoped that they
Would never know our quiet rage,
And from the melting lights, we pray
For the silent, now upstaged.

Basic Information
Name | The Carnival

Leader | Solitaire
Theme | Outcasts, Aberrants and Jesters
Goals | Coin, Freedom

A coalition of fools, jokers, aberrants and other outcasts of society, the Carnival began as a Witchblood only establishment, as they felt dubiously wronged by the world they once knew, although soon the founders began struggling to find themselves members. Starting to realise the benefits of having a more diverse roster, they opened the gates to any and all who have been oppressed by the officials of Regalia. The group will carry out contract mercenary work, black market deals, bounty hunting and even put on masterfully daring and entertaining performance shows. Due to their explicit hatred towards the Violet Order, the gang will also take to protecting those the guard may oppose, if they believe it to aid in preventing the injustice they spread.
The Chequered Manifesto
Below rests the edicts of The Carnival, representing the expectations of members of the organisation:
I. To preach self-empowerment and liberty of the individual as the salvation of the commoner.
II. To promote the freedom of religion and expression to all, regardless of origin or aberrancy.

III. To set forth the example that a individual should only show loyalty to themselves and those they love and that any hierarchy they find themselves in, is self-imposed.
IV. To champion the deconstruction of the social norm and the rules of a tyrannical hierarchy.

Within the hallowed walls of Clown Town, a variety of roles exist. These range from the regal position of the Clowned King, all the way down to the simple Workers, producing goods (both illegal and legal) to peddle off at their stalls. A description of each position can be found below!
The Clowned King

As the name may suggest, this role is reserved to the overall leader of the gang, and is uncontested by anyone in their word. This role is exclusive to the founder of the Carnival, Solitaire, and will only be lost in the event of her death. Anyone who challenges the authority of the Clowned King shall be convicted of treason of the Clown, and will be stripped of their ranks (although, that will be the least of your punishments).
Troupe Master
The Troupe Master is second-in-command to The Clowned King, and is only awarded to those they can trust. Their job involves a more hands-on leadership role, commanding and organising the officers, and ensuring their work is completed to expert precision. As it stands, this role is claimed by Hellion, and there can only ever be one Troupe Master.
The Ringer is the grounds keeper to Clown Town, and is only to answer to the call of the Clowned King. They are responsible for ensuring everything is in top shape and working order, as well as the one in charge of punishments within the organisation. This position is currently vacant, and there can only ever be one Ringer.
Troupe Leader
Troupe Leaders are officers to the Carnival, undergoing a role similar to the Troupe Master, although, with far less members under their command. Their leadership role also extends to the less crime-orientated Troupers, having to aid them in organising future Carnival performances. There can be any number of this role, given that there are at least two Harlequins who swear loyalty to them.
Death Jester
For lack of better phrasing, the Death Jester is the Carnival's top hitman, and is usually deployed to carry out such contracts. They, unlike most of the Carnival members, wear a uniform, in the form of a skull mask. Although this role does not hold any under their command, they may only take orders from the Troupe Master and Clowned King, where both members must sign off to allow them to act. This role is currently vacant, and there can only be one Death Jester at any given time.
Shadow Seer
The Shadow Seer is a Master of Spies for the Carnival. Tasked with maintaining order over the Carnival's spy and merchant network, they are the Clowned Kings go-to adviser on all activity that occurs within the city. This position is currently vacant, and there can only be one Shadow Seer at any given time.
The Harlequin is the most numerous, and ergo the most iconic, role within the Carnival. Harlequins are the backbone to the organisation, acting as mercenaries, thieves and whatever else is required of them. The transition into a Harlequin is an easy one, requiring the simple entry test of bringing The Carnival the earnings off their first mugging. There is no limit to the number of Harlequins within the group.
Troupers are performers first, criminals second, hardly ever participating in the more illegal side of the organisation. There is no requirements for this role, besides, of course, being a fantastic performer. There is no limit to the number of Troupers within the group.
Players are the spies to the organisation, and for the most part, rarely venture down into Clown Town. Working under the Shadow Seer, they are tasked with gathering whatever information they can, usually within a social hotspot, or other similar locales. There is no limit to the number of Players within the group.
Workers are the merchants, smiths, engineers and tailors to the Carnival, manning the various stalls and stations throughout Clown Town. Many of those in this position also wear the rank of Harlequin, although, this is not a requirement. Workers may be as close or as lose to the Carnival as they like, and through their loyalty will earn their businesses varying amounts of protection from the group. There is no limit to the number of Workers within the group.
Clowned King
Solitaire | @Mollymock
Troupe Master
Hellion | @Aurelian30k
Troupe Leader
Death Jester
Shadow Seer
Evangelo | @Eronoc
Agapito | @MippyMoo
Mahjong | @thecrazy13
Borealis | @Ailethi
Cabra de Dolor | @Flishery




Lady Maillard | @Antimreoir
Rue | @Lutowski
Lady Gizmo | @PuffyPigeon

Want to get involved? Send me either a message through the forum, or add me on Discord at:
Or just join our discord here!
We have next to no requirements for joining up with us. All we ask is that you stay active with us!
If you wish to hold an event with the gang, we're more than open to hearing anything you've got in mind! Just throw over a message and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Alternatively, you could apply below with the following template!
  • IG Name (self explanatory):
  • Character Application (doesn't need to be approved, just finished!):
  • Role Applied for (Usually, we will only recruit people as one of the lower ranks in the hierarchy, but some exceptions may apply):
  • Discord? (Yes or no is fine!):
  • IC letter to Solitaire (detail your skills, your experience and why you want to join the Carnival):
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IG Name (self explanatory): Alannah Lupenzi
Character Application (doesn't need to be approved, just finished!): Alannah
IC letter to Solitaire (detail your skills, your experience and why you want to join the Carnival):
To the esteemed leader of the Carnival, Solitaire.

I am known as Lupercal. I write this to you today in hopes of joining your carnival as a performer. I have skills in combat, but they pale in comparison to my musical skills. I require a job, other than playing for measly tips at the Nook. If you'd be so gracious as to take me, I would be more than willing to perform with your troupe. I am free for any interview you wish to conduct.

I hope this letter finds you well.



References (If ya want to just slap some names down, feel free): Of course, there's you. Aurelian, Cael.. So on and so forth.
IG Name (self explanatory): Alannah Lupenzi
Character Application (doesn't need to be approved, just finished!): Alannah
IC letter to Solitaire (detail your skills, your experience and why you want to join the Carnival):
To the esteemed leader of the Carnival, Solitaire.

I am known as Lupercal. I write this to you today in hopes of joining your carnival as a performer. I have skills in combat, but they pale in comparison to my musical skills. I require a job, other than playing for measly tips at the Nook. If you'd be so gracious as to take me, I would be more than willing to perform with your troupe. I am free for any interview you wish to conduct.

I hope this letter finds you well.



References (If ya want to just slap some names down, feel free): Of course, there's you. Aurelian, Cael.. So on and so forth.

Dearest Alannah,
Find your way to Clown Town when best convenient, so that we may have you undergo a most glorious of trials.
With love,
(the note is written in hastily, scrawling text)

I have only just heard of your organization today and now see myself firmly in need of it. I have gotten myself into a situation, I insulted a nobleman after he aggravated an innocent woman (who he had previously beaten up after she defended her race from his bastardy remarks)after he took a duel with said woman too far and Almost killed her. I finally stepped in to stop him killing her, a violet actually had to restrain his hand, then this Bastard further stained the honor of all his fellow Highlanders (including myself), by bragging about how had asserted his noble rights. The damn guard agreed with him, so as I went to carry the woman to the clinic, told the monster as such and he told the guard to clamp me in irons for slander. So I fled and now hastily write to you.

I am a deft hand with a blade (if you can provide me one), I am a full fledged Pagan ritualist so my abilities are well suited to showmanship, I can create beautiful tattoos which light up when a ritualist snaps there fingers/or if the old faiths are invoked, and I have an in depth knowledge of Sanguine and Were-beasts. I was wrong when I first came here, the guards will never accept my sort and even the Highland Nobility are void cursed monsters. Yet the circus why you almost seem like kin, so I say down with the guards and Up with the Circus!!

The Pagan
(In Old Makdth: formerly James Treji Larkson)
P.s. My only issue is a preternatural blood lust against Sanguine but as such a state as mine there is little room for such misgivings, but I make no promise about what will happen if I must work with them.
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  • IG Name: soapboxstage
  • Character Application:érette.80570/
  • Role Applied for: Trouper/Player
  • Discord?: I indeed have a discord.
  • IC letter to Solitaire (detail your skills, your experience and why you want to join the Carnival):
Dearest Solitaire,

I recently hail from Ithanie, the land of carnivals. And as such I have been trained in a few arts. I'm an avid poet and a decent singer. I recently performed an Ithanian song at the Nestled Nook. But, like any good show, there is a duality to my nature. I am also a child of the streets. I'm an adept student of thievery and one might say I have a little "Bug Problem" in terms of my conditions. Thus, I have unique criminal abilities and a growing network of underground contacts. But, I have found my criminal ventures growing futile and your organization caught my eye. I love the culture you encompass and would love to aid my criminal abilities to your grande soirée.

Au Revoir, Mon Ami
- Perci Piérette