• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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The Brotherhood Seeking Employment!

A notice would be pasted up, featuring the relevant crest and letter.

The Brotherhood of the Royal Oak
Seeking Employment

The Brotherhood is a band of knights, both Bloodcast and Viridian, who seek to do justice in the world, and defend the weak from those who'd prey upon them. All members are trained exceptionally in combat and able to provide his own gear, the Brotherhood is convenient for any man or woman in need of their services.

What we wont do:

Dishonourable work. Our honour and morals are more important than coin, no matter the price.

What we will do:

Virtually anything needed, as long as it does not cross with codes of honour. Anything from guarding to retrieval of stolen goods, the Brotherhood can be of service.


Coin is not what we seek, but to do good in the world. We will work for free, and for any man or woman who needs it. If you feel the need to pay us, you may, but it is neither required nor asked for.

Who can hire us?:
Anyone. If you need help, we will answer.

How to contact:
Address a letter to Grandmaster George Hetton at your earliest convenience (OOC: Reply to the thread with a letter), or simply ask for the help of any member of the Brotherhood you see around the city, and he will relay it back to the Grandmaster.
'To Grandmaster Hetton,
upon discovering this note I was looking for work. I had recently came back from a journey, and was in need of something to do. I also wanted to help people, and do what the guards cannot. I want to do justice to Regalia, any way I can. The Brotherhood seems perfect for me to put my skills to work, and help others who cannot help themselves. I want to try and make Regalia safer, and a happier place for the poor and the rich. I wish to join, and I hope you consider my request.
Yours truthfully and sincerely, Jack Saeryn.'
'To Grandmaster Hetton,
upon discovering this note I was looking for work. I had recently came back from a journey, and was in need of something to do. I also wanted to help people, and do what the guards cannot. I want to do justice to Regalia, any way I can. The Brotherhood seems perfect for me to put my skills to work, and help others who cannot help themselves. I want to try and make Regalia safer, and a happier place for the poor and the rich. I wish to join, and I hope you consider my request.
Yours truthfully and sincerely, Jack Saeryn.'

Mr. Jack Saeryn,

The Brotherhood recruits nobody over a letter. Find one of us around the city, and we'll have a talk. If you're a true knight with righteous honour, you'll have no trouble convincing us, I'm sure.

George A. Hetton
A letter bearing a seal of a silver oak tree would make its way to the grandmaster, delivered by a young Ithanian boy. Upon opening it, the letter reads:

To the honorable Monsieur Hetton,

I ask a simple request, although the execution of said request may be more than simple. You claim to protect the weak, non? Then I ask of you to protect the common folk of Avull Island. They are a small community of islanders who have never caused harm to the world or those around them, yet find themselves plagued by pirates and the like.

If you find yourselves unable or unwilling to travel from Regalia then will you protect me, their liege? I have found the dangers of the city have followed me through every eerie ally and corner, and fear has began to creep into my heart. So long as I remain safe then I know I will be able to provide for those that depend on me.

Stay strong as oak,

Madame le Ombre
Protecteur de Avull Island
Dame de Oakclyff
To the Honorable Ser Hetton,

Grandmaster, while I am no knight, nor wield a blade I offer my services to your cause. I am but a humble dwarf and operate a forge outside of the gates of the capital's bank. It would honor me greatly to repair the equipment of your kinsmen free from charge or at minimal cost, whatever the brotherhood feel is worthy. I hope to speak with one of your own on this prospect as words on a page speak minimal to the words spoken dwarf to man. May we meet soon.

Lorrolir Goinumboin
A letter bearing a seal of a silver oak tree would make its way to the grandmaster, delivered by a young Ithanian boy. Upon opening it, the letter reads:
To the honorable Monsieur Hetton,

I ask a simple request, although the execution of said request may be more than simple. You claim to protect the weak, non? Then I ask of you to protect the common folk of Avull Island. They are a small community of islanders who have never caused harm to the world or those around them, yet find themselves plagued by pirates and the like.

If you find yourselves unable or unwilling to travel from Regalia then will you protect me, their liege? I have found the dangers of the city have followed me through every eerie ally and corner, and fear has began to creep into my heart. So long as I remain safe then I know I will be able to provide for those that depend on me.

Stay strong as oak,

Madame le Ombre
Protecteur de Avull Island
Dame de Oakclyff

Madame Ombre

The Brotherhood lacks the funds nor the rights to effectively guard the mentioned land. However, we'll agree to a guardsmanship contract for the next month, viable for us to cancel at any point at our discretion. Payment is up to you, though not required.

George A. Hetton

To the Honorable Ser Hetton,

Grandmaster, while I am no knight, nor wield a blade I offer my services to your cause. I am but a humble dwarf and operate a forge outside of the gates of the capital's bank. It would honor me greatly to repair the equipment of your kinsmen free from charge or at minimal cost, whatever the brotherhood feel is worthy. I hope to speak with one of your own on this prospect as words on a page speak minimal to the words spoken dwarf to man. May we meet soon.

Lorrolir Goinumboin
Mr. Goinumboin

You're welcome to act as a blacksmith for us. We lack the funds to pay you extensively for now, but we'll discuss payment later. We'll keep you posted about our progress in establishing a guild hall.
To good George and House Hetton,

Having come across many of your house, I have been keen to note what may at once seem a stoic bunch, but at second glance an ambitious band. Similar was seen in me, and for having had the patronage of a great man and affording him loyalty, I rose to great heights.

Discounting the chivalry, honour and straightforwardness that the greatest men bear is a fault bound to damn the realm. I wish to meet you good men, and though I do not oft have time, for you I would set aside hours for deliberation.

Your house simmers with a heat, a passion. As I understand you may not wish to work with me, what with the treachery and turmoil I set out against, I mind little. Hetton is a name I know I will need to remember, so I would ask of you only an audience - from which you may decide if you wish for a working relationship.

As we march along the Way,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp​
To good George and House Hetton,

Having come across many of your house, I have been keen to note what may at once seem a stoic bunch, but at second glance an ambitious band. Similar was seen in me, and for having had the patronage of a great man and affording him loyalty, I rose to great heights.

Discounting the chivalry, honour and straightforwardness that the greatest men bear is a fault bound to damn the realm. I wish to meet you good men, and though I do not oft have time, for you I would set aside hours for deliberation.

Your house simmers with a heat, a passion. As I understand you may not wish to work with me, what with the treachery and turmoil I set out against, I mind little. Hetton is a name I know I will need to remember, so I would ask of you only an audience - from which you may decide if you wish for a working relationship.

As we march along the Way,
Proconsul Virathus Krupp​

Proconsul Virathus Krupp,

Your words do House Hetton and the Brotherhood a great honour. While we're merely a common house with low standing, I'll gladly meet with you for an audience, you need only write me with a date and place in mind. I look forward to meeting your acquaintance.

George A. Hetton
A notice would be pasted up, featuring the relevant crest and letter.

The Brotherhood of the Royal Oak
Seeking Employment

The Brotherhood is a band of knights, both Bloodcast and Viridian, who seek to do justice in the world, and defend the weak from those who'd prey upon them. All members are trained exceptionally in combat and able to provide his own gear, the Brotherhood is convenient for any man or woman in need of their services.

What we wont do:

Dishonourable work. Our honour and morals are more important than coin, no matter the price.

What we will do:

Virtually anything needed, as long as it does not cross with codes of honour. Anything from guarding to retrieval of stolen goods, the Brotherhood can be of service.


Coin is not what we seek, but to do good in the world. We will work for free, and for any man or woman who needs it. If you feel the need to pay us, you may, but it is neither required nor asked for.

Who can hire us?:
Anyone. If you need help, we will answer.

How to contact:
Address a letter to Grandmaster George Hetton at your earliest convenience (OOC: Reply to the thread with a letter), or simply ask for the help of any member of the Brotherhood you see around the city, and he will relay it back to the Grandmaster.
To Grandmaster Hetton
Greetings, my name is Nicholas Moore, Ex-First Sargent of the Viridian Knight Order. Of recent I have been called a scoundrel and a coward for working with a sellsword company, and with all that has happened I believe I finally see what was wrong with us the whole time. Being without morals. Only serving coin. When I was a boy training in the Viridian I always wanted to be a hero like those in the stories, aiding the innocent no matter what, however whilst working with them I simply fought in their wars and served their whim rather than helping the innocent like your Order obviously do. After the witch Lo fatally wounded us I thought all hope for a heroic order was lost but seeing your Order however gives me hope, and seems like something I would want to join. For the safety of the people of Regalia, and the safety of my daughter, it would be an honour to join such a cause and aid those in need rather than aid those who pay well. I just hope you consider my letter and do not see it as just another fool bleeding his heart out to such a group. Just send me a letter back as soon as you can in response.
Many thanks and Spirit Bless,
Nicholas Moore "The Duskstar"

PS Would I be allowed to wear my sellsword armour and use my family bastard sword in our endeavours to aid the good people of Regalia or do we use a new armour set and new weapons?
To Grandmaster Hetton
Greetings, my name is Nicholas Moore, Ex-First Sargent of the Viridian Knight Order. Of recent I have been called a scoundrel and a coward for working with a sellsword company, and with all that has happened I believe I finally see what was wrong with us the whole time. Being without morals. Only serving coin. When I was a boy training in the Viridian I always wanted to be a hero like those in the stories, aiding the innocent no matter what, however whilst working with them I simply fought in their wars and served their whim rather than helping the innocent like your Order obviously do. After the witch Lo fatally wounded us I thought all hope for a heroic order was lost but seeing your Order however gives me hope, and seems like something I would want to join. For the safety of the people of Regalia, and the safety of my daughter, it would be an honour to join such a cause and aid those in need rather than aid those who pay well. I just hope you consider my letter and do not see it as just another fool bleeding his heart out to such a group. Just send me a letter back as soon as you can in response.
Many thanks and Spirit Bless,
Nicholas Moore "The Duskstar"

PS Would I be allowed to wear my sellsword armour and use my family bastard sword in our endeavours to aid the good people of Regalia or do we use a new armour set and new weapons?

Mr. Moore,

The Brotherhood takes no man in over a letter. Find me around the city when you can, try the tavern usually. I believe we've spoken before, but I'd like another conversation still. Once we meet face to face, we'll come to a decision.

George A. Hetton
Madame Ombre

The Brotherhood lacks the funds nor the rights to effectively guard the mentioned land. However, we'll agree to a guardsmanship contract for the next month, viable for us to cancel at any point at our discretion. Payment is up to you, though not required.

George A. Hetton

Monsieur Hetton,

Very well. I would be pleased to have your men guard me for the month and we shall discuss the details -- such as payment -- in person.

I hope to see you soon,
Madame le Ombre
Protecteur de Avull Island
Dame de Oakclyff