The Bridge To Recovery


The Antagonist
Aug 7, 2016
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Often you might find yourself in need of an ear, who might be able to offer you a straight connection to both your mind and your soul. It is rather simple in terms, you speak and I listen. I will offer you the advice that I have gathered from my life that could perhaps aid you in yours. If you do so feel that this is not enough, there are things I can offer to give you a change in essence. The bridge to recovery is at your very fingertips, so do not wait to seek consultants. If you wish to schedule an appointment do so in a letter address to the general clinic in the emporium. You might also just visit The Bridge to Recovery loft which is located in the general clinic up the stairs. If I am not to be found ask a clinic staff to send for me.


What: It's a therapy office for characters who believe they need to seek help within someone else. It works one of two ways; you either write a letter in the thread below and ask for a session in which I will Inform you of a time you can come in or, you just come over to the area in the clinic up the stairs and see if anyone is there to help you. It's simply for interactions and fun roleplay, as well as if needed a little magic in the mix! So if you feel like you'd like to have your character evaluated or checked out, I would recommend you just give it a try!
Why: There is a hidden meaning behind "The Bridge to Recovery" I hope someone figures it out, but again it's for the sake of fun evaluations of characters and for pretty fun conversational roleplay.
Where: The loft area up in the general clinic! If you enter the Clinic doors closest to the entrance of the Emporium the stairs leading up will be on your left. There is a sign that marks it.
When: Anytime you schedule an appointment or are told to come back for another session.
Who: Saen Lae'vaessua runs The Bridge to Recovery but I'm looking to have more employers. Anyone is allowed an appointment.



Employees should have a good understanding of the art of therapy and preferably a little knowledge of soul magic. Soul mages are highly preferred over just normal therapists. You can apply on the thread below if you wish to join. As an employee, you will be assigned to certain patients and such.

Current Employees:

Application Format:
Character Name:
Character Application:
IC Letter:



  1. You would only considerably know about the soul magic ICLY if you actually encountered it within a session and even then there are other circumstances around that, the point is however that the soul magic bit is a lowkey part of this that is more of the mystical background and fun of it so I'd prefer if that wasn't metagamed in any way!
  2. If you are going to be a therapist here please keep in mind that the General Clinic is for a bunch of people and the conjoined owners of the clinic are all to be treated with respect as this is their region as well.
  3. Please be respectful of all massive rules and please be respectful to therapists
  4. Keep in mind that this is a business so you will theoretically pay Icly for a session unless Saen offers you a session in which case it is free.
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The writing is soft and flows well, though it seems a few droplets of water have spoiled the paper.

Dear Saen Lae'vaessua,

We've already met once before, though our meeting was cut short (and no worries, I completely understand). I think I may be in need of a second session, though of course if you'd rather not, that's okay, I probably don't really need the session anyway. If you would schedule one though, that would be ideal and I would appreciate it.

Thank you,
Sorry for taking your time...
Adrian Marth
Username: TheLimpet
Character Name: Sselliaz Es-Vazziss
Character Application:
IC Letter:
To whom it may concern,

My title would be Sselliaz Es-Vazziss, a humble Es-Allar residing here in the Crown City. I hath dedicated most of my life to the art of Soul Magic and imparting the wisdom I hath accumulated over my lifetime onto those in need of it. I myself find myself interested in working in your organization that my wisdom may fall on good ears before I depart. Do consider this a formal application.

Sselliaz Es-Vazzis
Kralok to Digmaan Cro-Vazziss
In mostly neat hand writing a note would be written back.
I have already wished to grab you for a second session. I have plans for you. Come in at the next convent time for you and I'm sure we'll have much to discuss.

Kralok to Digmaan Cro-Vazziss
Returned in mostly neat hand writing.

I look forward to speaking with you soon. I'm very interested in your knowledge and how well it mixes with my own. Hopefully I'll meet with you soon.
Character Name:
IC Letter:
To Mr. Silver eyes,

I am right in front of you and I'd like an interview if you'd give me the chance.