Archived The Brewery Plugin!

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Jun 23, 2013
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Hello Massive Craft community! I've never really thought of suggesting something of my interests to be implied in-game, but I'm gonna give it a try, and I'd like to see your opinions!

So today I will be introducing a new and quite neat, at least in my opinion, plugin I had stumbled across a few days ago. This plugin is named "Brewery", and it had a lot of cool features that I personally enjoyed:

~Link to the plugin~

Features of the Brewery Plug-in!
  • Brew alcoholic drinks, that actually can make you drunk.
  • Drunk people will stagger, the chat is influenced, effects and more.
  • Wake up at /home after a long night of drinking.
  • Lower quality brewed drinks have downsides like hangover.
  • Process of brewing with different steps like fermenting, distilling, aging.
  • Refine the quality, until the drinks are perfect.
  • Master the brewing of even the most difficult drinks.
  • Create your own recipes including ingredients, properties and creation process.
  • Configurable influence on the chat.
So yes, those are the interesting features of said plugin. For example, when you're attempting to walk after drinking vodka, you begin to stumble and stagger a lot, so it makes it subtly hard for you to walk straight. Say you're roleplaying and you drink a lot, and then you're unable to allow your text to come out correctly. For example, if you said: "Let's all just drink ale", it comes out as "Let'sall juost drinkalee". So it does give a minor effect of drunken slurs and mispronunciation. I was pretty amused by that, overall. It really can be a bother when you have to make attempts to sound like an actual drunk when you're character has became intoxicated.

~Usage, information on production of ale~

Basic Production:

  1. Place cauldron over a fire
  2. Fill it with water
  3. Add Ingredients with a right click
  4. Wait while they ferment
  5. Fill in glass bottles
Another neat feature of this would be the brewing process. To brew all, you take a cauldron and light it over a fire with water in it and afterwards, you add in your ingredients. There are many different ingredients for said alcoholic beverages, for example, you must add in fourteen sugar cane to get sugar brew, a sugary ale. However, there is much more you can do after you have brewed a simple ale. You can build a barrel, in which you can store and age ale inside it. This gives brewing and the influence of ale in the medieval roleplay of Massive a more realistic feel, rather than power-tools and all. Drinking said drinks goes give you nausea as the current ale does in Massive, however it allows the stated features to acquire themselves as well. This may not be needed in the least but I thought it would be pretty cool to feature in MassiveCraft!

I thank you for your time and I ask you please for no negative comments or any of the sort on this thread. Good day!~
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Wow. Such alcohol. Many drunk. (Seriously, I think this would be great)
-Makes drink called "Massivecraft Devotee"-

Effects: Makes all chat into "I love MassiveCraft!"



It would really spice up RP if this plugin was added.

This plugin would be interesting to see. Of course restrictions will have to be made. I was thinking that people would need a brewer's licence if they wish to attempt this in Regalia, and if they don't have one they will be arrested along with the brewery being seized and destroyed. This would hopefully stop people turning their houses into bars and give people something new to achieve in roleplay, no matter your social ranking. Of course now I speak strictly of roleplay inside Regalia, brewing these drinks outside of the capital is fine and requires nothing but the resources needed to create a brewery.
So.. You're saying that I will be able to get as drunk as I get IRL.. Ingame?

This is some good shit!

Would be great for some characters. I for one would love it, would allow tonnes of drinks in the tavern too!
I'm actually really... Just going to say intrigued, with this plugin! I'd love to see it implemented.
I just realised that when I get back on minecraft, massive will be very different.
This plugin would be interesting to see. Of course restrictions will have to be made. I was thinking that people would need a brewer's licence if they wish to attempt this in Regalia, and if they don't have one they will be arrested along with the brewery being seized and destroyed. This would hopefully stop people turning their houses into bars and give people something new to achieve in roleplay, no matter your social ranking. Of course now I speak strictly of roleplay inside Regalia, brewing these drinks outside of the capital is fine and requires nothing but the resources needed to create a brewery.

Yes, I certainly agree with you on that. It would make things very intriguing, too. But that basic idea of this is neat.
YES! I would love this. It would add a lot of RP and would be super fun. I also agree with Spartan that you should have a license in Regalia. Otherwise, every single person will be a brewer. Also, if licenses were to be enforced, it would allow for some more criminal RP as well (moonshine and the whole lot).

So, great idea ObscureKoala
hmm... I may need to add a wing to my healing house if this gets added.
I love this and the suggestion was so organized and presented everything wanted/needed in a suggestion. Most of the above comments were great too! I agree with this suggestion ;D
Great Idea! I have seen this used on another roleplay server I used to play on and It is fantastic! +1 support from me!

P.S. DanyWood How bout a dwarven mead hall for the sexy bearded dwarves of Nogrod? :D
This actually sounds really interesting. I'd certainly be interested in seeing something like this implemented, with the right restrictions of course.
This plugin would be interesting to see. Of course restrictions will have to be made. I was thinking that people would need a brewer's licence if they wish to attempt this in Regalia, and if they don't have one they will be arrested along with the brewery being seized and destroyed. This would hopefully stop people turning their houses into bars and give people something new to achieve in roleplay, no matter your social ranking. Of course now I speak strictly of roleplay inside Regalia, brewing these drinks outside of the capital is fine and requires nothing but the resources needed to create a brewery.

It could be a skill, making it where you don't actually know the effects of certain ingredients until you use them, and even after, as the skill levels up it could be more useful effects. But having a license would help the rp style of it, but maybe even a trait? This plugin could have many different positions based on opinion would be the best though.
+1 suport! meh wants to see someone who codes for massivecraft say something as well...

Yendor Cayorion
Oh my god YESSSSS!

-starts dancing drunkenly, but with surprising grace-

I give this a slowmo thumbs up:
+1 Support!

This plug-in sounds very cool and would allow for much more drinks and make the tavern feel more..."realistic" if you will. I hope this gets added!
(drunk) <- Everyone if this goes through. Notice we're all smiling... (drunk)
There are currently a couple of issues that make this plugin not yet ready for MassiveCraft. The main one is that the brewing components do not respect any protection systems(read anybody can take your stuff). They are working on this issue. Another is that there are no permission systems in place that would allow us to limit this plugin's use in Regalia, a feature that was requested by several people above. Finally, we use a custom chat plugin, which may not play nicely with their implementation. Certainly we would not want their drunken obfuscation in help chat. Fixing this issue would probably take a partial rewrite of the plugin.

This in no way means that I didn't find the plugin interesting and potentially enjoyable, and I added it to my bookmarks of plugins to keep an eye on. I would prefer to come back to this after they get the protection issue resolved.

The other issue to keep in mind is that mcMMO has added alchemy, and we should get this ability next time we update mcMMO (we'll wait for them to get a couple more bugs out of the system first). This will give us a number of additional potions. So the priority for programming time will probably not be in this area in the near future.
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