Religious Guild The Blue Crown Conclave


Staff member
Nov 6, 2012
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The Blue Crown Conclave is a gathering of the Dragon Faithful in the city of Regalia. Most in the Conclave are Archon, but the Conclave accepts all of the Dragon faithful, be they mundane, Occultist, or Dreamborn. The Conclave's express purpose is to act as a means for which the Dragon Faithful to gather and work towards common goals in service of the Dragons and in assistance of the people of the world they have created. Anybody may join the Blue Crown Conclave, the only requirement is that your character is a Draconist.

How to get involved
Plot Hooks
Below are 'hooks' through which a character can get involved with the conclave, these are story beats which characters looking to get involved with the Conclave can get into and roleplay about. These hooks will be updated as more generate and old ones become obsolete.

Zhong Kingdoms Civil War | Sun Heishan is concerned with the civil war ravaging her homeland. She has made moves to assist a figurehead in this war in hopes that it can be resolved soon. Heishan is willing to take what help she can in this endeavor.
Fulfill the Dreamborn Prophecy | The conclave is extremely friendly to the Dreamborn, and will help the prophesied sons and daughters of Daiana fulfill their purposes and give direction after their quests are completed.
Haqet Quests | Haqet most often has their finger on the pulse of dangerous happenings around the Regalian Isle, and will often seek out other Draconists to assist them in their ventures. ( Transistor often runs player quests which members of the Conclave can get involved in! )​

The following characters are considered the defacto leadership of the Blue Crown Conclave. Currently there are only two - whose orders and wishes are disseminated through the conclave by others. These are the decision makers of the Crown Conclave, and when seeking out the leadership of the Conclave, one of these two characters should be sought out. The potential number of leadership may change should roleplay allow it.

Head of the Militant | Sun Heishan | Lizmun | Typically online 6pm CST - 10pm CST weekdays, available freely and by request on weekends
Heishan is one of two heads of the Blue Crown Conclave. She oversees militant action within the Conclave, such as appointing the Hellion of Caius, and the Arbiter of the Red Hunt. Additionally, she does much of the organizing for affairs the Blue Crown Conclave involves itself beyond the Regalian Empire's borders. She functions largely as the face of leadership, especially when Countirh von Duerr is not present. Heishan should be sought out when one wishes to mobilize the Archon on a militant or beyond Regalian borders matter.
Head of the Domestic | Countirh Jocelyn von Deurr | Dekuras
As intelligent as she is reclusive, the Countirh von Duerr is the one tasked largely with dealing with the domestic issues that concern the Blue Crown Conclave as they crop up within the City of Regalia. She does not often show herself to the public, but is nonetheless passionate and concerned for the Archon of the Regalian Archipelago and seeks to better their lives through community and camaraderie. Jocelyn should be sought out when one wishes to mobilize the Archon on a domestic or diplomatic matter.

Pillar Characters
'Pillar Characters' are characters within the Blue Crown Conclave that take on important or necessary roles within the functions of the Conclave, are active, and are easy to approach for roleplay. Any character within the Conclave can become a pillar character, so long as they are willing to spearhead a function of the Conclave and roleplay actively. It is recommended to approach these characters when looking to involve yourself with the Blue Crown Conclave.
Hellion of the Firelord | Lyonel Deceres | Scribbe
Lyonel Deceres is a mountain of a man and a loyal dedicant to Caius, Lore of Vestor. Where Ailred decides who is Anathema, Lyonel decides who upon that list is to be dealt with first, and often how. Lyonel is typically the first one with his boots on the ground, with other Hunters soon to follow in his destructive wake. Lyonel should be sought out when one wishes to join the Archon in their Red Hunt, or on the battlefield of the Immortal War.
Hand of the Ley-Machine | Ser Lynmard Lomstedt | Simslp | Freely available Fridays and Saturdays, available by request through weekdays.
Ser Lynmard is an undisputed master of his craft, not only a handful of master lay-technicians on the Regalian Isle (another being Countirh von Duerr) but also one of a handful of Ley-mages to exist anywhere on Aloria. Ser Lynmard knows much more about leytech and the leysites than most other Draconists in the city, including their location, their functions, how to activate them, and most importantly, how to use them. Lynmard should be sought out when one wishes to learn about or interact with the Leysites and other Dragonsites.
Face of the People | Countess Amelina Peirgarten | Seoulmate | Available 6pm - 12 AM EST on weekdays and by request on weekends.
Countess Amelina Peirgarten is a kind, friendly woman who follows the Radial of Daiana. Of the notable Archon, she is the most extroverted and is very welcoming of any who approach her, even spirits - be they revenant or demon seeking solace in the Mother-Dragon Daiana. Countess Peirgarten often hosts social gatherings for the Conclave, where the public may interface freely with the Conclave's members. Amelina should be sought out if one wishes to get casually or socially involved with the Conclave as a member of or adjacent to nobility.
Lorelei | Lorelei | mochaa
Lorelei, known as the owner of the Fideos de Feugos, acts as a face for the mundane in an Archon-dominated Conclave. Not all draconists are Archon, and Lorelei seeks to bridge the gap between non-Archon followers who seek involvement and the pair of Archon leadership. Lorelei should be sought out if one wishes to get casually or socially involved with the Conclave as a commoner or mundane draconist.
Haqet | Haqet | Transistor
Haqet is a Feka Asha, known to be curt at times and strong in personality, who adheres to the Radical of Power. Haqet once worked alongside vampires ( and was a vampire herself ) before converting into Archon and joining in their fight in the Immortal War. Haqet believes in conversion of afflicted or spirits to the Draconic cause, as they themselves were once lost to the Infection. Haqet should be sought out if one wants to turn a new leaf, be they mutant, vampire, or renegade mage.

Occult policy
The Blue Crown Conclave has a laid out policy for dealing with the occult - or 'Infection' to some draconists - which is generally a pretty complex topic among the Dragon faith, and will be laid out below.

The Red Hunt

The Red Hunt describes the purpose of Hunter Archon who are loyal to the Radical of Fire. The Red Hunt is the desperate attempt to save Caius' life by exterminating forces of corrupting and harmful magic both as it is seen and as an active hunt of what has been declared Anathema. The Hunt is not a mere bloodthirst for genocide, as most outsiders (especially occult sympathizers) would be hasten to call it, there is thought put into who or what should be Hunted in Caius' name, and there are targets who are forbidden. The following list is a general guideline of 'superiority', with the first being targets that should be hunted immediately, and the last being of comparatively lesser concern.

1. Those listed Anathema (Actively Hunted)
2. Planar Spirits and Demons (Actively Hunted)
3. Those who are Afflicted (Actively Hunted)
4. Sinistral Magic Casters (Passively Hunted)
5. Those that use their magic to harm innocent people or beasts (Passively Hunted)
6. Those who use magic casually, flippantly, or needlessly regardless of correction (Passively Hunted)
One must note the difference between 'Active' and 'Passive' Hunting. To actively Hunt is to knowingly and readily seek targets out for destruction, while 'Passive' hunting is only dealing with targets in the moment as they meet the necessary criteria, and most importantly, NOT continuously seeking them out for past infractions or holding grudges. Violently targeting those who do not meet the criteria of the Red Hunt is considered inappropriate and often does more harm than good.

Hunter Archon not loyal to Caius and the Radical of Fire are not as pressured to seek out and destroy the Infection as the Hunters of Caius are, it would be typical of a non-Caius Hunter to cherry pick from this list which targets they would like to hunt and how, if they even actively hunt to begin with.

The Arbiters

There are three Arbiters of the Blue Crown Conclave - Oathbreaker Ailred, Ser Asim-sadiki Taskhtali and Countirh Jocelyn von Duerr - who decide what names are written upon the list of Anathema, those condemned to die by the hand of Caius' Hunters. The three Arbiters independantly judge names provided to them in council and then vote, with majority of votes in favor resulting in an addition to the list of Anathema. For a name to be struck from the list of Anathema, all three Arbiters must agree to do so. The Arbiters should be sought out when one wishes to discuss the list of Anathema Occult, be it to declare one Anathema, or beseech their reconsideration.


The Blue Crown Conclave officially observes the Radical of Symbiosis and the Radical of Fire, given its proximity to Central Junction and due to the fact that a Red Hunter co-leads the Conclave. Despite this, all Radicals are welcome within the Conclave, and none will be turned away from Conclave business (so long as the character's rapport with the Conclave is generally well-maintained). However, due to the Conclave's adherence to the Radical of Fire, the Red Hunters of the Conclave do actively Hunt those who are Anathema. The list of those labeled Anathema is publicly available below. This can be taken as completely IC, learned either through word of mouth or by public decree.
Those Anathema to the Blue Crown Conclave:
Reyna Beyond the Conclave's reach ((INACTIVE))
Cyrus Absolved of crimes through curing of vampirism

The Blue Crown Conclave holds no official stance on Homunculi, and are affable to automatons (especially those made of Leytech). However, the Conclave is generally hostile to most spirits, save those who are Commuted - pardoned of a harsher sentencing - by either one who follows the Radical of Power or the Radical of Peace. Currently those recognized with the power to Commute spirits are recognized as: Countess Amelina Peirgarten, and Haqet. Commuted spirits will face less, or no, persecution from Hunters who have joined the Conclave, while all others will typically be attacked on sight.

Those Commuted by the Conclave:
There are no spirits commuted by the Conclave.

There are rare instances where the Conclave will reject other Archon because it is believed they are compromised in some way, assisting Infection too closely, are disrupting the function of the Conclave, or are actively working against the Dragons. Archon who have been rejected will not be directly assisted by the leadership of the Conclave, but that is not to say that every Archon will treat them with such callousness. Excommunication from the Conclave is never permanent, and an Archon can be welcomed into the Conclave once more if they make efforts to make amends or rectify what they have done to be excommunicated in the first place. Below is a public listing of Archon rejected by the Conclave, this information can be taken wholly IC, learned either by word of mouth or by public decree.​

Those Excommunicated by the Blue Crown Conclave:
Count Ruzgar Sever
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