The Blind Basilisk - Slum Tavern


Nov 25, 2017
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The Blind Basilisk is the official Slum Tavern of Regalia, located at the heart of Old Town. This is where the criminals and gangs mingle, allowing the shady people of the Old Town surface to enjoy merriments and drinks without having to deal with the scrutiny of the guards.

The Blind Basilisk runs on a neutral-grounds rule, which means that while inside the tavern, all gangs and criminals agree to a mutual ceasefire. Any kinds of feud or violent intent are to be left at the door for the sake of keeping the peace in the Tavern.

While a tavern in nature, the Blind Basilisk also hosts a fighting arena in the lower levels, which will be utilized to create a Fighters Guild of Old Town in the coming days.

For better communication, please join our public Discord.


The Blind Basilisk is always looking for more staff members. As of current, Bartenders and Peacekeepers are on high demand. If you believe yourself eligible to work in a Tavern and can promise activity, fill out the format provided below and comment in the thread.

Discord Tag: (very important)
Character name:
Application sheet:
Desired position: (Bartender/Peacekeeper/Entertainer)
IC Letter to the Tavern Owner:
  • IGN
    • Gwyndo
  • Desired position
    • Bartender and Peacekeeper
  • IC Letter to the Tavern Owner
Hello to the owner of The Blind Basilisk Tavern,

I am a foreigner in your country seeking work. I have experience in bar-tending and cooking.
I am also proficient in the use of the Ksai'fint and the Ksai'rinde.
Please forgive poor Common in writing - I am more fluent in spoken: let us meet as a result.

In conclusion, I am able to work as both a tender and bouncer interchangeably. Please allow me.


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{{ In spite of the poor grammar and odd phrasing seen within the letter, the handwriting remains a consistent, elaborate cursive throughout. }}


Mister... name that I can't write.

You are accepted to work in the Blind Basilisk, and we are looking forward to having you among us. We are a very friendly management and you will surely find yourself in comfort quickly. Do come to the Basilisk at your earliest convenience so that we may conduct a proper meeting and get you started.

Kind Regards,
Judas Riviere​
Bump, still looking for workers!
Bump, still looking for workers!
EROS LEVANDRE (Will be making a Maraya app soon)
Desired Position
Both Bartend and Peacekeeper

Note to owner:

Greetings mister Judas, I am Eros Levandre of Ithania.

I have recently became acquainted to the city of regalia, and I am lookin for work in a place with different faces. I plan on disciplining myself as a youth by spending time as a humble barkeeper, and I really look forward to getting a response from you.

I do have some noble acquaintance, but I want to set differences aside to become one known in the community as a friendly member, a hard worker infact.

I look forward to getting a response from you.

IGN: TheKingOfLies
Character name: Loki d'genero
Application sheet: work in progress
Desired position: Bartender
IC Letter to the Tavern Owner: Sir,
I am seeking employment in your fine establishment, having had prior experience in bartending. My apologies for the blunt request but I don't have much time, I hope you find this letter ok.
Many thanks, Loki.
(The request would be pinned to the bar, seemingly written in a hurried scrawl.)
IGN: Sheeple_Herder
Character name: Alannah Lupenzi
Application sheet: Alannah
Desired position: Bartender/Peacekeeper
IC Letter to the Tavern Owner:
Greetings, Mister Riviere.
I am Alannah Lupenzi, a pleasure. I hear you've taken ownership of the Basilisk, congratulations. It was a rather dead business, but I am sure it will thrive under your care. But, I am not here to simply shower you with compliments. I am here, writing this to you because I am in need of a job. I can either fill the position of bartender or peacekeeper, whichever you may need at the time.
I hope this letter finds you in good health.

Bump! The Blind Basilisk is still looking for new and active bartenders to help us make the tavern active once again!
IGN: TheKingOfLies
Character name: Nicholas Kay
Application sheet: WIP
Desired position: Bartender
IC Letter to the Tavern Owner:
Dear Sir,
Arriving to this city has been a joy but my coinpurse is quickly depleting, I hope to make good use of this tavern and its services as a Bartender and furthermore, a customer. I have had prior experience but this only extends to serving and taking orders at small roadside bars, I hope you approve of my request.
Best wishes, Nick.
(The letter would be left under an empty glass, the writing slanted and stained.)
IGN: Abazkanid
Character name: Matias Tinkerton (Goes by Marcus due to amnesia and that being a preferred nickname)
Application Sheet: In-review here:‘marcus’-tinkerton.76947/
Sorry I'm on mobile so no hyperlink
Desired Position: Bartender, peacekeeper, entertainer
IC Note:
[Written poorly, by one who can read but obviously not used to writing]
Hello tavern owner,

My name as far as I know is Marcus. I am a new immigrant to Regalia from what I'm told is Dormir, I can't be sure as I am suffering memory loss. I wish to take a job so long as I require no experience other than what seem like instincts to fight. I am well built I am told and would not mind a further meaning. What I want most is a job with mostly honest work. I usually work at the docks carrying in new shipments, so if you could get back to me that would be great. I am 5"9' with black hair and surprisingly dark skin for an Ailor.

Thank you regardless, Matias

[The back side of the note turns out to have this:]
Coin does not matter, I have made enough in one week from smuggling to the sewers.
IGN: DankLaDank
Character name: Rydel Valzana
Application sheet:
Desired position: bartender/bouncer
IC Letter to the Tavern Owner:

[Written in a scratchy and almost illegible hand]

To the owner of the Blind Basilisk,

Good afternoon. I saw your posting in Old Town looking for work at the Basilisk, and I think I might be a good fit for your bar. I'm what I'd like to call charming and I know my way around a good drink. On top of that I'm a boxer by trade, and I can easily use that skillset to throw out the rowdier folk who don't follow bar rules. I hope you consider me.

Rydel Valzana