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The Blanc Charitable Foundation


Countess Marie Blanc
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score



As part of their commitment to social responsibility and giving back to the community, the Blanc family, through their private banking business, Banque Blanc, established the Blanc Charitable Foundation. The foundation aims to support various causes and organizations that are dedicated to making a positive impact in society. With a focus on philanthropy and humanitarian efforts, the Blanc Charitable Foundation strives to create lasting change and improve the lives of individuals and communities in need.


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Areas of Focus

  1. Education and Youth Empowerment: The foundation supports educational initiatives that provide opportunities for underprivileged youth, ensuring access to quality education, scholarships, and vocational training programs. By empowering young minds, the foundation aims to create a brighter future and enhance social mobility.

  2. Healthcare and Medical Research: The Blanc Charitable Foundation contributes to healthcare initiatives by funding medical research, supporting hospitals and clinics, and providing access to medical resources in underserved areas. The foundation's goal is to improve healthcare outcomes and promote well-being for individuals and communities.

  3. Arts, Culture, and Heritage: The Blanc Charitable Foundation recognizes the value of arts, culture, and heritage in enriching communities. It provides grants and funding to support artists, cultural institutions, and initiatives that promote artistic expression, preserve cultural heritage, and foster cultural exchange.


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Through the Blanc Charitable Foundation, Marie Blanc and her private banking business prioritize making a positive impact in areas that align with their values and vision. By combining their financial resources, expertise, and network, they strive to support organizations and initiatives that bring about meaningful change and contribute to the betterment of society.


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Lady Marie Blanc,
Countess of Floquet

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House Norinn of Clannadh Alba offers its coffers as a regular donor to the Blanc Charity!​