The Black Book Of Terrifying Tales P2: The Fluttering Horror

The second story in the Book of Terrifying Tales


There was once a poor cretin named Lerou the Lame

An Ithanian Maraya he was, going by this name

He was a broken, cold and sad little man

And truth be told the other townspeople around him weren't a fan

people gathered, mocked, and beat him

especially one nasty Ailor called Tim

He threw rocks, stones, dung and more

Anything he could find really, to cause pain galore

It was one fateful night on an especially cool eve

Tim decided to finish Lerou off, with his best friend called Steve

The duo walked, prowled and waited

For a bloody kill, doomed to be fated

The duo spotted him calling him over

And the kind Maraya listened, as they mentioned his love Dover

As he drew close the two giggled in glee

They needed to act quickly though, otherwise he would flee

After the attack the poor Mekket fell to one knee

As a weapon was plunged into his chest, a stake wrought from some ancient tree

The two ran off, leaving him to die

Yet little did they know what would happen now, my oh my

As he bled, his final thoughts pleading for anyone to come to his aid

It was then his body was covered in a shell, a forced evolution that had been made

And while Larou began breathing once more

A new monster had been brought to Ithania's shores

When the stasis had ended, and his body was free

He was no Maraya, to be sure, believe me

He was covered in fur, antenna, and claw

And also had gained wings, allowing him to sore

However with his new form, the man was lost

And his heart was nothing but feral hunger, and cold frost

The monster roared a terrible screech

He took off into the sky, hungry for the murderers each

The two heard the roar and begun to run

But the creature just laughed, it was having fun

It grasped the first, driving its fist through Steve's chest

Tearing his heart out, eating it, as it did best

Tim begged pleaded, and got on his knees for his, and the rest of the villages life

And the creature gave him no mercy, tearing his throat, and giving the rest of the villagers strife

And so now in the night, when you look up and hear the flapping of wings

It could be Lerou, and the madness the Fluttering Horror brings.

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