The Best Or Was The Best Faction


Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score
I thinking of factions that were really good or considered the best faction in Massivecraft. So I want to know from you guys. What faction do u think was the best in Massivecraft
No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No, please, @Imboring56 I know I can't request a lock on this, since it isn't my thread, but this will result in violence and flames, can you do something about it?

This will tear apart space and time itself, and Rohghash for President #2014

(Also, there will be many forum bans if this thread isn't locked soon)
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Wasn't there that one pony faction that trolled everyone? I think they deserve "Best Faction" title because troll.

(also, this should be locked)
This thread can stay open as long as people post their responses along with some factual backing. And I wouldn't say best, I would say... "noteworthy." I will be checking back on this thread at random intervals though for flame.
If we are talking on terms of productivity and structure then hell, the current one would be either Raptum or Magnanimus.

Size would be Valorian, can we just look at that member list for a second? It's huuuuuuuge.

Architecturally I have three contenders, Tenebrosam ( @Tokugawryuu ), Valorian ( @Satisarah ) or Algaron ( @Sevrish )

Guts and detrmination wise.... I'd say does anyone remember that wee little noob faction in Fenderfell who is enemied to everyone by choice?

Before you hit that dislike button, remember these are my opinions. You don't have to agree with them, it's kind of the point of an opinion. If you do hit it, all it does is drop my rating on the forums, and I can think of a few of you who would love that. So, this is put here to make a point, we know why you hit disagree.
Architecturally Damorn has hands down one of the best builds on the server, Steadfast itself is a beautiful city .

As I said, my opinion. I never actually saw Damorn when it was done, just when I defended it from ridenval and it had a huge grass splotch over half of it, kinda killed it for me,
Tenebrosam is by no means as good as Algaron or Damorn, but to even have that on the list... Woo <3
Steadfast is about on par with Algaron, and I say this only because the city is basically complete (I think?), Algaron is an incomplete city and that does affect the quality of the build. Though the completed part is large enough to give it the feel of being complete, but still :P
That really depends in terms of lasting reputation i'd probably Say Alamut just for being such a fear worthy force for a large amount of time in massive.
the largest faction I've seen was probably Dragon some thing in North west ithania but they crapped out fast.
best builds is probably Algaron not just because of the quality but the sheer amount of builds.
Thoaswen... Algaron or Valorian. Great allies, best architecture, best system, they've been around for a loooong time... Really the best factions around.
I just have to; best bronie faction: Alamut.
@Mecharic Glad someone remembers my BroniesUnite Super troll, :D, even though I am a brony myself that troll was fantastic, and prompted sooo much lols and flame, Also I have to shove pariahfolk in there it was so good the server had to buy it :D
Factually speaking, Valorian and Magnanimus are the best factions.
Magnanimus as being a massive organized war hub that has made quite the name for itself over the months.
Valorian for being continually the largest, arguably respectable, and most prosperous faction that has brought itself to the top of the faction list.
I don't know how it's possible to "factually speak" which faction is the best when it's at the matter of only opinion.
However, personally I love Mithril. Even if I'm inactive.