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The Beggars Stir


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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The days were filled with chaotic news from the Slums, of the Fall of a Beggar, the Jarsdel Scandal, and finally, once more, action from the Beggars themselves.

Hostilities were at an all time high, with the emergency leadership of the gang- a small group of higher ranking thugs- declaring Beggar Territory off limits to all armed persons, propping up crude barricades and the like, and engaging anyone who ignored the warnings. Most chose to avoid the area, given the other issues prodding their spears into the slums- namely the guards.

Early in the morning two days after Jochund's execution, whispers began to spread that one of the members of the emergency leadership had been killed by another, a Mu-Allar bearing striking red feathers. By that afternoon, new banners replaced the old Dog Head ones, a downward pointing triangle symbol with three pointed throngs on the top like a crown, with a sword on either side.

Into the next day their actions continued, and the message was pretty obvious: Someone has risen once more to claim the Beggar's Crown, figuratively resting atop the growing pile of deposed Kings.

@ Beggars Banner Shadey.png
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Maddis choffed as the news finally reached her ears, only remarking with "That's what he gets for calling himself sexy."
Azelgio grows concerned about this fighting in the slums, hoping it does not reach the whole of Regalia
El Sabueso glanced between the directorate, shaking his head in disapproval at the news. "They will be taken care of in one way or another," said the large man, leaving each member of the advisory to begin plotting.