The Beast's Celebrations

Discussion in 'Player Events' started by KK134, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. KK134

    KK134 Regalian Pioneer

    May 11, 2019
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    The Beast's Celebrations

    The Beacon of the Thriving Beast invites any and everyone to the Undercroft for a night of indulgence in line with the path of the savage of the Cult of Evolution. The only stipulation is that no one may engage in violence, under penalty of removal. Each person will be encouraged to designate another guest their 'kin' before the end of the night. This can be done by affixing a scarlet ribbon to the other person, this can be done to indicate: the recognition of another's strength and ability, the cunning of another, desiring to pursue friendship, or the want to pursue a romantic or familial relationship with another (in the more literal sense of kinship). There will be multiple test of constitution and cunning throughout the evening on to help in the beast's calling to find the strongest among us.

    May the undercity come, observe, and gratify in the paths of cultism in a place of neutrality.

    OOC Info
    Who: Anyone but no fighting.
    When: February 5, 8pm EST.
    Where: The Undercroft Bar from the emporium tp.

    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1

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