The Arrests Of The Renegades

The Arrests of the Renegades
"Pick up the pace, garçons! We don't have all day!" The calls of the young Private broke over the steady marching of thirty soldiers that were crossing through the landscape around them, following the steed of their leader. Juliette Miramonte turned her steady gaze on the man riding besides her, Barrulf Blackmyre.

"Something on your mind, Private?" He asked finally after her attention had returned to the path in front of them, tuning out the men behind them.

"Just running through what we have to do again, never had this sort of responsibility before."

"First time for everything, aye?"

The Private gave a nod and pressed her heels against the horse to sped its pace up as she shouted again, raising her right arm, "Come on, men! d'Ortonnaise just ahead!" A brief cheer went up within the small ranks as the war camp they'd set out to came into sight.


The sound of marching soldiers and two trotting horses alerted the soldiers within the campsite of visitors. Several lined the path into the war camp, their uniforms dusty though the defining colors of purple and pink present on the majority of the men they passed. Juliette rounded her steed, calling her men to halt. The Miramonte gave a disapproving look over the d'Ortonnaise ranks a moment before commanding sharply, "Groups of five, search for their officers and arrest them. I want at least thirty of them here by the time we leave."

An outraged cry went out from several of the soldiers as the command was given by the Half-Ithanian woman. Peirgarten soldiers swiftly broke into groups and started through the camp, pushing into tents and searching through the site. The purple clad men that hadn't shouted at the Cadar Private instead stared coldly towards her, some daring to even rest their hand on the pommel of their blades.

Her attention wasn't on any angry levymen though, instead Blackmyre, who had slid off his horse to assist in arresting the officers of the d'Ortonnaise levy, while some of the other men in the Peirgarten colors were already leading back d'Ortonnaise officers that had willingly allowed themselves shackled.

From the men that weren't as willing, scuffles began throughout the camp. Blackmyre had swiftly took to targeting one particular d'Ortonnaise officer that had threatened him with a blade. The weapon had been batted away without hesitation from the Anglian man who had smoothly drawn his longsword from its sheath. With a grunt, the officer was sent spiraling to the dirt as he was slashed across the thigh by the Blackmyre, who had then cracked two of his ribs with a sharp and merciless kick to his chest.

"How dare you treat an officer with such a lack of respect, who raised you!" The soldier demanded to know from the ground beneath the second Lieutenant. A man of the Peirgarten levy drew up the officer roughly by the collar, shackling him while he continued his scornful curses towards Barrulf who didn't hesitate but a few seconds before throwing a fist into the man's nose, crunching it loudly beneath his hand. A cry escaped the man as his knees buckled briefly before he was dragged away towards the growing group of officers- the number of those battered and unbatterer becoming evener as the ravaging of the d'Ortonnaise camp continued.


Before long, a grand collection of about forty-five officers of the d'Ortonnaise levy were shackled around the Ithanian woman who still sat atop her warbeast, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards a moment in a smile as she looked over the Peirgarten soldiers.

"That should be a good enough amount of them, Private Miramonte," the sudden voice of Barrulf stated, breaking through her internal self-praise. The brunette turned her attention on the Blackmyre as he pulled himself up onto the patient horse that had been snorting besides Juliette's.

"Back to the Fort, then, Officer Blackmyre?" Her brow quirked briefly as she asked, receiving a nod in answer that she smiled to for a moment. Following so, she pulled her horse to turn back towards the way they'd come, lifting her left hand as she did. "Men!" She called above the angry and excited buzz of both loyal Peirgarten soldiers and arrested d'Ortonnaise men. "We move now, we're taking these bastards back to Fort Tond! For Regalia!"

A roar of pride bursted from the men under the Miramonte's command, several punching their own fists into the air with a show of patriotism. As the cheering died down, an angry shout spilled into the buzz of other soldiers.

"Don't listen to that Ithanian whore, we didn't do anything wrong!" A bitter hush came over the Private as her gaze turned to steel, searching over the shackled soldiers. The woman dropped the reins in her left hand and slid from the saddle of her horse, resting the hand then on the hilt of her blade as she search over the men around her.

"Who said it, who said that." Her voice rang over the cruel words of Peirgarten men towards d'Ortonnaise men and the crude murmurs of d'Ortonnaise men towards her. Finally, the officer who had catcalled his insults towards Juliette sneered.

"Can't take being called what you are?" He asked her, a snicker coming from a handful of the other shackled officers. A sharp clap came from the direction of one's laughter as the back of a hand met his face. Juliette's gaze now fell quickly upon the man who spoke, though, and she came marching across the dirt as she drew the thin blade from its sheath at her side. The officer rammed back into the chest of the soldier that had arrested him as he attempted to backpedal from the woman that stormed towards him, sword in hand. She came to sudden stop before him, blade extended towards his throat with a simple fingernail length separating them.

"Repeat it," she commanded, fire glittering in her gaze. The man's teeth gritted and he stuck to silence even as the blade hovered ever close to him. "Repeat it." The woman's voice came low and angry as she held the officer's gaze, yet she still gained no answer.

"Miramonte, we need him alive," called Barrulf from his place on his horse. Juliette kept still for another moment before she drew back with a sneer and shoved the weapon back into its sheath at her side.


"Beat him until he can't breath. We're not offering him any help on his walk back to Fort Tond."

As the woman marched back to her steed and pulled herself onto its back, the officer that had spat insults towards her was instantly jumped by several of her own men. Fists turned his skin black, blue, and bloody as the silent warning held in the air to anyone else that dared call the Ithanian soldier such a thing again.


The sound of weary men marching and two horses alerted the people of the fort of the returning soldiers. A young and proud Private of the Cadar's Wing lead the way back into the walls of Fort Tond atop a war steed with an army of one second lieutenant, thirty Peirgarten soldiers, and forty-five shackled officers following behind her, her head held high as she slid from her horse. A moment of silence cane from her as she brushed her left hand against her chest to rid her uniform of the growing dust on it before her voice rang clearly out across the courtyard.

"Get these bastards aboard a ship, they have a court martial to attend to back in Regalia."


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OOC Information
  • 45 Officers from the d'Ortonnaise levy were arrested by others under the Cadar's Wing banner.
  • The mission was lead by Private Juliette Miramonte with the help of Officer Barrulf Blackmyre.
  • All arrested officers are being transported back to Regalia to face court martial.
@MarquisAlex @Suicidium @SkullScrub @Miss_Ortonnaise @seoulmate

From military meeting held yesterday in RP, we were told that the Officers in the d'Ortonnaise Levies that the Cadar's Wing had could be transported back for Court Martial. This was also clarified by the Admiral Alexander d'Ortonnaise (@Mr_Ortonnaise), who wanted them brought back to face Court Martial also. As far as I am concerned, this is not incriminating a noble family any further than the progression has already stated, it is merely following up on the events that happened within that progression. And since these will be, more likely than not, NPC Officers from your levies, I do not believe that it is doing any less than what has been asked of us.

If the Staff disapprove and disagree, I would like to be told before this thread is considered for a delete or lock, given two of our players (@AtticCat & @SkullScrub) has spent a great deal of time writing this story to progress RP.

Moreover, I apologise if this has caused hurt feelings, it is not my intention to do so.
I disapprove of writing up lore stories incriminating another noble family even further than a world progression already did.

@Staff Roleplay
On the subject of incrimination, what's the main cause of irritation?

On the subject of the men overall.
From what I gathered, 45 officers were brought to Regalia in chains. As the field commander in the army, the number could very well be as arbitrary as deemed fit.