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The Apology


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
After a confrontation with the men of authority during his time in prison, Edward Jarsdel was allowed to publish another public announcement by the guardsmen holding him captive. This announcement was read aloud for the Regalian citizens, the Law Charters, and for the Royal Family to hear of.

"To the Emperor, the Synod, the Law Enforcement and Regalia as a whole,

I've spent five days imprisoned in the Bastion after I turned myself in as a result of my confession to the crimes I have committed within the Holy City. During those five days, I had a very convenient amount of time to myself to do deep thinking about who I am, and what I did. The thinking that I have done managed to bring me numerous realizations that hit me like a brick wall. I immediately began to feel an immense amount of guilt and regret over my actions.

Firstly, I apologize to our Emperor, for failing his trust in me, for disappointing his hopes and proving to be an indecent nobleman under his reign. I hope that one day he'll find it in his heart to forgive my misdoings. Secondly, I apologize to the Synod for the fact that my actions have brought disreputable words of my name on their table and bothered them reasonlessly at a time of struggle. Although, I still stand behind my statement that I have never sexually assaulted anybody.

I apologize to the Law Enforcement for disrespecting them and belittling them. I apologize to House Du Pont for the claims I have made towards their family, and draw them back with shame. I apologize to House Harhold and Grand Duke Hengest for the bother I have caused on his end and the slandering I've done to his name. And I apologize to the citizens of Regalia for cheating their safety and selfishly abusing their good will.

From this day and onwards, regardless of what punishment awaits me, I vow that I will be making honest attempts on becoming a legal man. Should I receive the forgiveness of the Emperor, the Synod, the Law Enforcement and the citizens of Regalia, I will be renewed as a better man who strives to live his life repenting for his sins by living a better life and coming out clean.

I shall be in co-operation with the Law, aiding them with their task on banishing traitors to the realm and punishing those corrupt who have previously helped me with my misdeeds and made it possible for me to commit my crimes. From this day on, I shall be doing my utmost to ensure that the Law is not cheated, and I shan't cheat it neither.

I vow on this.

Best regards,
Edward Jarsdel."
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"Eddie.." Merina gave a sigh as she found the letter, shaking her head briefly before murmuring, "Don't get yourself killed now, friend."
Imanshi blinked once again at what she had heard, turning from the scene with a scowl, "Once a cheat, always a cheat."
Porangi was suddenly glad that the Thumpers ignored his request for shipping him illegal chemicals.
Aaron looked at the apology. 'Wonder what he wanted to talk to me about then..Well, at least we know he lied.' He also wondered how this would effect his punishment.
Maxence read the apology, with a frown upon his features. He'd pull out his notebook writing down a brief note to inform his beloved Aline. Thus turning on his heel, and walking off.

Maxence read the apology, with a frown upon his features. He'd pull out his notebook writing down a brief note to inform his beloved Aline. Thus turning on his heel, and walking off.

Aline received notice of the letter,
taking it back with her to her room. She sat for a moment, pondering. "For the sake of the Holy City I wish these words to be true. However I am most certain the harm he has done - cannot so easily be revoked. May the Spirit guide him if he speaks truth,
But lay waste to him if the words he spills are poison." She hissed.

*Vigilant Shield low key burns letter for firewood.*
Darcie's boots scrapped to a halt as this particular notice came into view. Being the wee hours of the morning and very few citizens around, the woman read the work at her leisure. A faint purse came to her lips and she turned about, shaking her head gently. Moving away, off in search of her Steward. A few words did escape her lips though, "I hope for his sake, he is a man of his word."