The Anglian Brigade, a Regalian guard charter, was created by Reddulf Ruyter in 305 AC after the dissolution of the Undercrown's Bastion Guard. While many veterans of the Bastion opted to join this order, new recruits are also encouraged to try their hand. The catch, of course, was the elitist mindset of the original roster of the charter; they believed that new recruits should be on a top tier level of combat or intelligence. That being said, new recruits typically filed into the simple "Vigil" rank, where they had enough rights to do their job, but not enough to abuse it effectively. The signature colors of the Anglian Brigade were primarily black and purple, taken from the House Ruyter's crest. While the charter does not have possession of many "special" metals like Bluesteel or Blacksteel, the Anglian Brigade has made good use of regular steel, almost reflecting the simplistic and informal nature of the Anglian culture. As of 305 AC, the Anglian Brigade has for the most part remained autonomous and independent barring collaborations with the Bluesteel Order, with its members viewing the newly chosen Undercrown with suspicion and hesitation.
Magnus Praefectus
Reddulf Ruyter
The Magnus Praefectus is the highest ranking commandant in the Anglian Brigade, and holds complete authority over the charter. The Landesgericht Inspector of course has some authority over the charter as well, but has for the most part allowed the Anglian Brigade its own autonomy.
Minus Praefectus
Virathus Krupp
The Minus Praefectus holds second-in-command authority and can only be overruled by the Magnus Praefectus. The Magnus Praefectus can choose to institute Regna Tempus, a clause that turns complete authority over to the Minus Praefectus and can only be recalled by the Magnus. This is usually done when the Magnus Praefectus makes a decision to leave the Crown Isle for any extended period of time, or if the Magnus has not reported to the Anglian Brigade Keep in one week through letter or person.
Hengest of Gaekraan
Alfred Maynard
Hamelin d'Vaud
The Navarchus is the closest thing to a captain within Anglian Brigade, as each Navarchus can order Sublimis Vigils or Vigils around or even construct a Legio, a permanent collection of five Vigils or Sublimis Vigils controlled by the given Navarchus.
Sublimis Vigil
Francisco di Sansone
The Sublimis Vigil can control or order Vigils, to a degree. They can only request assistance, so rather than giving Vigils objectives, the Sublimis Vigil must accompany them in their escapade.
Rudolph von Rohr
The Vigil is the entry rank into the Anglian Brigade, and must obey all orders given by their superiors. They may question or criticize these orders, but any disobedience will result in beating or expulsion from the charter in more severe cases.
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Character App: Your approved character sheet here.
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