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The Accusers Stake Their Claim


Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score

A gentle breeze rustled through the summer air as three individuals strolled down the street between the Rosecourt's Dragon and The Gauntlet, a bare hint of intimidation in their stature, but otherwise looking like pure civilians of Old Town. Wesley Crawford seemed to stop in the street and turned towards one side of it, the one bordering the bank of the river, and narrowed his Existling gaze. Läthai and Maria turned back, one Isldar and redhead Ailor respectively, giving him that look.

Läthai scanned across the neighborhood before lifting his shoulders. His scanning ended as he looked back to the Existling and brought his hand to pat his shoulder.. And gave a solemn nod.

Maria kicked up a rock from the street to pelt the back of Lathai's shoe with a shrug, wiping her nose on her sleeve with a disgusted snort. "It's aight, I guess."

The Half-Elf leaned his head from side to side, contemplating his decision. His hand raised out of his pocket, splaying his palm and turning it from side to side. Wesley produced a notebook from his jacket pocket and began writing, much to the twos bemusement, ripping out a page. He stated wryly, "You know what, this'll do."


This section of Dragonbend is now under the protection of The Accusers.

No taxes will be issued to the people here, though they may be requested for certain aids at certain times.

We all hope that this is to the goodness of the people who live here, and that the protection provided is seen as a gift that isn't necessary to be repaid, but should be noted all the same.

The Prince of Accusers,
Wesley Buchanan Crawford

The Hand of Justice,


OOC Section:
  • The Accusers have staked their claim on Dragonbend P2 as their origin point. Any residents who have any issues are encouraged to contact Wesley Crawford, whether it's for their grievances against the gang or anyone else, and have pledged their support in the resolution of said issues.
@notjayp @AtticCat @canaaa @Lumiess @Nixces @Katiesc @Athelois
A sigh escaped from near the three, though no physical person added to the trio. "Maybe we'll get free drinks?" The feminine voice murmured from over Wesley's shoulder.

A bearded Dwarf stood at the door of the Gauntlet, readying his large Dwarven Battleaxe in the defense of the Gauntlet. "I don't care what they say, their actions will need to prove otherwise."
"How conceited do you have to be to call yourself a prince?" Merith /Ironically/ states to her /Desprince/.

A certain flower covered Altalar read over the Notice "And here I thought you liked being called Melted one, now your going by Hand of Justice? Pfff." @notjayp
A certain Isldar looked over the message, turning to a Brood. "Hope they don't cause us any trouble, we're not hurting anyone compared to the others all things considered." Offering the note to said Brood.

Lazarus would scoop up the notice on his way by, the bloodcast leader lofting a brow with a hum as he noted the name branded upon it; "She sure does make some interesting friends.." He'd bring it up later perhaps...
A certain flower covered Altalar read over the Notice "And here I thought you liked being called Melted one, now your going by Hand of Justice? Pfff." @notjayp
LIDA : peaked over the shoulder of that certain flower covered Altalar, she grinned reading over the text. "Ahah! No taxes except vhen aid is needed? They better put up a good fight if they intend to get that sort of aid from the people."

She dropped down falling back behind her a bit.

Seems our 「Hand of Justice 」is gonna be quite busy. Think he'll actually pull it off?"
Severin gazed over the declaration with just a hint of a smile forming upon his lips. He slowly put it down in his drawers, beside the others, then poured himself another drink. He begun penning his own response, which would later be signed, stamped and hung up beneath the original declaration.

We have voidspawn and bloodsuckers. Dead men and frostfreaks. And now, a group of lower-class squabble who believes their lot in life will be changed. Their power is for naught without any force to back it, and what force is greater than that of money?

Citizens of Dragonbend, listen well, and know that these "Accusers" are lying. They care not for your safety or wellbeing, and want only to use you, just like any feudal lord would.
You are a resource, a comodity. Much like how the Kathar seek to you with you for the sake of their twisted religion, and the sanguine intend to nourish themselves off you, these accusers will bleed you dry of uour money.

Do not let their words tempt you. Trust not in what you hear, but in what you see. They have done naught but talk, and talk they will continue doing. Their weakness is shown through their willingness to lie just to get ahead.

Trust not in princes,
Or priestesses.
Trust not in clowns,
Or in or dark lords.
Trust not in titles,
But trust in power.
Let the weak talk,
And the powerful reign.

- S

As he looked the declaration, he could not help but feel a giddy, almost childish glee overcome him. Conditions like these were where he thrived, where the lines between good and the evil were blurred, and where chaos reigned as opposed to order.