Thank You, Cayorion!!!


Grand Protector of Osai
Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Ithania
If anyone else noticed, the tps are at 20 with 100 people online. This is amazing and I wanted to thank you Cayorion. <3 Really, the server is amazingly better and you did a wonderful job!!! <3
Not only does Cay already do a ton of work to make this server as fun as it is, he dropped everything and put in the overtime just to fix the recent lag for us. While we sit around and play the game, he gives up a lot of his game time and makes sure the server continues to be the best it can for everyone to enjoy. That kind of devotion and passion for a server deserves a very big thank you.
Not only that, its superb. It's not just a hot fix. It feels like a real fix that's going to last. I noticed it the second I logged on too. I was like, Oh gosh! WHY ARE YOU MOVING NORMALLY?! :D I actually got to level fishing and a real challenge against mobs now! (They run SUPER FAST now. :P )

I really cant express enough gratitude. (H)
Without Cayorion, this server would be one of the sucky and average servers that many people don't go on. Thus, Cayorion gets a
Thanks Cay!!! But i'f only it was like before I remember 300 slots it changed to 300 to 200 to 100 to 15 :3
Cayorion , this thread is for you :) And btw, it's not even sharding yet ;) Remember, sharding will be awesome!

And also a thank you from my side (not that I couldn't work, but the players started to complain very loud to me).
So we can have the ordinary rage we had on busy hours? Yea, that would be lovely :P
TPS is 15, people still complain in global about lag.

Too bad 80% of the lag complaints are actually people with bad FPS causing a domino effect in global because they don't know the difference between lag and FPS drop.