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Played Character Thalien Faeranduil Bel-evalond

This character is actively played.


Jan 28, 2021
Reaction score
Full Name: Thalien Faeranduil Bel-Evalond

Race / Culture: Teledden

Age: 246

Gender / Pronouns: Male, he/him

Occult: Void, Vampire

Core Concept

Thalien Faeranduil Bel-Evalond is a vampire and argentum knight who strives for upmost perfection. His goals are to enforce the wills and wishes of the Argentum Order and Onu, the Evolutionary God of Power. He devoutly worships the Void, but he once practiced Estellon when he was still mundane.

Appearance Information

Thalien appears as any Teledden; 6'6 in height with fair skin. He has green eyes and bares dark brown hair that is purposefully loose on the front but tied up in a bun on the back. His glazed-over dismissive facial expression will often be accompanied with a toying grin.

Thalien's skin loses all resemblance of tint in exchange for a ghostly pale complexion. His once green eyes are replaced with a demonic crimson red. His fangs are also in fact, exposed.


Strength: 0

Constitution: 0

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Arcane: 7
Magic Smog
Magic Curse
Magic Counter
Magic Revive
Magic Distort
Magic Snare
Magic Warp

Faith: 6

Hex Plot
Hex Aura
Hex Madness
Hex Guide
Hex Bloodlet


Hex Stance
Magic Bolster (Teledden Pack 1)
Magic Revenge (Teledden Pack 2)


Common <C>
Altalar <Alt>
Lëtz <Letz>

Life Story

64 AC - Thalien was born and raised in the Ivaëlle district of Evalond. Left to his own devices at a young age like most Teledden, Thalien found comfort in worshipping Estellon and basking in the lavish banquets that occurred around the district island. His best days spent at home were charming his friends and neighbors with witty banter and magical parlor tricks.

100 AC- Like most Teledden, Thalien was mage-born; a child gifted with the ability to use the Arcane from birth. But unlike most of his kind, Thalien found himself drawn to the voidal plane, and therefore harnesses his abilities from void magic. Later on in life, Thalien began studying the history of the Arcane. The young Teledden ultimately sought to earn the approval and admiration of others, and therefore his drive to become an exceptional mage never faltered.

166 AC - Later in life, the Teledden left Ivaëlle to explore the world in pursuit of harnessing his magical craft. He became somewhat of a hermit as he hopped from place to place. During this time, his relationships with other people gradually lessened and became estranged. His quest for more knowledge became the only thing he cared about, and due to his obsession, he began to question the limitations that came from his own faith and moral code.

210 AC - Thalien's travels would be put to a halt on one fateful day between the borderlands of Osteiermark and Tirgunn. The Teledden would find himself traversing what appeared to be abandoned catacombs, and at the end of the path laid a chalice laced and filled with blood. Without any coercion or persuasion, Thalien grabbed ahold of the chalice and drunk of its contents, turning him into Fledgling Vampire of Vintgast bloodline.

310 AC - The Teledden spent the remaining century mastering the art of blending in with the rest of the world. His natural charm from his youth combined with his newfound abilities as a Vintgast allowed him to lure in people to feed on. He also converted to void worship, hailing Onu the Evolution God of Power, above the rest. In 305 AC, he travels towards Regalia for a new venture: Knighthood with the Argentum Order.
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