Preserved Sheet Thaddeus Martin Jude

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Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score
Full Name: Thaddeus Martin Jude
Age: 40 Years - October 11th 252AC.
Gender: Male.
Race: Imperial Ailor.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Preferred Weapons: Quater Puretek and Arming Sword

Total: 40 + 5 = 45

+5 Perception Training
+5 Puretek Combat Skill - Points
+5 Fast Blade - Points

+20 Command Tactic - 20 Points
+10 Calvary Combat Skill - 10 Points
Architecture Arts - Hobby
Athletic Body Shape - Low Body Fat
Common - Mother Language.

Eye Color: Hazelnut Brown

Hair Color: Raven Black

Hair Style: Long curl black hair

Skin Color: Pale White

Clothing: Imperial Clothing

Height: 6'0''

Character Alignment - Lawful neutral

Character Personality Type - Commander
Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they've set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world – but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.

Character's Religion - 9/10

October 11th 252AC, Thaddeus Jude is born second child to Theodora Jude, and Arthur Jude. His father, Arthur was a Field-Commander in the Regalian Army and served his Empire with justice and honor, his children both looked up to him as a role model. Their mother on the other hand was a stay-at-home-mom and brought up the children while their father was away at battle.

His youngest and last brother is born on a hot July night.

The three boys grew up, pretending they were with their father at war, and spared each other with the help of a skilled swordsman tutor.

Their father was climbing up the ranks of the Army, bringing in Regals by the week, the Jude name quickly spread fast in the decent sized village where they lived.

Later on, on a different year, the Imperial culture grew in popularity and favoritism. Serving your Empire needed more dedication. When the family was all together, they converted the Jude household into an Imperial one, proudly dawning their new Culture.

Thaddeus was known to be the most skilled one out of his three brothers, his parents quite impressed, sent him off to battle, and to fight along with his brothers in arms, quite literally his two brothers. Though, his mother and father both got word that their youngest son had died in battle. Thaddeus and his eldest brother both came home hands to their eyes, feeling guilty for not having an eye out for their youngest brother.

Years pass by, Thaddeus being an adult, about 25 and has served his Empire with honor. Thaddeus decides to leave the Army for a short time to move to the Holy City Of Regalia, seeking for a new life there. Only a decent amount of coin in his pockets, and he was set to find a new calling into a new beginning Ten years pass, living in a rather small building in the city, he was almost out of coin, he had to do something to boost his family name once again.
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Hello Testl, here is my review for your character:

Skill Information:
You have not included the racial boost you would get from being an Imperial Ailor, nor have you chosen to take a Will of Faith ability despite being a standard Ailor, if this is intentional you can ignore this feedback.

Body Stat:

Please note your body stat points, in your case 20.

Once you've made your changes, please tag me and I'll take another look.
@Testl Your personality, lifestory and the like are fine. However there are some major proficiency issues here so I'll go through them one by one.

1. Firstly, Violet Order profs no longer exist. Remove all Violet Order boosts.
2. You no longer get an ailor boost of +15, you only get +5 base level across all races. So you can have +5 points but not +15.
3. Racial and Cultural boosts no longer exist either. Its been replaced by Racial Caps which merely ALLOW you to reach 25 in a proficiency.
4. All proficiencys are now capped at 20, but your racial profs can allow you to invest up to 25 in their respective category.

More info here

Update to meet these new requirements and I'll approve the app.
@Testl Apologies for this delay, this was lost in the several pages of updated apps.

I looked over your points, and it still appears there are a couple of things wrong with the section. Your current point total amounts to 55, but with the +5 bonus the total should be 40 and no more. Please remove the Culture Boost Proficiency points, as well, as Culture Boosts no longer exist.

Make your edits in a different color and tag me in a reply when you're done.
@Testl Apologies for this delay, this was lost in the several pages of updated apps.

I looked over your points, and it still appears there are a couple of things wrong with the section. Your current point total amounts to 55, but with the +5 bonus the total should be 40 and no more. Please remove the Culture Boost Proficiency points, as well, as Culture Boosts no longer exist.

Make your edits in a different color and tag me in a reply when you're done.
Sorry for the late reply. @Testl You still can incorporate a +5 bonus in your profs so the total reaches 45. However, everything else looks fine so consider this reapproved.
I wouldn't mark your Perception as "Base." I would also be sure to put your Prof Points as 40 + 5 = 45 Total just so this is clear for others.
You also have 10 Hobby Points you can spend, so be sure to put those down and mark them as Hobby Points accordingly.

Mark any written edits in red. Give me a tag when you're done. @Testl
I wouldn't mark your Perception as "Base." I would also be sure to put your Prof Points as 40 + 5 = 45 Total just so this is clear for others.
You also have 10 Hobby Points you can spend, so be sure to put those down and mark them as Hobby Points accordingly.

Mark any written edits in red. Give me a tag when you're done. @Testl
@MantaRey !